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Posts posted by ejaculaTe

  1. 5 hours ago, ellentonboy said:

    Be careful what you wish for, I have had several guys who were basically "Couch Surfers" and I had a hard time getting them to leave!  Not that the sex wasn't great, they made sure it was because they wanted a place to stay.  But the word "homeless" is not just some guy sleeping in the entry way of a small business.  There are many guys online, who have shown up at my place with basically all of their worldly belongings in some kind of backpack. The are "between" apartments, and use their dicks or ass as a means to find a place to stay.  It is an uncomfortable situation, I have actually told guys to leave when they showed up, because I knew they wanted to stay multiple days and that wasn't what I was looking for.  I've never had to call the police to have someone removed, but I have come close to doing so.  Just be cautious.....

    Because of the vagaries of Florida law and the sheer obstinacy of the other person involved, I had to hire a lawyer and have an eviction action filed in court. To get rid of one of his acquaintances, I had to give him a notice to vacate, telling him I'd file an eviction action if he dawdled. He had seen me start the earlier court case so he knew I wasn't kidding. No prize for guessing that I kicked myself so many times that year that my ass was figuratively black and blue. So @ellentonboy more than accurately describes the potential complications.

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  2. 2 hours ago, barebackrnb said:

    Wasn't Scott the first to use bareback to describe condom-less sex?  He definitely left his mark on gay porn.  Oh, I would have bottomed for him as well...🙂

    @versmetropig in one of his blog posts here has written about meeting Scott O'Hara at a party (if I recall correctly). It's worth looking for the blog post.

  3. For the law nerds in the crowd, the act is the Criminal Law Consolidation (Stealthing) Amendment 2021. It amends Section 46 of the Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935, the section that defines consent to sexual activity. Section 46(2) says a person consents to sexual activity if the person freely and voluntarily agrees to the sexual activity. Section 46(3) says a person is taken not to freely and voluntarily agree to sexual activity if any of a list of circumstances occurs, for example, the person is forced, intoxicated, unable to understand the nature of the activity. The amendment adds new paragraph (ga) which reads: “the person agrees to engage in the activity because of a misrepresentation by the other person about the use of a condom; or….” 

    In slightly plainer English, section 46(3) with the amendment will read in relevant part: “…a person is taken not to freely and voluntarily agrees to sexual activity if   * * * (ga) the person agrees to engage in the activity because of a misrepresentation by the other person about the use of a condom;"

    Section 48(1) defines rape [there are other definitions, but I'm trying to keep this simple]: he or she engages, or continues to engage, in sexual intercourse with another person who —

    (a) does not consent to engaging in the sexual intercourse; or

    (b) has withdrawn consent to the sexual intercourse,

    and the offender knows, or is recklessly indifferent to, the fact that the other person does not so consent or has so withdrawn consent (as the case may be).

    Maximum penalty: Imprisonment for life.  ----- So if you get someone to agree to sexual intercourse by saying you'll use a condom and you don't use a condom, the person hasn't consented to engage in intercourse with you. You can be charged with rape and you could get life imprisonment.


  4. Just like the first time I read this story, I was sucked in by the realism and intensity of the writing. A lot of us have remarked that this is what we dreamed of doing with our teachers. Yep, same here, but I doubt that those experiences could ever be as intense as this story. Thanks for putting in the time and effort writing this.

  5. 15 hours ago, Pnpguyny said:

    Recently I've been looking up and watching porn from the 70's and 80's. There is one guy I'm crazy about his name is Jon King. OMG beautiful eyes and smile so cute with a naturally hairy bush. Does anyone remember him? Needless to say there is nothing I wouldn't do with him.

    Not to be confused with J.W. King (who's just as hot). An archived post from rec.arts.movies.erotica: [think before following links] https://www.rame.net/faq/deadporn/jonking.html.

  6. A practical observation about the truck.... If he moves to the OP's city, is he going to need a car? As a practical matter, it being America, the odds are pretty good that he will need a set of wheels. We also don't know in whose name the truck is titled and how many months are left on the car loan. And has anyone priced used cars recently? The kid may just be better off keeping the truck.

    Two other thoughts: (1) Is he in significant danger of losing his job at the family business? (Someone mentioned employment discrimination. Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act applies to employers who have 15 or more employees.) (2) A phone is a better idea than an iPad or Android tablet. A tablet will require a wifi connection which can be a source of aggravation. Get a prepaid plan as well. 

    It's a miserable situation for him and for you. Every decision you make has some chance of blowing up; there are no guarantees in this. That you and your partner are willing to accept the moral responsibility for the kid speaks volumes. I wish you, your partner, and your nephew the best of luck. Always remember that the collective wisdom of the BZ hive is always here for you....

    • Upvote 1
  7. On 10/9/2022 at 3:42 PM, AlwaysOpen said:

    ErosWired earlier posted " I expect that demand would last only until those who found me to be ‘their type’ had fucked me a couple of times, and then I would join the ranks of all the other been-there-fucked-that bottoms who are no longer fresh meat. Because that is what always happens in my experience."

    I  am also in the same gay mecca as HtnHole, and would come here as  one of those "fresh meat tourists" in the late 80's and 90's, before making the move here in 2000. What I tended to experience as a tourist who visited for a week at a time, 3 times a year, was I would have plenty of play the first 3 or 4 days, but very rarely from the same person ever. I likened it to the " catch and release' "  approach fishermen do. It seemed it was all about nabbing the latest guy off the airport jet bridge. As a full time resident, I found I  could have some regular , repeat play and I chalk it up to the fact I could host. And I had poppers. But I also had a lot of guys who would chat me for months until they one day finally made their way here, they would fuck and nut and split, and while they would still sporadically message, the return factor was somewhere below zero.  I rationalized it in my head that they were either just out to see how many hash marks for different holes they could amass before they died, or they had a partner and one fuck wasn't a threat to their relationship ( at least, in their mind) but repeat fucks would cross the line and almost be like an " affair"

    I am surprised there hasn't been any post about those lazy bottoms who wedge in. I used to hit a bar with a very , ahem, festive dark back patio, smoking area. I might make it there once or twice a month, and after grabbing a beer and relaxing a bit, head out back. The usual cruising chase of guys shifting around and around until they would be in the vibe. If good luck had them stop by me and start playing, all too often some pushy bastard would insert himself into the action trying to pull the guys cock out of my hole so he could suck it,  or get fucked by the guy. If my awareness was on, I would sometimes manage to step on the guy trying to cut ins toes, and my size 14's def made an impression . 

    The stuff the realtors don't tell you when you're moving to Florida...

  8. So the owners had the choice of selling now or being slowly driven out of business, the ordinances prohibiting the behavior that made the place profitable. The arrests for indecent exposure make no sense: second degree I/E requires exposure under circumstances "in which he knows or should know that his conduct is likely to cause affront or alarm to a person eighteen (18) years of age or older." If you're in the back room of an adult bookstore, who the hell is going to be affronted or alarmed by someone displaying his genitals (almost typed "displaying his wares")? I know, it's easy for me to sit here and ask that question, but the guy who's been arrested probably isn't inclined to fight the charge. So much for justice in small town America....

  9. 5 minutes ago, ErosWired said:

    It’s such a relief that all those tut-tutting, pearl-clutching, fine churchgoing folk who never set foot in the place but find every other way to be sinners can sleep easy tonight knowing that the den of iniquity has finally been done away with.

    I wonder what the Carrie Nation of the county will do with all of her free time now that the peddlers of skin have decamped.

  10. 8 hours ago, ErosWired said:

    This is what I believe is the case. When the outlet mall went belly-up, the adult store owners bought the thing at a fire sale price because it was majority vacant already.

    Not all such closures may be the result of targeted action, but as a longtime local resident I can tell you that this place has been in their sights for years, ever since it opened, and they’ve been itching for some pretext to shut it down.

    Thanks for clearing up the ownership question. ABS in my hometown were also the target of the local churches. In fact, the building in which one was located was purchased by the Lutheran church 2 blocks away. No prize for guessing that there was no renewal of the lease.

  11. 2 minutes ago, BootmanLA said:

    I think it depends on how long the outlet mall has been (otherwise) empty. If it emptied out in, say, 2008 or 2009, and has been sitting mostly vacant since, the owners may have sold at a loss (and the attendant tax breaks) to get rid of the overhead of maintaining the empty stores - something that the ABS wouldn't care about because they're not using them. But again, just a guess.

    Property taxes and utilities, even for an almost empty outlet mall in central Kentucky, can't be cheap. We simply need @ErosWired to fill in the blanks for us. 

  12. 8 minutes ago, BootmanLA said:

    That would be my guess - the owners of the business and the owners of the real estate were probably two different entities.

    It's possible, of course, that when the outlet mall emptied out, the sex store bought the property at a discount and just left it vacant except for their own business - in which case they'd have the right to impose the deed restriction before selling. But if, as you and I suspect, the property was owned by someone else, they were probably happy to get rid of a tenant that kept the property from being productive across the board, and were fine with imposing the deed restriction before its sale.

    The account given by @ErosWired reads as if the ABS owners are also the mall's owners. That's not impossible, but it would be inconsistent with general principles of commercial real estate development.  Moreover, at a time when commercial real estate isn't (and hasn't been) exactly the hottest property market, it would be very odd. 

  13. I admit to a bit of confusion. If the ABS was in the middle of an outlet mall, what property interest did the store's owners have that could be sold? I'm assuming that the store owners only had a leasehold on the particular section of the mall the store occupied. As to who would have standing to enforce the restriction, I'm guessing that no one thought of that detail, especially if the transaction was hurried. If anyone did pause to consider the issue, they may have decided to keep the restriction as a means of scaring away anyone who thought of opening "Mall of Sex."

  14. On 8/25/2022 at 4:45 AM, bbpigbtm said:

    Same boat, but think my hung husband been getting ass on side, works later, foubd profile on bbrt, but he never want me playing

    A reasonable conclusion to draw -- it's unlikely he has a profile on BBRT just to find someone to go with him to see the Red Sox play.

    • Haha 2
  15. 15 hours ago, ellentonboy said:

    Now are you saying a guy got stuck in a turnstile trying to avoid a fare, i.e. trying to avoid having sex with me.  Or did you mean he got stuck inside me, or stuck with others trying to get to me.

    I am a simple man with a simple mind, and the train of thought went "a fare jumper in your hallway would be willing to risk injury at the hands of the turnstile in order to reach your boudoir."  And I'm glad I was able to provide a bit of humor to go with the morning coffee. 

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