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Everything posted by ejaculaTe

  1. ejaculaTe


    That the author is now "Guest" doesn't bode well for the resumption of the story.
  2. I guess I've watched too many videos of the war in Ukraine, but that looks like artillery shells racked up for the auto-loader.
  3. I envision a closet full of shoe racks, much like the closets of Imelda Marcos, only instead of shoes, the racks hold all your toys.
  4. I'd say mid-60s. I'd doubt that too many Plymouth Valiant station wagons (car on the left) made it past 1970 or 1971. (I can be easily persuaded otherwise.)
  5. You speak the truth, friend.... Fingernails dragged on a blackboard sound better.
  6. Comforting to know I'm not the only one whose browser said it couldn't find the server.....
  7. An admittedly belated congratulations to both of you. I am insanely happy for you as I recall your mentions of the anguish and grief you experienced. It’s accounts like yours that give the rest of us hope in our relationships. (I already have my Prince Charming, met in circumstances vaguely similar to those you describe.)
  8. If the walls could have talked, how many times would your name be mentioned?
  9. The place was sold in March 2022 for a mere $1.5 million. Alas, Rainbow Cabaret, site of much spilled seed, is no more.
  10. As a kid in junior high school, I thought Kent McCord (Adam 12) and Randolph Mantooth (Emergency) were beyond hot.
  11. Another website to check (and which I forgot to mention) is [think before following links] https://gayeroticvideoindex.com.
  12. Yeah, Naked Storm is part of the Falcon conglomerate. The place to look for a list of Mr. Sebastian's films is www.iafd.com. Type his name in the search box. There'll be a list of his films (set the date filter to begin at 2010); you'll end up with a list of 101 film titles (it runs on 2 pages). At the bottom of the first page of the film list, the search result shows "Performers." Click on his name, and you're taken to an even more exhaustive list of film credits.
  13. One has to watch out for those quiet types who max out their yearly contribution to their 401(k) or IRA. Jeezus, this chapter was hot...🔥🔥🔥
  14. "Symphony of depravity...." I am so stealing that phrase.
  15. No, thank you for writing a totally great story — and for writing the next chapter.
  16. I received one of those emails earlier this week, sent to an email address I seldom use. I knew I had read something about the email, but I couldn’t recall where. I opened it to make sure it was the demand I recalled reading about. I deleted it and proceeded to make breakfast and feed the dog.
  17. It was Kansas -- what else could it be? I don't think anyone reading this board expected "My Night in Hays, Kansas." Needless to say, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Probably the only leather those college boys had seen was either on cattle or on their feet so I'm not surprised they departed. (The school the kids attended, in case anyone idly wondered, is Fort Hays State University.)
  18. Because everyone was going to see the Wizard of Oz.
  19. Before I got there, Christmas parties in the office were anything but staid and stuffy affairs. Getting banged on an office desk, according to legend, was a regular holiday experience for some of the staff.
  20. That April 2022 post was in response to a guy from Alabama who had simply said "Coffin." (Look at the Nov 20 post in this thread by versholefun -- it was him, and he again says "Coffin.") I'm not sure which coffin scenario I like better.
  21. You're not the only one who noticed something. In the comments, someone wrote "It"s incredible how much Dakota sweats between 16:30 and 17:30" though I suspect the cause of the sweating escaped him.
  22. If anyone ever figured out how to do that, he'd instantly be everyone's best friend. As you might imagine, you're hardly the first guy to ask for advice on setting up a cumdump session. The question often gets asked in the Sex with "Enhancements" section. It may be more efficient to simply browse the titles of the discussion threads. And statement of the obvious: some of the advice you stumble across may be useful or applicable only in the US. Good luck, and we want most of the details when it happens.
  23. Bottled water and snacks for those standing in line....
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