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Posts posted by leatherpunk16

  1. My current fave is a simple SquarePeg. It does the job and fits pretty well. 

    I recently found my late husband's toys, which I thought were lost. They were in a box in the basement for two years, so I put 'em in the sink for washing. The buttplug is a little harder to put in - so inflexible! - but it will be nice to keep a load inside when someone finally shoots one there.



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  2. Can relate. I think my smoke fetish began when I was 12. Although I hated that as a child, the teenage version of me was seriously turned on by it. It wasn't until the age of 17 that I finally got round to it. The first guy I had sex with was also an underage skomer, and he was getting them from his dad. So when we got together in his basement bedroom, we'd open the window, light up, and shoot the shit. After the first time we fucked, I lay comatose on the bed and when I came out of that euphoric state, I rolled over to look at him and he was silently watching me from across the room while burning a Camel. 

    This kind of thing didn't become a fetish until the age of 29 when I hooked up with two hung pigs who each smoked a pack a day. We'd get together to fuck, and they'd share with me, and that was that. We did only a little smoke play - it was mostly about swapping loads and taking dick. 

    Nowadays I'm a hardcore vapist. I don't see those guys anymore, and it's not as sexual as it was. My libido has settled on things I like better.

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  3. I think I know what you mean. Since we don't have an end date for this, it's kinda hard to plan to start taking it 14 days before we're active again, and then it turns out that we'll be here another three months. A lot of guys are gonna want to get seeded straight away, and this lack of an end date doesn't really provide for that.

  4. I came to this site in my grief a few weeks after my husband suddenly died. I think I was looking for a way out myself, or maybe just a form of escapism. And two years later, I'm still visiting daily. It's no longer out of a need to escape or to get bugged up so I can die and be with him again. I met some good people here, and formed some friendships. Plus the sharing and discussion is interesting to me, and the fiction distracts me from real world issues. 

    I don't think there's anything wrong with you. You don't have to bugchase to be on this site. There are plenty of people here who come back for similar reasons. You can also be here for education. One must know BOTH sides to have an answer for themselves, and each of us is different. So don't beat yourself up over visiting this site. It's obvious you want to be here, so just enjoy it and learn from the other users. There's no shame or judgment except from the occasional troll.

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  5. Leathermen and leatherwomen still use this. I can go to any such fetish event or gathering, and see a variety of colours and interests. It's gone beyond just hankies, and now appears as leather shirts (or it's a black shirt with ____ colour piping), or ties when we go high cow (that's full dress leathers for those who don't know the lingo), and other ways.

    A bit of advice on multiple interests: don't flag more than three colours. My late husband - may he rest in peace until I get there! - stitched together five colours into one hanky. A clever idea, but it backfired because it was too confusing to others. He was so advised by a leather bar owner.

    If you want to flag a poz interest, get yourself a hanky with biohazard symbols all over it. Or carry one of those biohaz bags from the hospital in your back pocket. Left would mean "is poz", right would mean "wants poz". 

    There's a much larger list for all kinds of interests somewhere on the internet, some you can't even imagine.

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  6. I've been working my hole lately, and I found this is not a thing you can fast-track. If you do it every day, you run the risk of injury. Kinda stinks to have your eyes bigger than your hole and go for the biggest dildo you can find. Start with buttplugs and smaller dildos. Give yourself time to stretch. When you are more experienced with it - say after a month or two of regular practice - you might be able to do it more often during a week. Once a week for 5 minutes probably won't get you there. But maybe 3-4 days a week WITH SPACE IN BETWEEN will be more realistic. 

    In my own experience, I tried to do it for a few minutes daily. I tapped out by the fourth day. I was bleeding and my poops weren't fun. They hurt a lot. Every hole is different. Take your time, and be realistic about your goals and what you can reasonably accomplish. 

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  7. I have not changed my beliefs. My habits will indeed change! (Is that a parodox? My habits change, but what I believe does NOT? Hmmm.) 

    Here's how it will change for me. We sinful fuckers of the Earth will all be equal before this scourge. And when it's over, it'll be over, and there will be a few less people in the world. For them, they don't get to do all the things they still wanted to do. That could just as easily have been you or me, so we ought to live for the day and do the things we enjoy. Because tomorrow might not happen. That was the reality before it all started, but now it hits home a little more. It's not as within our control as before.

    I'm looking for a major change in my life, so I'm going to start doing more and enjoying more. That will probably include taking more loads. Since this began, I've started a small journey of learning to bottom and LIKE it. Regular practice with my toys, which I seldom used before, are a big part of that. When I can get fucked again, I expect at least ONE guy to try cumming inside me. Most of the time they give a good fuck, but don't deposit anything. It's usually me who ends up blowing a wad. 

    I have gone off my PreP. A good friend gave me his bottles when he switched to Descovy, and I was taking them just fine. Now that I have zero chance of any action for the foreseeable future, I may as well keep it until then. I have been approved for my own pills from the doctor, but they have not yet arrived. They would just go to waste while we wait this out. And when that day comes, it's back to barebacking and chasing (although I can't say how successful this will be considering I'm taking a proven blocker for such things.) I'll be off it for good when I'm ready.

  8. I think what we SHOULD accept is that it is a very real possibility that we will get something we don't want from a top. Some of us want to be pozzed up. Others are fine with getting just gono. Others would prefer to not catch anything. I'm not favouring one over another, but given what we are doing, bottoms need to reconcile the fact that if we whore it up enough, something will come our way. Might be the best thing ever. Might be the worst thing ever. All a matter of perspective and how ready we are to deal with the consequences of our choices.

    That said, you don't owe your hole to anybody. It's YOURS. You are responsible for your sexual health and your own orgasm.

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  9. 30 minutes ago, ButtB4iGo said:

    I'm single and I'm down to about 15 pills left in my 3-month prescription, so saving them for when we are done with our shelter in place ordinance. I'm due for a refill, but I need to go to the clinic to have my STI screenings again — it's just not ideal to try get that done right now.

    Indeed it is not ideal. I had to get treated and tested right before the Toilet Paper Madness began, and they wanted to do bloodwork to re-approve the Truvada. So I did it, and got the result the next day. And then the madness started. They were in a rush to deal with my thing before the other one started. 

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  10. I've been taking it less often. Instead of daily, it's now closer to 3-4 times a week. I don't want to refrain from opportunities for 3+ weeks to cycle back on it when I can just be ready to go. A lot of guys are going to have pent-up sexual energy as soon as they're permitted to release it, and we ought to be ready for them.

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