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About glory_dog

  • Birthday 02/02/1981

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    Don't Ask, Don't Tell
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  1. sounds like a good way to get killed
  2. yes a trip to Berkeley will add a lot of time. I live in the Bay Area and I can tell you it is NOT a 15 min car ride from downtown SF to Berkeley.
  3. Have a link? I just went on there and didnt find any for sale...
  4. So the main place I used to get my max (mainlabs) stopped selling it. They used to have a 3 pack deal for $34. Now they are selling some other brand for $20 a can or some other brand U4EA $60 for 3. Is there any other place I can get a decent deal? I need the stuff to jack off with...
  5. Yeah, go on. Tell us..

  6. Pour some on a rag or sock and huff it through your mouth.
  7. I've been on it for 4 years with absolutely no noticeable side effects. I guess I was just one of the lucky ones. I had a t cell count of 33 when they put me on it (and I felt like death) and I literally felt 100% better the following day of the first dose.
  8. Hmm I'm thinking now I can use my old bong that sits around and spray it through the slide. Maybe stuff some cotton rag down there to soak up any excess....don't want to waste anything
  9. ahhh good to know. Thanks Looks like I will try the dust mask method...maybe with some cotton balls inside to soak it up better....seems that it evaporates rather quickly.
  10. Please share your technique for using maximum impact. I'm loving this stuff, especially when I am sitting at my computer looking at porn and edging. So far, I have been just spraying on a rag and inhaling from there. Is there any better way to do it? Sometimes I even put the rag in my mouth and put the nozzle of the can right up to the rag and spray it directly in my mouth so I can get a really strong hit. Maximum impact is far better than poppers IMO...just ordered 9 bottles from picturebrite
  11. FYI you don't have to inhale poppers thru your nose. I like to put a sock or a very small rag on top of the open bottle and flip it upside down for a few seconds. Then I roll the sock up and stick it in my mouth and inhale. It hits way better that way.
  12. The virus is carried in semen. Pre cum = semen, so there is a risk.
  13. I'm looking to stock up on some Maximum Impact so I can huff it while sitting at the computer jacking off. Anyone know of a good reliable site where I can get it for cheap. The usual place where I get my poppers sells is for $19.95 a can...too much IMO. I would like to get some poppers too, but it seems they have been super weak my last couple of orders. So guys, where do you get your Maximum Impact and poppers? I want the strong stuff. It makes my orgasm last and drives me crazy when I edge.
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