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Posts posted by negchaserlooking

  1. 6 hours ago, Navi38 said:

    Part 38


    Sitting around the table with my brother, father, and the rest of the family was always surreal.  The first time dad entered my hole after mom was gone, I could never imagine we would end-up here.  These men, apart from father and brother, were the best things that ever happened to me.

    I wasn’t sure when dad and I decided to move into the condo, it was the best decision we ever made.  I had questions leaving all that behind for this ranch.  I find myself sitting at a large table with a bunch of poz pig men I call family and lovers.  A delightful woman from a small town in the mountain, holding court in the middle of all us pigs.  Given everything has happened and will happen, it’s moments like this are magical.

    I worked with dad in managing the construction around the ranch and the town.  I didn’t meet a single person that showed me anything but kindness.  There were several that should lay off the bottle; we all have our issues.

    Mrs. Betty was saying her goodbyes, and it was getting late.  Mason walked her out to her car.  Once Mrs. Betty was down the mountain, we all went up to bed.  We left the floodlights on outside and locked the doors.  It was always calming to fall asleep in my dad’s arms.  Regularly I would wake up with his bone buried in my back yard.

    I was the first one up the following morning.  I started the coffee.  I was standing in just my underwear I was reviewing the draft plans dad had made for the town's new cameras.  I saw a few minor issues, nothing that would stop the project.  The family had decided that we weren’t going to be trapped on our land.  We made a rule that no one goes anywhere alone.  Mason had to deputize Chris.

    Dad had me go with him into town to survey the locations for the cameras.  Doing all the work around the town, I knew just about everyone.  I also knew the ladies didn’t mind me working shirtless, and a few men caught a glimpse as well.  I can’t say I haven’t been raw fucked behind a barn or two in this little mountain town.  Dr. Nick had taken my ass a couple of times when I was running wire in his new clinic.

    My role has always been a supporting one, either in my father's construction company or managing The Tom.  I was directing the crew in starting the installation of the new cameras.  We had data cables in the ground already.  I saw a black suburban coming over the rise and into town.  I saw the glint of the tell tail semi-hidden red and blue flashing lights in the grill.  The SUV turned and headed up the road toward the ranch.  I knew Chris and Mason were up at the ranch with Jason.  Any un-invited guests were not welcome.

    I jumped in my car and followed the suburban.  The SUV pulled over to the side of the road, and large man got out.  He was over 6’ and a solid build wearing a well-tailored black suit.  He flashed his badge and signaled me to pull over.  He had pulled back the bottom of his jacket, showing his FBI-issued firearm.  He meant business.

    I pulled over. He told me to show him my hands.  I still didn’t have a shirt on, and some very short shorts.  It was apparent I had no place to hide a weapon.  I made sure to step away from my car, so he had a full view of my body.  I couldn't see his eyes. Based on the tilt of his head, he was taking a look at my cock ring enhanced package.  He asked why I was following him.  I explain that I lived at the ranch, and considering the recent events, he might want an escort.  I told him I called ahead and said that he looked to be FBI.  He took his hand off his weapon and approached me with his hand stretched out.  He introduced himself as agent Lewis.  He explained that considering who the family had become the target of, heightened precautions were necessary.  I asked him how dangerous was this man.  The agent told me the man had committed several acts of assault and attempted murder across several states.  His stalking of our family was the closest they had come to finally catching him.  Agent Lewis explained he was a criminal profiler and military-trained sharpshooter.  He would stay with the family till the man left the state or made another attempt.  A cold chill ran up my spine, but the blood flowed to my cock.

    He got back in his car, this time allowing me to take the lead to the ranch.  Mason came out to greet us, introducing himself as the sheriff.  The agent said he noticed some state troopers in the town providing additional support.  I said, “he should be most afraid of Mrs. Betty. She would kill him on the spot given a chance.”  I quickly learned the FBI was short on humor.  His ass wasn’t short of anything. It was round and in need of deep rimming.

    The officer asked Mason if there was a place they could stash his vehicle.  He said he needed to blend in with the family, not drawing attention.  I said, “then the suit needs to go.  I have some clothes you can wear.  I came down with a slightly too small crop top and a jockstrap.  The agent looked a the outfit.  He asked, “You don’t have anything with more fabric?”  I explained our usual attire around the house, but I would find him some shorts.  Those would be a bit tight and show off his ass.


    I heard everything that was said by the agent downstairs.  Jake filled me in as he came up to get clothes.  Jake was starting his recovery, and they had lowered his pain medication.  Jason was in pain. There wasn’t much I could do to help.  I never liked feeling helpless.  I kept my focus on Jason and getting him anything he needed.  I could easily carry him into the bathroom.  He insisted on walking there himself.  I saw the clothes Jake brought down for the FBI agent.

    I gave it two days before the agent had his cock in a hole or a cock in his hole.  We did keep condoms in case someone did want’ the family sting.  We had yet to use any.  I heard the agent given in and asked where he could hang his suit.  My priority was on taking care of Jason. I could find underwear to show off my assets later.


    David and I had got to Mrs. Betty’s to pick up some meals for the house.  I received a text from Jake about our house guest.  I asked Mrs. Betty if she could make a meal for an extra person.  She said she had packed for three additional guests.  David and I walked out of Mrs. Betty’s and got into the SUV.  We were heading up the mountain, I couldn’t wait to see how Jake had dressed the agent.

    I felt the SUV suddenly pull to one side, and a warning came on the dash.  One of the tires was low.  I could tell it was losing air fast.  I pulled the SUV over; somebody had reduced the tire to bits of rubber and just the rim.  Then I saw the bullet lodged in the rim.  I called the ranch.  Mason was on his way down.  Mrs. Betty had heard the shot, and her headlights were coming up on me fast.  Behind here were men with rifles and dogs.  They estimated the angle of the bullet and headed into the woods.  I was worried they might get hurt.  Mrs. Betty smile, “you don’t know much about mountain hunters.  That man may not see the light of morning.  Let’s get that tire changed and get you back to the ranch.  One of the older men stayed behind to help me with the SUV.  We got the spare on, and we all headed up the mountain, meeting Mason coming down.  He passed us to join the hunt.  The agent was gone by the time we got to the ranch. I assumed he joined the search party.  Jason was asleep while Mrs. Betty prepared food and fresh coffee.

    Mrs. Betty:

    I knew the men that followed me up to meet Jacob and David.  I knew between their rifles and their dogs. This nightmare would be over.  Those men had tracked several bears and other large animals that had harassed the town.  They would often trap, a few times they had to kill.  I knew tonight they weren’t looking to trap.  I had brought a bottle of the finest whisky in my store to celebrate the ending of this horrific event.  That’s when I saw a man appear out of the forest and into the floodlight-lit clearing.  I called for Mason, and it was Chris who came through the door first.  He was barreling toward the man, faster than I had seen any man move.  Chris knocked the man over with the power of a locomotive.  Chris and the man struggled on the grass, brawled. Mason was next, aiming his rifle, waiting for an opportunity to shoot.  I heard a gunshot rip through the air.  Both Chris and the man stopped moving.  Chris moved, and I breathed a sigh of relief.  The man pushed Chris off of him.  The man was gasping for air.  The man wasn’t breathing when I reached the two.  I watched as the bloodstain growing rapidly on Chris’s shirt.  I knew Chris was shot.  I ran out to the field, the rest of the boys passing by me.  I heard the SUV pull up and slam to a halt.  The rest of the boys piling out of their car and running into the clearing.  Everyone was there except for Mason and Jason.  We all sat and watched as the life drained from Chris.  He smiled, “that fucker will never hurt my family again.”  Chris’s body gave up its last measure of life.  His final act was the protection of his family.  I knew shortly it would be mine to hole these boys together.


    We all sat silently in the field.  Mrs.  Betty went into the house and found a sheet to lay over Chris and the man.  There were no words, this my second great loss.  I wasn’t about to let this family fall apart. We needed each other now more than ever.  None of us moved till the coroner showed up at almost dawn to collect the two men.

    The blood-stained ground stood as a memorial of where the champion of our family had fallen.

    I knew we would rise from this great tragedy. I didn’t know how or when.  Jackson came and put his arm around me.  He said in a fatherly tone, “we will grieve, we will honor, and we will move forward.  He fought hard for this family. We won’t let that sacrifice go to waste.

    Mrs. Betty convinced us to move inside.  Then I realized we would have to tell Jason.


    Authors Note:  This is not where our story will end, this wouldn't break this family.  Their story is far from concluded.


  2. 5 hours ago, ButtB4iGo said:

    Thanks, Joe! I do think that Ronen needs another stealth load ASAP. After Von's recent transaction with the guild, he's probably gotten himself knocked up by now, but I'll keep him in mind, too. 😉 

    BTW, I'm really horny for another chapter of your Poz Adventures in Pro Wrestling. Very hot story.

    Great that you are thinking of continuing this hot story. Can't wait. Maybe a few more straight boys on the team need to be looked at LOL

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Navi38 said:

    Author's Question:  I create a lot of background and backdrop in my story.  I know for some it may be too much.  I am curious is you guys like having the bigger context or want a reduction of context and more fucking.  I am curious.  I appreciate any feedback.



    Fuck no, just carry on. Love the way your stories are "fleshed out"

  4. On 3/17/2021 at 4:12 PM, Navi38 said:

    Part 17

    The offer on t he property was accepted, my agent called to tell me. I had done a couple of interviews; no one stood out. I was starting to get questions from the family about my strange behavior. It was over dinner that I told everyone about my project.

    The bathhouse, The Tom, the Hotel, The Gym were all profitable businesses, well-run machines that brought considerable revenue. I had been storing money for a while, an emergency fund that would pay for the property. I looked around the table, "I purchased a ranch!" I got smiles and puzzled looks. Jacob was the first to speak, "to do what?" "Whatever we want, but I have some ideas," I pulled out some sketches showing the various building on the property and a large main house. I saw a twinkle in Jackson's eye. I had a feeling this might be something he would like. I continued to explain my ideas; they weren't fully refined but enough to get a conversation. The rest of the group was slowly warming to the idea. The most significant selling point was getting away from where we were. Jacob asked what we would do with the current properties. I had already been interviewing for managers. It would be financially advantageous to keep the income from these properties to use for this new ranch.

    The ranch was only a 6-hour drive out and into the mountains. It was situated where we could enjoy the seasons without the seasons being to extreme. Chris finally spoke, "you want us to leave everything we have here? Do you want to let that man get away with what he did? How am I supposed to let it go? He violated my family, not once but twice." Chris was sitting at the table, and his chair turned toward the exterior windows. Jason walked over and squatted down, getting into Chris's line of sight. He looked Chris in the eye, "it's time to let it go. I know you want to protect and defend this family, but maybe this man gave more than he took." Chris's heart softened a little as Jason spoke. "I wouldn't be here, and Malik might not have Shane. The man gave us each other and the fire to fight for what we have here. Chris, you have been out in the cold with your furry. Come back home to us." Jason pulled Chris's head into his chest and kissed his spiky hair. I heard Chris sniffle. This sniffle was the first time I heard anything from Chris but anger.

    Chris turned himself around and wiped his eyes, "I am going to get the car keys?" The entire group started laughing. The thick cloud that had settled over us all was finally lifting. Chris left the table and disappeared into the pigpen. I assumed he was getting some tissue. I realized Chris had been gone a while when the muscle mountain appeared in the door, wearing only a jockstrap and a smile. Chris waited till he had everyone's attention, "I have a clean and very hungry hole. I think what would make me feel even better a gang bang." A mischievous smile crept over his face.

    I stood up, with my stinger rapidly rising with me. I walked over my big lug, "so you finally pull your head out of your ass, and you expect us to replace it with our cocks. You think you can walk out here in a jockstrap and expect to get fucked." Chris and I were almost nose to nose. He looked me in the eye, "I know you will, you poz it, you own it." I shoved Chris hard, causing him to stagger back into the pigpen. "You want to get fucked! TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT!!!" I bellowed at Chris. Chris replied, "I WANT TO GET FUCKED!" I looked at him, "NOT GOOD ENOUGH!" Chris barked back, "POZ FUCK ME!" I unzipped my pants, my cock drooling. I walked up to Chris and slid my cock into his warm twitching hole. I couldn't remember when I emptied my sac, but this was a good place to start.

    The rest of the family filed in, I started banging away on Chris's hole. Shane pulled his 10" uncut cock out and slid it into Chris's throat. Shane and I pumped Chris from both ends, the rest of the group getting naked. The familiar sounds of sex with the smell of man sweat were filling the room again.

    Jacob and David were locked in a kiss; Jake had taken up with Jason. Ashton and Malik were playing with each other's niples and deep wet kissing. Dean was on his knees worshiping Jackson's cock. Everyone priming their toxic pumps to fill our not so gentle giant. I didn't last long and unloaded into Chris's hole. Shane pulled his cock from Chris's throat with enough time to bury it in his hole and release a fresh toxic load. With each member getting close and right before they came, they stuff their cock into Chris's hole. When the event ended, Jacob was back to his normal self. He had planted his lips around Chris's puffy hole, sucking out every drop of cum.

    We all went into the living room to talk for a bit, then showers and off to bed. I asked when everyone thought we should go up and look at the place. Chris replied first, "the minute I leave this place, I am not coming back. I need a new start." A general agreement moved across the room. I asked, "You guys saying we should pack up and go, never looking back?" There was a solid yes. I suggested that we take a minute and hire our replacements. We would need the income for the ranch. I also recommended not fucking every applicant, but I knew that would fall flat.

    Everyone took to interviewing their replacements. Dean was the first. He promoted his general manager, and it was a good choice. The man had been with us for almost ten years, and he knew the people and the place. I would hire a property manager. I wanted to maintain control of the finances. Eddy would make should we could monitor the businesses from our new family ranch.

    Ashton and Dean told me how much they loved having their own space but missed the family all being in one place. They wanted us to be one big family. "Does that mean we have to adopt your strays as well," I asked? Dean shot me a dirty look. "I am kidding. That's how all of us got here. I do want to know when I get some Jason ass?" I didn't see Jason had come into the office. "Any time you want," he said, walking toward me, his shorts hitting the floor. Jason came around to my side of the desk, bent over, his ass in my face. I started eating that bubble butt, Ashton and Dean watched. I looked at the two, "don't you have someplace to be?" "Right here, we are going to cum in our jeans when you cum in his hole. We like to walk around with cum loads drying in our pants. There is nothing better than sucking cock that has been sitting in cum," Dean replied. I went back to eating Jason's hole. The boy had converted to the family strain shortly after the first fuck fest. I think Dean stung him to get him through the fuck flu again.

    I was eating Jason's hole like it was my last meal. The teenager had the perfect balance of muscle and jiggle. Jason was getting comfortable being a poz pig. He would ask with my face in his ass, "you like that teen poz hole, that bug breeding ass. Can you taste the family strain breeding inside me? Eat my cum dump hole." Jason reached around, pushing my head deeper into his ass. His hole opened, giving my tongue deeper access. This ass-eating went on for some time, my jaw getting sore, but I was determined to provide Jason everything he wanted. I felt his hand release my head, tapping on my chin, telling me to stand up. Jason swallowed my pierced cock. He slobbered and sucked my cock, covering it with throat slime. He turned around, pressing his ass against my slimy poz cock. I pushed into him, neither of us making a sound. Each of us matched the motions, him pushing his ass back to meet my thrust. This synchronized pounding went on, and the only sound was the slapping of skin. Silently we fucked, Ashton and Dean, intoxicated by the event.

    The silence was unbroken as the large wet spots formed in their jeans tell us they had cum. I released myself into Jason, and he released onto my desk. The four of us never making a sound except for feet on the carpet as Ashton and Dean left, and Jason slipped his shorts back on. They quietly closed the door.

    Part 18

    At that moment with Jason, I realized a need yet unfulfilled. I had quietly carried the weight of the family. I was happy to do it, but in the process had lost myself. I closed my office and walked over to The Tom. Jake was standing behind the bar. He looked up and poured me a drink, knowing by my face I was there for a purpose, and a conversation was not it. He put a piece of paper on the bar with a pen. I wrote "Pain" and slid it back to Jake. He wrote "feel" on top, I finished my drink.

    I opened the wooden doors to "feel" I guided myself to the cross. The large man in leather tightened my restraints. My mind fell deep into my subconscious.

    I could hear each lash across the back. I could hear the sound, but the feeling was not much more than air across my skin. The man waiting for a response continued his assault on my naked flesh. The man was out of breath but determined. With each lash of whips more brutal than the last, my mind fell deeper. I was swimming in a pool of black, the pain from my back keeping me anchored in reality. The man stopped, and I laid in the pool of my mind. Another man entered, applying cold compresses to the deep red stains forming across my back.

    The man took me down off the cross, placing me onto a padded surface. I soon felt the familiar pain of candle wax poured on my back. Each drop of the hot wax sent ripples through the black pool of my subconscious. I was in and out of consciousness. The lines between the real and my subconscious began to blur.

    I heard another man enter, undoing my restraints. He whispered sweetly, "this is enough, wherever you are, stay. Let the experience give your mind rest. You have been the rock and foundation now free yourself. When you rise, you will come back, free and clear. You have run the gauntlet and paid the toll. We will leave you here. When you are ready, a bath of cool water is prepared. Now you will be alone." My mind knew I was alone. The floating back pool in my mind pulled me under. I was breathless but unafraid. I was starving out the last of my penance, stamping out the darkness.

    The black water of my mind receded. I was standing on a beach, wading into cool water. My mind began to clear, realizing I was in the cool bath that was prepared. The scents added to the water, soothing and earthy. I stayed till the ocean of my mind receded. There at that moment, I had given the darkness space to swallow me. The darkness was now satisfied by my offering. I was free to love and be loved. This was the moment where the beast was satiated and my gauntlet run. I was ready for the next chapter, closing the books of the past.

    The death of my love, the torture of a friend, and the violation of a young man, those chapters closed. The pain and regret left, potential and life stood in their place.

    I stood from the water, walking to the robe hung by the door. Descending the stairs, Jake silently fixed a drink. I sat at the bar, never uttering a word. Jake knew what had taken place. Jake left me with my drink. The only sound was the ice clinking the glass every time I lifted it to my lips. I was whole once again, ready to move into the chapter of life, not alone but with my family. Here the pain was over, and here is where I would leave it.

    I left The Tom, placing my hand on its cold cement outer walls. I said my final farewell to my great love. I knew I would never be back. I laid to rest my guilt, my husband, and my pain.

    I walked softly back to the condo, reaching my bed. Chris was there waiting to wrap me in his strong arms. I dropped the robe, climbed into bed. Chris reached around my body and held me close. A single tear fell from my eye, and it was my last tear of grief and sadness.

    Tomorrow would bring a new sun, and with it would I would rise a new man, free from the pain and guilt of yesteryear. This night was my requiem.


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