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Everything posted by negchaserlooking

  1. Great opening chapter. Mmmmm drunk married straight man sleeps with horny gay man can only lead to something the straight guy not expecting LOL. What happens when he wakes up and finds he is caged?🤣 Can't wait to read your next chapter @cummypup
  2. Always a pleasure to see the next instalment of this intriguing story of yours @losolent.
  3. Lots of little twists and turns. Loving it. Thanks
  4. Fucking hot. Hope you give it some serious thought about turning this into a series @Heir2012
  5. Hot, a virgin neg pussy for not much longer
  6. Great start, I can see Sven and Karel ending up doing more that staring and drooling LOL.
  7. Liking it so far. I am sure there are many others on here who agree and hope you take the story a bit longer than your planned 2 chapters
  8. We thankyou @tighthole64 for your story.
  9. It was a hot chapter. Torn between needs and fears. And the hornier you are, the more "needs" overcomes "fear" and then after comes "regret" or "acceptance". Thanks
  10. I think Cody may just end up with a nice bonus
  11. An update to my profile name on BBRTS - changed to  chaserbb.

  12. Yes, amazing what a "find a story" flushes out. These stories were fucking awesome
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