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  1. Heavy tatted Tradie bottom Ex Footy bloke blindfolded taking loads every day over Xmas break till 31st Dec walk in Ass up in or out of work gear n boots or old pair footy shorts you decide txt for addy Nth subs ( last year record 17 ) 0439-037-723
  2. A big thx to all the blokes who txt and called when I put up last post with mobile have met some real hotties pretty quick so might not give up on BZ just quiet yet 😊
  3. Well it’s official even after placing my mobile on here ( genuine Number ) absolutely nothing. BZ is nothing more than an online billboard where Randoms just come to ‘Visit’ and look but have no intention of replying so I am out of here for good. Will just start up my own network with friends and mates. I guess it’s true that the only place you can stil get ( and always have ) good BB sex are the beats. Online forums seem to have permanently paralysed good sex so good luck to all in here you are going to need it 👍
  4. Heavy inked Tradie Ass up in my work gear n boots today walk in find me blindfolded on all fours spit fuck me hole pump n dump mates Kool 0439037723 davo the Tradie bloke
  5. kik 69domgaytop69 Tradie Ass for Anon seed kik anthonyluxe
  6. Heavy Tatted raw Tradie cumdump taking all Anon loads walk in Ass up in days work gear and boots spit fuck my tight cunt and leave one off or Reg kik- anthonyluxe
      • 2
      • Piggy
  7. An looking to host a group of guys this Saturday Private House 11th March in the Nth get back if keen Grindr ‘ Tradie Pig ⬇️ ‘
  8. Did well got a few loads in me even with the typo but WET definitely not what it use to be
  9. Will be at Wet on Wellington Sunday 12th Queens Birthday weekend 1pm onwards in orgy room and dark end corridor taking loads Ass up ( record is 17 ) for any blokes wanting to load my cunt up with cum and piss can’t miss me covered in Tatts Poz friendly don’t be shy
  10. I let them fuck me with a condom then when there gone I take the cum out with a syringe and keep it as lube for next raw Top no waste I let them fuck me with a condom then when there gone I suck it out into a syringe and shoot it into my Ass as lube for the next Raw Top no waste
  11. Ass up taking loads after work 3pm Weekdays in dirty work gear and work boots for a while blindfolded Prefer Anon pump and dump one off or Reg Kool no questions asked
  12. 0439037723 for Addy
  13. Tradie nice tight hole Ass up taking Loads prefer Anon
  14. Anon Poz Tops to breed and Seed my hole Ass up on all fours waiting
  15. Contact me: 0439037723
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