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Everything posted by barebacklad0

  1. Sorry guys but I say good bye to this place for good. Have fun.

  2. lol this is better than I imagined. Thanks guys.
  3. I know stool softeners are not very good, I was thinking more along the lines of a muscle relaxant to encourage bowl movements.
  4. I know a guy who uses something to stop bowl movements before he has a long session, I once met someone who said he does the opposite and I like that idea. Does anyone know if any good drugs for that, I want to try to find something that will help me clear out easier. I guess I could take some Senakot or something the night before but I was hoping there would be something stronger with faster results.
  5. Thanks daddy, I like to please :)

  6. Fucking hot daddy I would love to take your seed in my cunt.

  7. Has anyone got a link too that, wanna check it out so badly.
  8. Thats you bear, OP = origional poster lol. Pig play, its a very broad term it probably meant scat and piss at first but its become a fairly widely used term for anyone who likes bareback sex, piss, fisting, cum, deep rimming, there is also the practice of wearing a pig tail dildo and maybe even a piggy mask and engageing in some roleplay. I use the term pig all the time, and so do the people who I play with, and its a fairlty common nickname amoungst gay men (pig, pig boi, pig fucker) up my neck of the woods but the people who tend to use it are rarely into scat and certainly the people I play with have no interest in scat (me included)
  9. I don't travel very far but if your ever up this way shoot me a message.

  10. I would fucking love to be whored out, its fucking hard to sort out too many wankers online not genuine. I need to get my arms and ankles shackled into a sling, gas mask on, chemed up and my arse rented out, don't want any money just want loads as payment.
  11. Still on the look out guys.
  12. You mean on the other side? Fuck no man it was the most excrutiating pain going across my hip.

  13. Came across another time wasting cunt today on gaydar, he contacted me wanting to give up some cash for a sleazy fuck, I asked him what he wanted to do and agreed to it. He wanted to come with and find me in rubber and a jock, I was to play with his nipples, suck him off, then let him piss on me then fuck me bareback. I had my rubber polo shirt on, white sports jock, was lubed up, gas mask at the ready, poppers, door unlocked, ready for him to enter come in and dump his load. Fucking time waster never showed. I was all fucking hard and no where to go so I took some pics instead and put em in my gallery. Check em out.
  14. Hey cub, this your second home too? lol

  15. I thought about this post a few hours ago, and came to the conclusion that its better to be a PIG, rather than a slut.
  16. Keep it inside me for as long as possible. Simply.
  17. Audio + video is better still, hehe
  18. "Matcho tops" who get there ideas about rough sex from a Tom & Jerry cartoon. Theres a right way to do it, which takes care and a bit of know how and cognative thinking, then theres the fucking wrong way to do it. I laugh about it now but this guy was a totall tard, and no I didnt let him cum, I got so bored of that shit I threw him off me and left him deflated. Served him right couse he had to take a trip down in his car and pay to get in the sauna.
  19. Wait a minute, I just found out I can edit some posts of mine but not others. Cant quite see the pattern yet.
  20. Please make a part three that was really enjoyable to read.
  21. It would be handy if there was an edit post function, or a delete post, because I just found out I accidently posted something twice by accident, and i feel stupid lol
  22. Still looking for a top to take my arse and own it, free anytime day or night between 11th and 15th of May in northwest UK, based in preston short train ride to manchester.
  23. Go to a clinic STDs can really hurt, get it zapped striahgt away so you can get back to fucking sooner. Dobt delay go tomorow.
  24. Most I have ever had is somewhere between 9 and 13 loads, was at a sauna in manchester. Best night was started at alert where I got 3, then headed to the sauna for the night after closing and topped up the rest in there to 13. That was a good night, most trips to sauna i get 6 or so maybe more but not allways, too many pussys in basement lol
  25. Title says it all, sub lad wants to submit and be owned, willing to be totall cunt boy for right top. Utterly genuine into a lot of types of guy from cubs to bears, get in contact, into all sorts of guys from cubs to bears in northwest of UK see barebacklad0 on bbrt or ass4fuckuse on recon.
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