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Everything posted by BlackDude
You’re correct, civil right was for everyone. And let’s not talk about competition. Any mathematical or statistical study will show that it’s less than 1% chance that white Americans would have eight times the wealth more than black families (or 85% of the wealth overall) unless there are outside forces or a system that suppresses competition. The math is simple. And we are black Americans are looking for policies to remedy that equation, so the math makes sense
1. I guess you missed the studies that show 70% of hip-hop records and streams are attributed to white people. This can easily be verified by Google. So like I said, this is an orchestrated attempt to promote degeneracy as the primary lifestyle and not an exception or form of entertainment on the black community. Beyoncé and Megan Thee Stallion do not represent Black people as a whole or politically. No more than El Chapo or Cardi B represent the Latino community. 2. This is the game of the Democrats to hold Black people in a perpetual state Of guilt by beating them over the head regarding civil rights legislation that was past 60 years ago. It was not the benevolence of white people that got the civil rights act passed for black people. It was totally self-serving because the same Civil Rights Bill is now used for everyone. Other “minorities” used the righteous cause and case for Black people during Jim Crow to parlay rights over to themselves. Additionally, the US was losing it standing on the world stage for its discrimination and mistreatment of its own citizens. And let’s not forget the civil rights leaders who were also doing work in the streets. There were thousands of riots and escalating violence All across this country (Watts, Cairo, etc.)which is one of the primary reasons LBJ passed the civil rights act.
Will it?
That’s correct.
The “black community” doesn’t promote those performers, records labels do, while not promoting other no sex-based acts. That’s done to dehumanize black women and justify harming them. And we’re calling it out. When it’s political season, we don’t want strippers. We won’t policies.
I just gave 21 reasons as to why we aren’t voting for Kamala
Here are 21 reasons many Black people will not be voting for the Dems or Kamala Harris this coming election: Serving as the vice president to Joe Biden, author of the 1994 Crime Bill and best friend of staunch segregationist like a Strom Thurman and Robert Byrd Performative blackness. This is not a uniform that you can take on and off. Mitrice Richardson Serving in an admiration that argued in the Supreme Court against Miranda rights Faught to keep nonviolent offenders in jail, so the point she was almost held in contempt of court Not advocating for the prosecution of Carolyn Bryant. We don’t care how old she was, they’re still profiting Nazi’s She appears to have no recent public connection to any black men. Husband, children, father (if he’s black). Not platform injustice for the Tulsa race massacre victims Using the legacy of the Freedman’s Bank to provide tangible or resources to other groups Flooding black neighborhoods with illegal immigrants and utilizing the resources for that community to service the immigrants instead of Black people in the community (please don’t try to debunk this the cats out the bag, especially in Chicago) Targeting black mothers for truancy violations (again this is already proven correct) democrats believe abortion is an economic strategy for Black people (ask Stacy Abram’s) Over sexualizing the black community. Anytime they want to talk to Black people they always have to invite sexy red, Megan Thee Stallion, Cardi B or some sort of other over sexualized performer. They don’t do that to any other group. Promoting a general sexual agenda to pre-pubescent youth. Despite being the number one victim of hate crimes, failing to platform a hate crime bill for black Americans similar to the ones proposed for Asians and anti-Semitism. Continuing a 60 year benign neglect policy by failing to promise, direct tangible benefits to the black community. And she stated she’s not gonna do anything several times. Serving as the mistress to Willie Brown, a man who proudly stated he wasn’t gonna do anything for Black people because we don’t vote despite all of the evidence to the contrary. Yet he had no problem, providing economic access, and resources to the Asian and LGBT communities. Again and continuation of the benign neglect policy. Cackling at an innocent black man being sentenced to life in court. By the way, he won $13 million judgment for wrongful conviction Her association to Black sororities and other Boule affiliated organizations. Her association with AIPAC, a group who is currently targeting Black members of Congress. They were even caught on tape, saying the biggest threat to them as young Black people. She refused to reevaluate cases were proven tampered Evidence was used. So there you have it. Now no one can claim to not know the reasons why an increasing number of Black people aren’t voting for Kamala Harris. Now a lot of people are going to claim most of that stuff is misinformation, but it can easily be verified through numerous newspaper articles, and news report. That’s the great thing about the Internet. Now you may not have to like it. You may say Black people should do something akin to slavery, which means put their needs, politics and personal desires aside for the good of everyone else. You may say that we’re Trumpers ( most Black people are not, and the numbers easily verify that). But that’s fine. We’re OK with that. Ensure you may squeak by yet again in this election, because Donald Trump is such a racist and incompetent candidate. But just know the clock is ticking and it’s going to get increasingly harder each election. now some of you are going to read that and say I don’t care. But the purpose of that was not to convince just to inform.
That’s a non sequitur. We are referring to Obama’s speech to black men and the tone.
So number 3? Black men need to be a emasculated and sacrifice their humanity for the good of humanity as a whole?
Thank you for posting that. I kind of see it as seven types of people who don’t have a problem with what Obama did. 1. Down in the recesses of your mind, you think Black people should be lucky to be even mentioned. You don’t think that Black people particularly black men, deserve of voice, and then we should just be happy to be here in America and that We’re not all slaves. 2. You don’t think it really matters because in 2028, black voters are going to be irrelevant anyway 3. You feel like it needed to be said and it was better if Obama did it because it wouldn’t come off as racist. Which means deep down you don’t have a problem with racism only how it’s delivered. 4. You’re a black person who’s afraid of uncomfortable conversations with your white peers 5. You’re a black person who agrees with Obama, that black men should stop making trouble because this is going to interfere with your interracial, sexual or social access. 6. You are a Democratic “insider”, who is going to personally benefit if they get an office 7. You may be uncomfortable with your own masculinity, so you don’t mind seeing black men, emasculated, and dressed down due to their “toxic masculinity.” These are also people who like the gender warring politics in the black community. You’re “yas queen” all over X with the black women, but like Kamala Harris, you have no associations with black men in your life at all
Within the first two sentences of the post, the OP clarified that this post related to Black men.
Unfortunately, black people don’t have the luxury to put their sexuality first, politics included Some do but they do it at their own peril.
Yup. We are four years too early. What they thought they were going to do this election is use that same strategy: how do we get most loyal voter based to vote for us without actually having to do anything for my most loyal base? And why not? It’s worked for the last 50 years. Then when 2028 came, they were gonna flip the bird to us and tell us sorry we don’t need black voters anymore. We have a new set of voters. They were finally going to be able to win elections without Black people. And we’re still not gonna do anything for you, except for now we don’t have to hide it. We’ll just say we have a new constituency. Well, turns out even a 5 to 10% drop and Black support means a loss for the Democrats. And if they lose this election, expect an avalanche of backlash “new voters“ in black districts. Now the strategy won’t work because unlike Black people who have been foolish, other voting blocks are split down the middle 50-50. They’re going to demand something. so the Democratic Party can deflect and play all the games they want. They can’t win elections without us and if they think they’re going to that day is over.
This post shows part of the problem why black voters (including black women whose support I also waning) are turned off. This post was about black voters. Instead, we get a bunch of people, mostly dems, deciding there are more important issues to talk about. And that’s fine. You get get the advocates of those issues to vote.
Just because you don’t support, Kamala Harris doesn’t mean you support Donald Trump.
This is patently false, and a narrative created to blame black men and hedge their bets in case Kamala loses. Once again, they are trying to create a gender divide in the black community by pandering towards black women. Because in their twisted minds, they think there are some Madea/ big momma and every black family who’s gonna basically sass the black man up real good and drag them by the ears to the polls. Not only is the narrative false, it’s insulting. Are black men not allowed to make up their own minds without being called misogynistic, uneducated, ill informed, or some other pseudo racist trope? Are white men misogynistic for not voting for Kamala? Or white women races for not voting for Kamala? and there may be a few loud, black feminist who echo Obama sentiments, mostly because they are misandrists who see black men as a threat to their perceived power in the community, but for the most part, a lot of black women are not falling for this.
Because lying has been an acceptable practice in the gay community.
Raegan was keeping defense contractors paid. There is money to be made from fear. Of course there is a need for a strong military. But history has show Russia didn’t, and still doesn’t, have the best track record when it comes to wars.
[think before following links] https://youtu.be/j_Xrt8RwKL8 [think before following links] https://youtu.be/suVr1c_sFmY
Curious why you would advise that?
Thanks I was basically told eat it in an empty stomach, sit up for 30 minutes and dint eat for 1-2 hours. Wicked first two times. Last time was a nightmare
Does anyone have experience with Doxycycline? The first two times I took it on an empty stomach, I was fine. Last night, I got extremely nauseous and got sick. Any tips or alternatives? What’s your experience with this meds? Any advise helps. Thanks
My argument isn’t she wasn’t “too hard” on criminals. She fought to keep him in prison past their time which the court ruled was illegal and almost held her in contempt of court. While at the same time, her and city leaders used their discretion to not enforce federal law. City ordinance does not supersede federal law. I think you need to make up your mind. Because Kamala supporters seem to be OK with certain types of nonviolent crime and not Ok with others. But if you think putting mothers in jail for truancy is gonna help solve the problems of San Francisco, that’s your opinion.
But she was the state attorney general that supported this policy, right? and while she was the Attorney General for the city, she was supposed to be fighting to ensure the laws were followed, right?
Not true in this case. We’re not going to blame this on CDCR.
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