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Everything posted by BlackDude

  1. Incoming non PC rant coming: This summer was one of the best summers ever. With the pandemic dying down, guys were out and horny. This large oasis in the middle of the city became cruising central. On any given night, 20-30 guys would be there, most fucking, sucking or on there way to doing so. Guys were giving in to there most carnal desires right there in the woods. After a few months, the homeless people stated creeping in. The cruisers and the homeless mostly stayed out of each other’s way. Neither was a public nuisance since the park was large enough and wooded so no one could see what was going on within. Then one day, the cops decided to do a sweep and arrest all the cruisers. They homeless, who were trashing the place, trafficking and doing every drug in the book, were left alone. Fortunately, I wasn’t there with this happened and I’m an extremely caution cruiser. I still don’t understand why cruisers are being targeted for “loitering” when they are allowing the homeless to run amuck. Well, it was fun while it lasted.
  2. While I’m more into masculine men, I appreciate a faggot. They know who they are, and there is no games. Kind of refreshing. I was recently out on the prowl, and this twinkish fag showed. All it took was some eye contact, and he had his pants off, and was blowing my dick in preparation for breeding him. No pulling out, no “asking for a break,” no pretending like he wasn’t there to fuck when he was, no “I can’t cum because I have to fuck my wife/GF/BF” later. None of the BS moralizing “clutching my pearls” at another gay guy approaching you. Just two guys getting what they want
  3. I don’t think that offends reasonable people. You do have some guys who may be offended because they rely on validation of white men, but normal guys with there self esteem in tact just keep it moving. What “offends” people is when you let your feeling in the bedroom determine how you treat people in the real world, especially in a professional or business environment.
  4. Location and hotel is important. If your too far out from city center or somewhere way off the freeway, I think that could make a difference. I also went over to this Cumdump party late night. When I got to this seedy motel, the front entrance had a lock so you couldn’t drive in without a guest pass.
  5. I just did this yesterday at a place I affectionately nicknamed “Animal Planet.” It a large preserve/park in town and guys go there and put on a show, especially in evenings and at night. There’s so much open raw fucking and sucking there, it’s like like a dream. This guy showed up shirtless with a jock strap And within 10 minutes, we were tag teaming him behind a tree in broad daylight. Weirdly, it felt so liberating. I know it’s too good to be true and one day it will all be over, but for now, I’m enjoying it!
  6. Very tactful way of putting it. I think sometimes gay men hold on to “hope” a little to long.
  7. Man I usually agree with you, but I just believe most guys are fucking someone. Even if they are holding out for their unicorn.
  8. Interesting I never even heard of that song. Guess I’m getting old!
  9. I love cuddling, but I depends on the guy. All that’s discussed before hand. But these “cuddle parties” are bs. They’re basically guys scouting for guys they will hit up later to fuck. As I say, after a certain age, never believe a guy who says he’s not fucking. He’s just not fucking you.
  10. Guys already know if they want to fuck or not. Don’t allow him to play games just to boost his ego. They’re are alot of guys into gay baiting, especially at work. They know they can get certain guys to do certain things for them with a little flirting. If he’s married, and your being clingy, he will eventually make the calculation that spending ti w with you isn’t worth his marriage. If you want to fuck, be upfront. If he says yes, enjoy the time and let him decide how far he wants to take it. If not, fine, move on and let him enjoy his wife.
  11. Maybe I’m crazy, but can you tell if a guy has a big dick? Is this some kind of instinct? I think there is just a certain swag or confidence a guy has where I think “yeah he’s got a big dick.” Usually I’m right.
  12. This is why you never make a nurse a fuck buddy. Their job is the ultimate excuse and they can never coordinate unless it’s on their time. There forever working yet somehow on Grindr perpetually.
  13. Some of it was an exaggeration. Some of it was real. It was meant to covey a sentiment that “sex was hard, calculated and difficult”
  14. Most of us Gen Xers were lied to. I know I was I was told all the action was “online now” I was told you had to have chemistry with a guy before fucking I was told I had to look like an underwear model Personally, I was told I should settle for being the “black friend” I was told being A-Sexual was a thing I was told I should wait til a guy was past his prime I was told I should suppress my sexual desires to make straight people comfortable. I was told friends don’t fuck I was laughed at for cruising I was told Treasure Island was fantasy I was told _____ guys just don’t like black men I was told by mediocre guys i should be Greatful for their presence Then this summer came. And I seen you young men were friendly. And most importantly fucking. Out in the open, raw, uninhibited. Big, short, tall, fat, fit and all. No chit chat. No games. No oral only.” No “saving it for later.” No pretend girlfriend at home. Just raw breeding. You know what you want and you go for it. Shamelessly. You’ve reassured me everything I thought was true is. And I’ve had a blast doing it. Thank You.
  15. I enjoy the chase. I love cruising, the mystery, The Who’s doing what. But I’m not letting cock blockers off the hook. I really believe it’s as simple as: A. I’m not fucking and I feel bad about it, so your not going to fuck either. B. I hate ______ so I don’t want them fucking. Take The Rock for an instance. I’ve seen a guy sit in the cruising area with a large cup of coffee, with the full intent of letting people know there would be no fucking today. I’ve seen guys keep their high beams on the wooded areas, to shine light on and discourage cruisers. I’ve seen guys at the bar filibuster, while keeping an eye on you to make sure you’re not fucking.
  16. Preach. I’d say it’s about 40/60 leading toward white guys who don’t like black men. It’s cool, I wish they’d just have the balls to say it. Although, I found out the more mediocre the guy, the more he hates black men. They think their whiteness alone is currency. And it’s validated everyday by gays. I agree, Most white European guys are fucking from my experience. They only thing I would dispute is POC. I don’t include black people in that because blacks people are the only people who can’t be classified as white. They can go back and forth, we cant. Latino men are about 25/25/50. 25% will fuck you, 25% will fuck you until there is a white gut available, and the other half are white or white-Latino exclusively. Problem is some black guys are so desperate for some “exotic sex” they’ll do anything including lie about their experiences. I have NEVER been with an Asian man, not been approached by one. I don’t even see them with each other. They seem to be exclusively into white men As a black man, you find very quickly this “accepting” community is no better, probably worse when it comes to race. They gay community is 50-60 years behind. I’ve also had successful/good looking white men tell me that the whole whorship thing is a turnoff. They want a regular guy with confidence who is real, not some guy begging for validation or acceptance. That’s my two cents though.
  17. I have to more to add: The politician: This guy goes around and tries to convince people as he can to not fuck you. He usually has really low self-esteem or a strong political or racial viewpoint. He doesn’t like______ and he will convince other guys why they should like____ either. This can also roll over into handcuffing or the Chatter Box, As his main intention is to see you not fuck. The Damper- This is they guy who shows up with a bad or elitist attitude. He usually has some dour look on his face, with the main intent decreasing the sexual energy. He may actually watched you have sex or fool around, but he will never engage. He will keep his towel on, stay clothed at sex parties; or roan the trails eternally. He hast to show you that he is just above it all, and his intent is to kill the mood for everyone else.
  18. No. I believe 99% of “bisexual” men are making the calculation between if a guys hot enough and is it worth the “risk.” Straight men don’t really want to hang out with other men 24/7 like that, if only strictly for appearance sake. If you don’t care what a woman thinks then…. These men are more that likely gay.
  19. I just had an experience with “message guy” a few weeks ago. This you get cute white jock comes to the cruising spot and we start talking. Message guy comes up and asks “am Interrupting?” I said not at all. So message guy whisks him away. Jock guy asked if i wanted to come along, I politely declined. After about 30 minutes. Message guys is still doing his thing. Jock guys has this “save me” look in his eyes, so I go over, and jock starts to give me head. I rub his ass and head that whimpering every top loves to hear. Long story short, it turns into a full on orgy with message guy standing there to the side with his cock in his pants about to explode. He still to prideful to participate, and he’s full of anger, but it’s so hot, he has to watch. Here we are doing whatever to this hottie and he’s sitting there with his hard dick in pants on some “I’m too hot for this” attitude. The whole thing was hilarious.
  20. Damn. Discourteous for sure, I would t necessarily call that cock blocking. You got to kinda expect group sex at a spa/sauna. Sometimes we lose out, happens to everyone.
  21. This post is not meant to be negative. Only to share my experiences and help navigate through the BS and get to the action. It’s summer time, and people got fun on their mind! As a note, please have no sympathy for cock blockers. These guys are not naive. 99% know exactly what they’re doing, and their actions are coming from a place of vitriol, insecurity and arrogance. If you see any of the activities below, don’t waste you time. Move onto the next trick, as they have the particular art on cock blocking down to a science. The Handcuffer- This is the guy may or may not have fucked. But then he will follow the trick around or monitor him an intercede in any additional action The Chatter Box-This is the guy who will run their mouth endlessly in hopes of wearing the trick down and running out the clock. Since they know they probably aren’t fucking, to most of these guys, talking is like fucking. So waiting and hoping they will shut-up is a time waster. The Stooge-This is the guy who is jealous of his better looking friend, and will do everything in his power to stop him from fucking. He figures one of two things: either he can’t fuck his friend so why should you, or he’s just miserable with his lack of sex, and he wants company in his misery. The Former INCEL-This is they guy who couldn’t get a woman, now he finally found one girl who will fuck him. He now thinks he’s alpha as fuck, and that includes stopping gays from fucking and any other gay hating activity. Women-In straight society, women control access to sex. Unfortunately, some women think that control trickles over into gay men, and they want to interfere and control gay mens access to sex too. The Rock-This is the guy who will set up shop in the prime cruising spot or in front of the bar. He’ may be fucking, but his main intention is to prevent other guys he doesn’t deem as worthy from fucking. Message Guy-His whole goal is to get the guy relaxed, and out of the mood for sex. Then he thinks he’s going to rush him away for some private time alone all by himself.
  22. If your not fucking (or showing dick) I don’t care.
  23. That won’t change people hearts and minds. Only legal requirements.
  24. I think I’m in the minority here (but that’s usual). Guys who want to fuck, fuck (if that’s what you want). Men who want to fuck don’t turn down sex with guys half their age. Yes, there are truly some guys who are conflicted. Unfortunately, or fortunately, honestly is always the best policy. When you’re not upfront, you waste time. In the gay experience, you’ll have many guys who will pretend to not fuck. They’ll have every excuse in the book to keep you on the hook for whatever reason without actually having to do anything. Alot of times, it’s to keep you in orbit To gratify their personal ego because their partner is not for filling them at home. Don’t let that be your problem. You are young, and you need to use that to your advantage. Decide what you want. If he doesn’t like it, move on. Don’t sacrifice your wants to fulfill someone else’s ego. There will be plenty of time for that. Your young, be selfish
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