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  1. Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience or confusion. Im a long time fan of this site and its growth has been impressive. I only want to bring to light from a user perspective the issues I have faced these past few weeks and I certainly don’t want to cause controversy. More than one occasion I was redirected to the maleprime site when attempting to sign into the BZ site. I’ve consistently had to re-enter my password via an email link in order to access the BZ site. I’m in NC and the MalePrime site landing page makes mention of issues with political and age verification issues within my states rules as justification for redirecting and requests registration and sign in to their network to verify age and use sites. They refer to user name and BZ as my contact. I can send screenshot images if you’d like.
  2. Thank you for your response and direction.
  3. Also what is the S3X network??? It directs to a vast amount of other sites. I just don’t understand the need to make this so complicated or confusing. Please clarify with some sort of direction. Thanks in advance for your service and support.
  4. I’m confused as to why I need to sign in to the website MalePrime.com in order to access this site are you being hacked to force registration in other sites ? It’s getting very questionable? Is this to prove age or just some other reason?
  5. Damn right!
  6. What’s up … hit me back sometime and let’s fuck 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Boinxdoor19


      Woof brothers!!! Sending you my contact

    3. J-raw


      I would love for you to corrupt and convert me to the Brotherhood.

    4. Ponystallion
  7. I second that…
  8. Agreed… can’t wait for more
  9. I would like to be a beta tester for the new sites… please include me. I’ll be happy to write professional reviews, status, and over UX appeal and the “it” factor for us porn aficionados. Thanks in advance.
  10. Damn hot stuff
  11. Where. Are. You. Located. Let’s meetup! 

  12. I have a huge crush on EarlyStart and his writing, so much so I’ve begged him to. One visit and we could play out some of the characters he had so skillfully created… he so super sweet in and real.
  13. Second that…
  14. Early start does it again and again for me… love your writing and your pacing, slowly and rhythmically opening up the story to more and more sensations and experiences that we all can relate to with our own first times and realizations by way of discovery. Beautifully crafted and I’m shaking with anticipation of more.
  15. Damn fine writing and journey to truthful expression of the release one can achieve. Thanks for bringing this forward yet again. Wonder where the author is today? And good to know I’m not alone in wanting to experience this sort of journey.
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