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Everything posted by Pogie

  1. Love having a cheater destroying my hole and have their phone ring knowing it's their bf/husband , it's so much fun just to keep going
  2. Love them making me wait, mouth open tongue out , love a hard thick cum to land in my open mouth and face, I usually clean it with some deep throat though
  3. As much as I hate to admit it bigger, fatter is my favorite, I'm a total size fag, something about knowing something that big is going to dominate me turns me on like crazy
  4. condom kŏn′dəm noun A flexible sheath, usually made of latex or polyurethane, designed to cover the penis during sexual intercourse for contraceptive purposes or as a means of preventing sexually transmitted diseases.....ohhhhhh , nah never heard of it
  5. This is true...I heard it from a friend 😏
  6. There's something to be said about a long cock slapping against my face but I'll take girth every time , there's that fluttering heart feeling when I realize that a fat cock is going to destroy my hole and I love the grape after
  7. Ugh I keep trying to type S atan and keep getting Sarah Palin , ain't that a kick in the balls
  8. Sometimes you have to name drop S atan to find the good pnp or hypno [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.xnxx.com/video-yfrftb3/satan_free_gays_love._gay_love_freedom_trainer_with_satan I'm not a Sa tan guy myself but they are pretty good vids
  9. Google sleazy lucky, he'll be there
  10. I was watching Sleazy Lucky's last night, I think he has 2, great soundtrack also, i love popperbate and hypno vids
  11. Just my opinion but I could give a fuck less what someone's face looks like, I love dick pics or body pics , I'm not looking to date. My hang up about face pics is when I first did it on squirt, I would get approached by guys I had already told on line I wasn't interested, then I'd feel like I had to leave where ever I was . Also guys who have no sense of discretion or boundaries, it's only happened twice but both times it was a disaster . As for profile pics I really think every two years or so you should change it up
  12. Having been sick with full blown AIDS, I never want to be that sick and struggling for air again, I think I will take the shot if my HIV guy thinks it's the way to go. I have to admit if I was younger I might be less likely to do it, just my opinions
  13. I'm a steel worker
  14. Even when I was twink age I never considered myself a twink, 5'6 127 lbs from 18-21 , I consider a twink as more of a thin smooth younger guy, more of a cutie, hairy butts and beards remove you from my twink list with obvious exceptions,
  15. I love the smell of poppers lingering in the air in the hallway of the video booths, or showing up and finding a filled parking lot
  16. My take on the topic is it happens, if whomever you had incest with later claims rape then that's the risk you take
  17. I try never saying no to group fun or the really big dick guys I know especially if they are popper freindly
  18. Hooking up I've only had luck on manhunt but I get bored getting winks from the same couple of guys, i like squirt just to see who's cruising where and when
  19. I have the same problem, I tend to get bored after 2 or 3 times i think that's why i like finding new cruise spots, as for the age thing as long as your upfront with me and your body and dick work I don't care if your in your 70s, guys under 35 tend to intimidate me, always afraid of ageist rejection. I can't tell you how many times guys ask for my contact info and I have to say no
  20. I think a lot if guys get so horned up they can't remember even having a profile , no less what's in it
  21. 5 and 14, the others aren't trying hard enough
  22. Video booths, most around here are sadly closed though , so it's wood fucks for me
  23. LittleCumSewer for president 2020 , he's a candidate I can get behind😛
  24. I'm terrible at it, especially when I'm getting fucked, every once in a while I can feel the change in the rhythm
  25. I try not to be but my cruise spots seem to always have the same guys, I like not knowing what I'm getting. Of course it backfires on me like 60% of the time I either get another bottom, a small dick , Mr Vanilla, the jittery guy who freaks at every sound or worse yet the guy who just wants one on one! Hello ? I'm naked in the woods with a head full of poppers I'm not looking for a beautiful love making session
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