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Posts posted by funpozbottom

  1. Yes, they can be tricky to get in at first. My hole is pretty tight so I had to open up with a regular dildo first before trying to insert the plug. Once I was relaxed and lubed, I could use less on the plug as I inserted it. I have to say it was very comfortable to wear. Unfortunately, it melted by touching another dildo that was in the same box I stored it in. So I give that caution: don't use silicon lube and when not in use, wrap it in a towel or store it in a separate container away from other toys.

  2. 6 hours ago, PlayfulPup said:

    I was stuck in a bad hookup — no chemistry and I drove him to my home!  I’m in the midst of wondering how to end this and get him the $&@#* outta my house.

    That’s when he asks if I’m into role play.  Naively I replied YES!

    ”I’ve been getting into clowns lately.”  He bends down to his backpack and pulls out a red nose from Walgreens, pushing it onto my nose while exclaiming “BOOP!”.  I am not amused.

    he slams his dick in my ass and yells, “ACT LIKE A CLOWN.”  At this point I’m lost...my only frame of reference is Ronald McDonald & Bozo, but I don’t have the hair for either nor 6 buckets nor 6 ping pong balls.

    He yells the order again, to which I respond angrily: “ACT LIKE A CARNY!”

    He’s caught off guard and his cock slips out.  “What’s a carny?” he asks.

    End scene.  The Lyft couldn’t have arrived fast enough.


    That's hilarious. I'd have bought popcorn to see that.

  3. It's funny -- I thought it was "Grunge".  Now I'm excited because I learned a new word. 

    I've always liked getting wet and messy, slippery and slimy.  My favorite is food play since it's edible and it's pretty much guaranteed that you will get some in your mouth if you're getting smeared or rolling around/ wrestling in some slimy goo.  Pie filling can be good for smearing and licking off a playmate. And it goes good with whipped cream. (The type of cream and how you whip it is totally up to you)

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  4. I don't think the "how did you get pozzed" question is very relevant and shouldn't be asked unless you are also poz and have a story you want to share.  If someone tells you they are poz, I think a more relevant question might be, "how long have you been poz," or "when were you diagnosed?" Those questions tell you how long a person has had to deal with being poz and gives an indirect opening for someone to tell you what they feel comfortable saying on the subject. You could also ask about what meds they're taking and ask about poz vs. undetectable. These types of questions might indicate an interest in the person as they are now instead of wanting them gossip about the past.  

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  5. Reminds me of a Monty Python bit ... actually, almost everything reminds me of a Monty Python bit, but anyway ...

    A man pops his head out from under a Scotsman's kilt and yells at the camera to go away. Pops his head out again and says: " It's alright, I'm a doctor.  ... Actually, I'm a gynecologist but this is my lunch hour." 

  6. I like to suck it after a fuck since it can sometimes get the top hard again and lead to another fuck. Unfortunately, some guys' cocks get really sensitive after they cum and don't want it touched for a while, so I don't mind if they just zip up and leave. I've also had a few guys pull out one of those sanitizer wipes to clean themselves off. I have to admit I felt a little insulted the first time it happened, but whatever. 

  7. On 12/21/2020 at 9:31 AM, hungry_hole said:

    I say weird because a man saying "I feel like a woman" doesn't make sense. What the hell is "feeling like a woman"? I'm a man and I would have difficulties explaining what feeling like a man is. Rather than dealing with childhood issues it's seems easier to attach yourself to some identity and then blame any personal problems on trans-phobia.

    You say you are male but would have difficulty saying what that feels like. But if you can't describe it, how do you know you are male? It's not something that we normally have to think about. Being male or female normally isn't something we “become”, it's simply something that we “are”. Differentiation between that sense of being male and female begins in the womb. There are subtle changes in the brain that alter the way information is processed. Males tend to be left brain dominant. Females tend to have a more robust connection between the two halves and use both more equally. It is, however, possible for the brain to develop in one way while the rest of the physical body develops in another so that there is a disconnect between physical appearance and the way the brain processes information. So you could have, for example, a female oriented brain with a physically male body, or visa versa. This causes a disconnect between one's mental image – one's sense of self, and the tactile sense and visual appearance of the physical body. This disconnect is exacerbated by the over importance our current society places on appearance so that a person may feel they are stuck in the wrong body and are playing a role to try to appease others and fit into society.

    (If you want to try to understand this type of disconnect between mind and body, try to imagine how it would feel, and how you would react if you woke up tomorrow to find you had a female body, you only had dresses in your closet, and everyone treated you like a girl. How would you react to not having a penis and suddenly having to deal with breasts that don't fit your clothes? Would you just go with it or would you try to figure out what happened and try to get your male body back again? Everyone would approach that scenario differently and most likely opt for a different outcome.)

    Developing a sense of self is a complex process that cannot be attributed to one single factor. Not all people who feel they are trans would show the type of birth defect that I just described, and not all people who do would ultimately feel the need to undergo surgery to eliminate their disconnect. Regardless of the cause, different people use different strategies to cope with their dysphoria. Some are helped by therapy, some merely consider their condition to be “quirky”, some may cross dress and try on different personas, and some may opt for hormone therapies or surgeries to merge mental and physical dimensions.

    The take away from all this is that not everyone fits neatly into the gender boxes of male and female. Perhaps it's time to move away from the restrictive Victorian Era views of “male” and “female” and allow each individual the opportunity to be themselves.

  8. On 12/20/2020 at 8:15 AM, hungry_hole said:

    During my many visits to bathhouses I've run into all kinds of guys wearing their favorite fetish wear like sexy shorts, leather, etc, and occasionally guys who's fetish is to wear women's clothing. 

    My questions is, how did a fetish transform into the Trans Movement? Isn't Trans just another fetish?


    Someone who crossdresses as a fetish is turned on by the feel or appearance of the clothes and may take on an alternate persona in order to explore aspects of personality that may be considered  contrary to that person's gender. A crossdresser may be secure in his or her gender but likes the fantasy of cosplay as the opposite gender.  On the other hand, someone who is trans may feel that their birth gender is the fantasy and that dressing and behaving as the opposite gender allows them to exhibit their true self. In this way, being trans is not a fetish, but a search for and evaluation of one's true identity. 


    On 12/21/2020 at 9:31 AM, hungry_hole said:

    Following Trans logic,  short people could say "I was born in the wrong body because I feel like a tall person". Unless for ambiguous genitalia people have to accept their assigned gender.

    There is a tendency to equate homosexuality with Transsexualism but there is no comparison. The Transition requires a medical procedure and hormones, something totally unnatural. Homosexuality requires nothing.


    Body modifications and prosthetics have been used for centuries for various reasons including changing one's appearance to conform more closely to a person's self-image. From superficial changes like "fashion" and hairstyles, to moderate changes like piercings and tattoos, to more extreme changes like face lifts, hair transplants, and sex changes. What you said about short people is true. Trying to get that extra inch is one reason that some people wear high heals or lifts, and others buy vacuum pumps. That said, it should be noted that surgery or hormones are not necessary for someone to be trans. Not everyone wants or can afford the expense of those types of therapies, plus, not everyone needs to undergo that type of transformation to feel comfortable with who they are.  The trans "movement" is mostly about not being judged by one's gender, one's appearance, and one's portrayal of oneself. The goal is to breakdown gender bias so that people can more freely diverge from stereotypical gender roles.


    Just a note: I'm not trans and I'm not an expert in gender issues. My comments are merely my current understanding of the the topic.

  9. I was "found"  by a former co-worker. I was chatting with a really hot guy and -- not sure how he realized who I was but -- he asked if I was (real name) from (company name). I said, yeah, and he said he wished he'd known I was gay and that we could have had some fun when we were working together.  I was surprised he could recognize me since I don't put face pics in profiles. I was also surprised that even after seeing his face, I couldn't remember working with him.  Unfortunately, we never got a chance to play. we tried to set something up but timing and logistics never worked out.

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  10. At first I misread the title and thought it said: Coming out as a Bartender."  I thought to myself: why would anyone have to "come out" as a bartender?  Then I reread it and thought: Oh. Barebacker. But why would anyone have to "come out" as that either?  Seriously, the only people it concerns are the person you are having sex with, and possibly your doctor.  Your partners may want to know so they can stop wasting money on more condoms, and your doctor may want to know to discuss things like Prep and other vaccinations or testing that may be relevant.  Other than those two, it's nobody's business. And if someone gets nosy and starts asking about your sex life, just look them in the eye and ask: "Why do you want to know? Do you want to fuck me, Grandma?" (This is most effective when said to someone who is not actually your grandma.)

    • Haha 2
  11. As I dropped having "standards" I found that a lot of those guy that I didn't consider to be my "type" actually had nice cocks and gave me some nice loads. I currently take most loads, but will still walk away from someone who is coughing, wheezing or otherwise visibly sick. I also avoid strong odors that trigger my allergies. Other than that, line them up and let me take them all.

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  12. This is a difficult question to answer because I always want it everywhere -- I want it in my mouth, in my ass, and splattered on my chest. sometimes I'll get a load and feel a twinge of disappointment that I can't have it spurting somewhere else on my body as well. I guess for me I really want at least three guys at one time. The first cums on my chest so I'm splattered and smell like cum as the second shoots in my mouth. Then I'll have the taste of cum in my mouth as the third fills my hole. That would get me charged and ready for another round.

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  13. On 12/11/2020 at 6:51 AM, Pozguyinchi said:

    I have always been a proud bottom. I do not top at all. I tried once but it was a complete failure and I never wanted to again. I was pozzed at 19 so I have now been poz for over 19 years. In about the last 5 years I have been approached  by many many bottoms that want me to convert them.  They either make me feel shame for being poz and not wanting to share it or continue to ask me until I loose interest in even having a friendship with them.  About 7 months ago I started locking myself up in chastity so that it would be even another deterrent in spreading my dna. I was just asked this week why I don’t top?  

    Let me just say, one bottom to another, that I would love to make you cum. You're the kind of guy that makes a top hard and makes a bottoms melt. So, to a certain extent, you can take that kind of interest from other bottoms as a compliment even if you don't want to reciprocate.

    As for the poz interest, I've been approached by both tops and other bottoms because I'm poz. I've found that it is usually someone who is newly on prep, and now that they feel protected, they want to see what it's like to fuck with someone who's poz. They always seem disappointed or surprised that I'm not into the whole "gifting" stereotype. For them, poz is a commodity interest that has nothing to do with who I am as a person.

    Chastity. Yeah, I got tired of going to theaters and always having guys try to play with my cock. I got a little silicon cage to make it a little clearer that I want that left alone. The first time I wore it, some guy actually took it off me to try to play with my cock. Some people are clueless. I've quit trying to be subtle and will just tell them: If you're not going to fuck me, don't touch me.

    I don't know why some people have to try to shame others that don't meet some arbitrary standard that they hold. When someone tries to throw some shame at me I either ignore it or respond like it's a compliment. Meanwhile, in my head I'll remind myself that you can not be shamed or degraded by others -- you can only degrade yourself. And I have to say that over the years I've done some degrading thing and most of them were pretty hot. 😋

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  14. 21 hours ago, subpig00 said:


    Oh, I have one those piles which causes no pain, and no blood. Just a lump, a sack of blood clot there. It was a small thinh to begin with, so it amazes me how it's still there. It has shrunk, I think. But still far from gone. Honestly it is so minor that it annoys me it acts all big and important and resist going back.

    Doctor said any kind of play would make it worse. So, I don't know if I can follow the dildo advice, sorry 😕

    Generally my biggest fears are: 1: what if it doesn't go away completely and I need surgery, which would hit me terribly financially, emotionally and sexually. 2: Even though I don't strain when shitting, douching is all about pushing water out and straining. And I'm scared it may come back and become a regular thing. 2 months of no sex is too much for a slut. Just a few days before this I was walking around in my room, strangers' cum dripping off my hole at random times.

    If it's not getting bigger and not causing pain, that might explains why your doc didn't refer you for treatment. For most people it probably wouldn't be a concern but it is for you because you want sex.

    So the bad news is that once you have a hemorrhoid you will always be at risk of developing more. Even if you have it removed, new ones can develop if you continue to put pressure on the area. That doesn't mean you can't have sex -- it simply means you need to focus more on relaxation. Just my opinion but you shouldn't have to strain that hard to douche. You're not trying to prolapse the rectum -- you want to relax the sphincter and apply gentle pressure using your abs to push the water out. Let gravity do the work of emptying your hole. .

  15. Something you can try that may give you some relief is to slide a dildo in your ass. I know it sounds counter-intuitive but here's my logic. Hemorrhoids form when blood vessels are forced through or around the sphincter wall then getting trapped. What you need to do is relax and expand the sphincter so the vessels can begin to contract and return to their original location. If you insert a small dildo, you can sometimes relax and ease the pressure on the hemorrhoid. If you want to try it, lay on your back or side, use lots of lube, and go show. Insert a small dildo then relax and lay still with it inside you for 15 to 30 minute. And here's the hard part -- just lay still. Don't fuck yourself with the dildo -- you're not trying to get off -- you merely want to dilate the sphincter.  When the time is up, let the dildo slide out then gently push the hemorrhoid back inside. It will most likely pop back out and that's OK. Over time it will start to shrink and return to where it belongs. Use the dildo every day for a week. If it works for you, pain should start to ease in a day or two, and by the end of the week the hemorrhoid should be smaller. To keep it from coming back and prevent others from forming, be sure you are getting enough fiber and water in your diet and avoid any straining when moving your bowels.

  16. This site seems to follow the same general format as every other forum / message board on the planet. It's not a "protocol" -- it's just a easy way to group and format posts to make them easy to find. Pick any forum on any subject and you will find a similar structure. It helps you locate the subject and information you want, and ignore the rest.

  17. 7 hours ago, AirmaxAndy said:

    Interesting definition of Pervert being a corrupting influence - I guess that's why the shortened form means what it does and is banned here. That's pretty much what the dictionary definition is too.

    In the UK you sometimes hear a group of friends accuse one of their number of [banned shortened form]-ing over someone. This is usually noticeably paying excessive attention to someone they desire, but from a distance rather than being direct or cruisey. Usually if the target is considered to be above the league of the admirer, or if the attention is making them noticeably uncomfortable. 

    You also often hear the banned shortened form used to describe someone who's paying unwanted attention to someone and ignoring social cues/body language to stop. eg: That guy in the darkroom who won't take no for an answer. 

    Yeah, the pervert is the guy always watching porn, sees a hot guy and tells you all the things he'd like to do to him, always at the sauna watching, wears clothes that accentuate his crotch. May be into younger guys in a stereotypical "you want a piece of candy" kind of way. Can get touchy-feely but it usually stops there before it crosses the line to full molestation. I could be wrong on this but I think the guys who say they are perverts are more interested in chatting and jacking off to pics and stories, while the ones who say they are into tabboo are the ones interested in crossing the line to participate in their misspellings. 

    As for the "guy in the darkroom who won't take no for an answer", I just think of him as a "gnat".  A little bug that hovers 3 inches from your face. You swat it away and it come right back.

  18. On 11/21/2020 at 6:00 AM, AirmaxAndy said:

    When browsing sites like NKP or BBRT you sometimes see terms or phrases in use that have for me unclear meaning - some of them on here get auto replaced with "[banned word]"

    For me these terms are a little vague: maybe the point of their use is to start a conversation. 

    But some of them make me reticent, as they could mean anything - and I'd rather not associate with someone who's definition is something that could result in a stretch in prison and being put on the sex offenders register. 

    So, is there an unwritten collective understanding of these terms? 

    Does their meaning change when spelled with numbers? (I can't imagine it's done to fool filters as these terms aren't banned - and disguising them makes it hard to search for them)

    Also interesting does their meaning change US vs British English? 

    Here are some examples and what they conjure up in my (British) mind as a meaning... 

    • Raunch -  unwashed, sweaty, pheromones, unwashed socks/underwear, man smells but not "Dirty" as defined below.
    • Dirty - could be brown, yellow and/or cock cheese - rarely means mud (a shame!)
    • Dirty load - spunk that contains one or more infectious STDs. 
    • Sleazy - darkrooms, cruising, restrooms/bathrooms, orgies. 
    • Dark - Satanism, Rituals, Occult. 
    • Pervert - Predatory, stalking, older.
    • Extreme - if you took the a group of guys into whatever it is, then only the top 10% would take it this far. 
    • [banned word] (and not the Boy George musical) - something you wouldn't want your colleagues, friends or family to know about because it would cause outrage.
    • Fetish - being turned on by specific item(s) of clothing or object(s). 
    • Breed - used to think this was about gifting/chasing but it seems to be general term for bareback
    • Pig - generic term meaning any of the above may apply. Used by tops and bottoms. 
    • Any others?

      Be interesting to see if you agree???

    (edited because of banned words on here)

    I like reading threads like this since these definitions sometimes change regionally and there's usually something I hadn't heard before. There's also a good bit of cross-over between terms, plus, most sites sensor what can be put on a profile so that may require a little creativity if you want to hint as some particular interest. All that combined make finding a concrete definition somewhat difficult. Here's how I define a few of the terms you listed:

    • Raunch -  involves body excretions and waste. (There are 3 P's and 3 S's: pee, poo, puke, sweat, spit, and snot)
    • Filthy - unwashed and sweaty. Can refer to body or gear.
    • Grunge - Also unwashed but with the addition of dirty, mud, and oil.
    • Dirty - a generic catchall that could mean anything that's not vanilla depending on the site. (Some sites ban any mention of raunch so on those sites the closest term may be dirty)
    • Pig - Insatiable. Into quantity over quality.
    • Pervert - Corrupting influence. Could be voyeur, exhibitionist, or predator.
    • Breed - Cum in the hole after a long fuck. With a good breeding, the top will stay inside as long as possible to prevent the load from leaking out. This may lead to a second fuck.
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  19. On 11/12/2020 at 10:14 PM, 1000GUYS said:

    Hey guys... i made a topic last saturday talking about my 11 dicks sucked in a bathhouse... ok... idk if its the first time i did it, i dont know if i exaggerated... but after that i got a sore throat, i really bad one... it has been almost a week and its getting better now...

    i remind one guy with a really thick dick that forced me to deep throat him, but he did it with violence and it hurted... i didnt know i would get sore from it...

    Yesterday i went to hospital and took my first penicilin injection, now im better

    but im afraid of sucking and deep throat again... i thought i got an oral STI but i dont think so... im so UNLUCKY 😄

    From your description, it sounds like you may have gotten strep throat. If that's the case, the bacteria may have been present before your bathhouse visit and the face fucking allowed the infection to take hold. More likely, the bacteria may have been passed by one of the cocks you had lodged in your throat. (One of the potential dangers of bathhouses is that you never know how many mouths or asses a cock has been in before it enters yours. Bacteria can spread to multiple people without anyone knowing.) 

    If you want to reduce the risk of infections in the future, your could try gargling with a mouthwash that says it kills bacteria after you play. (Other things some people use are salt water rinses, apple cider vinegar, and cask-strength vodka. All those change the Ph of the throat to make it an unfriendly environment for bacteria. The alcohol in vodka also can kill off some of the bacteria if it's in contact long enough.)

    To soothe a sore throat, gargling with salt water or drinking tea with honey and/or lemon may help. And of course, if you suspect an STI or other infection, going to the doctor for antibiotics is the best option.

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  20. OrangeFox, I'm a little confused. I though all foxes were required to be bottoms. Was I misinformed or did you get special dispensation from the popufurs? 😸

    This was supposed to be the year that I was going to take time off and hit up a few cons. but then the universe happened. Hopefully next year the cons will be back running and I'll be happy to have you breed me like a bitch.

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