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  1. you like slamming then destroying pigs? Looking to fly to a pig who will own me from the moment i land

  2. You like owning , slamming and destroying pigs?

  3. I don't have a moral compass - always up for anything. At about 11 pm, I got a message on Grindr asking to come over for cuddles. I go along. Matt - 40, white, runner's build, hairy, black hair, brown eyes, handsome - opens the door, looking all cute in his spex and jumper with yellow geeky socks and cute underwear showing a big bulge. I follow him to the bedroom, a bit surprised that the main room's door is closed. After about half hour of kissing and cuddles, Matt asks if I would like some G and T. We are in our underwear and socks by then, trying to keep warm in November cold. Me: You don't mean Gin and Tonic, do you? Matt: Haha, no. I meant GHB and methamphetamine. They get you high. Me: Sure - sounds fun. Matt: Cool. Let me get some from the kitchen. Oh, and by the way, my roommate is there in the living room with his friends. Don't worry they are just chilling and won't be an issue. Me: Cool. Matt gets the stuff. Matt: Here, drink this. It will taste awful, but will feel good. cheers Matt: This is a waterpipe. I will heat up the T and you need to suck as much as possible Me: Haha, suck as much as I can, eh? (I say brushing his chest) Matt: *chuckles* Here you go I suck in for a while, chest puffed up. I exhale and say, "interesting" Matt: What? Me: I can feel something, not sure what. I am sort of controlling so I usually end up drinking loads for me to be buzzed haha. Matt: Just take a few more, it will be fine. Trust me. I am here He smiles his cute smile. I cannot believe a guy as cute as him is standing next to me, smiling, half naked. I take a deep breath, and do a couple of more puffs. Matt: How do you feel? Me: Good. A bit swirly. Want to get on bed? Matt: Yea. Let me blow a few clouds too. He does a few, and gives me more. I start kissing him deep. Tongues deep in his mouth, sloppy wet kisses, I moan and feel his butt Our cocks getting hard and rubbing each other. I become brave and reach inside his underwear and give his cock a hard squeeze. I let out a moan as he moans, feeling his beercan. He takes my hand out and I look at him questioningly. Me: All ok? I am so fucking horny now man. Look. I point at my boner Matt: yea. Just thinking how to make this better. I think we should slam. Me: eh? Matt: Inject T. Its so much better than smoking. Me: Umm...I don't know. Is it safe? Matt: Yea, just fun man. I know how to do it. We don't have to do it, but I would like it if we do. So, babe? Me: Sure. Matt: Yay! I will get them ready. He takes a few syringes out and opens them. Fills them up with the powdered T. Tells me he will give me a 0.2 and he will do a 0.4. Me: You might as well give me 0.4. I have handled it well so far right? Matt: Sure! He asks me to hold my arm out. Ties a tornique. Asks me to close my eyes. Matt: Sharp Scratch. And its done. He releases my torniquet and asks me to raise my hand up and put pressure on my elbow. Me: wow. I definitely feel something. Matt: No cough? That's impressive. Sure its your first time? I am speaking quickly now, chattery. Me: Told yea...mmmhmm....mmhmm...controlling.... My hands are wanking my cock. Matt: Ok Hold still for just a min. I do as I told. Matt: Haha don't shake your leg and take a deep breath. I do so. Matt slams me on my other arm all of his. Me: FUCK! I start breathing heavily. Body shaking. Sweating. My hearing goes robotic. Vision blurry. Matt: Feels good? Me: yea. I donnow. You want to have sex? I say, playing with my nipples. Matt: Sure - I will be back in a min. I have to do mine. I lay on the bed on my fours. I hear a few coughs from the living room. My brain trying to control and make sense of it. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, reminding myself to enjoy this. I feel energetic waves just travelling all over my body. My cock is leaking prekum. I take my underwear off and spit on my hands and rub it on my crotch. I keep moving - holding still is not an option. We need to do something. Matt comes in and leaves the door open. His expression crazy and eyes wide too. He comes on the bed, slaps my ass, falls on top of me and starts kissing me. Arms around my neck. Matt: I am going to make you a little piggy babe Me: Mmhmmm. MMhmmmm. Yea. MMm ...Fuck. I cannot mmhmmm mhmm hold still mhmm...Is this normal mm hmm mhmmm..? Matt: Yea babe. Once you are busy your mind will shut up. How about you get on your 4s and suck me? Me: Sure I turn around so quick. My ass sticking out in the air facing the door. I start sucking Matt's big beercan cock. I slap it around my face a bit and look at him. He looks back and slaps my face slightly. Then he holds my face and shoves his full 10" in my mouth and holds me there. I try and revolt but his grip is hard. A slap on my ass distracts me. He lets me go and my face is smeared with saliva and his precum. He holds my face again and this time makes me go slowly on his cock. I come up for air. We kiss. Matt: Lets give you another G. Me: Sure. I gulp it down. Matt: You trust me? Me: I smile and say yes. We kiss again. He stands on the other edge of the bed. I go down on him again, ass up in the air facing the door. He keep slapping my ass. Then he holds my face tight and as I struggle, I feel something cold and burning at the same time in my ass. My hands are pinned down and by this time my ass is on fire. He releases me, slaps my face with his cock. Me: Whh...mm..at? Matt just smiles. And a big cock shoves inside my ass. I moan and he shoves his cock up in my face. I moan. He lets his cock out of my mouth. Matt: You don't mind that my friends have sex with us do you? The guy behind me, Aaron, is fucking me super hard at this point. Me: You ...mhmmm. should have...mm.....oh yea....all good....mmm... My hands are released and I put them down and just enjoy and let out moans as I am fucked. Aaron pulls out, and after a few seconds I feel a bigger, thicker cock in. I look up and see Aaron for the first time - 35, jock, smooth, and his 8" smelling of my ass. Aaron: Hi slut Me: Mmhmmm. Hey. Aaron: Suck my cock bitch. Matt has started to fuck me super hard, opening my hole. Laughing and calling me his boi. This goes on for a while. They stop, turn me around. And smile. Matt: Feel good? Me: Yea. Fucking my hole is on fire. My mmhm..head is spinning mmhmm. And I want mmhmmm to be fucked please mmhmm - deep, hard, bad, rough. Fuck. Aaron: Good boy. You will do anything we say won't you boy? Me: Yes please. I start to finger myself. Matt: Haha, little slut. Here, drink some juice. I gulp down a glass. Matt: Let's take him to the living room. Aaron helps me up. Bends me over quickly. Shoves his cock in at once and takes it out. Puts a plug in. And then drags me to the living room. Matt: Gents, this is our slut for tonight. Twice slammed. Once booty bumped. And he would like to be fucked. I look at everyone, and try to smile. Wipe my forehead. Aaron keeps firm at the plug. One of the young boys there, 20, skinhead, throws me a towel. Pete: Name's pete. First time high? Me: Mmhmmm Pete: Like it? Me: mmhmm..Yes Pete: Want my cock? He wacks out his 9" thick cock from his shorts and slaps it in his hand. Me: Yes please. Pete: Get on the sling! I notice at the other end there is a sling. I had only seen it in porn till then. Aaron and Matt help me on the sling and don;t let me take the plug out. The oldest man there, Paul, gets up and takes his shorts off. Paul: Destroy him? *smirking to the other 3* They nod yes. Paul: Boy, you are going to get your ass gaping tonight. My eyes go wide. Trying to make sense and protest. Paul: You know you got fucked bare right? Without a condom? I gasp and try and get off the sling. Aaron and Pete hold me. Me: Oh mmhmm...shit...mhmmm..I am ..mhmm...neg...Are you mhmmm? Paul: Yes, we all are. Me: Mmhmm....oh phew! Mmmhmm...condoms now? Matt: Babe, you want one more slam? Me: I mhmmm...don;t know......you decide mhmmm.... Matt: Aaron, Pete - you slam this slut. Pete and I will lube his ass up. Matt hands me a drink. Here, drink. Pete helps while I gulp it down. Aaron and Pete slam me together. I cough and my eyes roll. All voices become blurry and I my hole feels so warm. I let out a giant moan. Me: Fuck me please. I hear a few laughs. A few coughs. My head is spinning and all I know is that my body is on fire and all I want is to be fucked. Paul, Pete, Aaron and Matt all start to piss on me - Aaron on my head and body, Pete in my mouth, Matt and Paul on my ass. Their piss goes in as the plug has openings on both sides. Me: Oh fuck. In the background, I hear - smile, you are on camera bitch. All I know is my my head is in grips in Aaron's hands and I am sucking his cock. Someone is playing with my nipples - pulling them. And that the plug is out and my ass is being fucked hard. This lasts a while, the cocks in my ass and mouth replaced as they take turn. They pull me off the sling, put me on my hands and knees. I am licking someone's feet and there is more piss. My face is yanked up and down as they like and a cock is shoved in my throat - it all tastes bitter. Matt finally comes beneath me and kisses me. Someone's cock is completely inside me and we stop moving. He looks at me and says: Matt: Good cuddles? Me: *Trying to make sense of it all, body on fire, loving the cocks* Yea ...mhmmm...different....but feels so ....nnhmmm...dirty Matt: Should we stop? Me: No Please. Matt: Good boy. You wanted to be a slut, didn;t you? Me: Yea..mhmm..I guess. Paul slaps my ass. Me: Yes. Matt: I knew it. We are going to take care of you boy. You don't want us to stop right? Me: No. Matt: Even if we want to fuck you without condoms? Me: mmhmm...guess its ok.....mhmm...you are all neg....mhmmm Matt: We can stop. Me: No, mhmm...is ok. Matt: Good slut. You care that we have pissed on you? Me: It...mhmnn...was bitter....and my ass...is burning...mhmmmm.But it made my head spin. Matt: You will do what we say, yes? Me: Yes sir. Matt: You want your hole open? Me: yes sir Matt: You want raw cock, don;t you? Me: mhmmm Matt: You don't? Me: I guess.. Matt: Say it slut. He chokes my throat and Paul slaps my ass hard. Tears come out of my eyes Me: mmmhmmm I .... Pete: Let's make this boy a bitch. Aaron and Pete slam me again and I just start to shake and give in Me: Please let's fuck Matt: You want raw cock? Me: Yes please let's fuck Matt: Good slut Aaron hands me a drink. Pete goes and pisses on my ass and Paul comes and starts to fuck my face. Matt and Pete both put their cocks in my ass. I moan and scream but Paul holds my head and pisses down my throat. Matt;s hands are on my nipples and Aaron is helping stretch my ass. I am double fucked in turns, Matt's cock always in me. Me groaning like a wild animal. Me: MMhmm..Yea..Fuck me...yea.. Paul: Fucking bottom slut Pete: Bareback whore My ass is red Me: Fuck me...mmhmm...yea Matt: What do you want? Me: I want more cocks in me. Fuck me..mhhmm...harder...faster...mmhmmm Matt: There's my slut. Say it into the camera Me: Fuck me..mhmm..please Fuck my hole. Fuck me bareback please Matt: Yea? Bareback slut? Me: Yes please? I start moving but they hold me and pull out. They get me on the sofa on my back. Paul sitting on my face with his cock. Aaron starts to put fingers in while Matt holds my cheeks apart and Pete is filming. Pete: Yea, he is a slut all right. Filthy little fucker. PIggy going to take his first fist I don't even say anything. I keep trying to take more of Paul's cock in my face. He pulls out and slaps my face with his cock. Sits besides me and makes me sniff his pits and lick them. Then he makes me lick his man hole. Then he stops and holds my head in a grip and says Paul: The camera needs to see your twisted face, slut Me: I look at the camera Paul: You like being a bareback slut? Me: Mmhmm..yea...please don't stop. Matt: We are going to fist you boy. With that, Aaron starts to push deep. I moan and writhe. Paul holds me down. Aaron pulls out and pushes back in. Making a swish sound. He does that over and over. I moan and writhe. Pete keeps the cam on my face and asks me to keep looking at it. Aaron goes gentler this time. Paul is holding my legs back and Matt is still holding my cheeks apart. Matt spanks me hard all of a sudden and Aaron's fist goes in. I let out a moan and try and arch my back but Paul holds me down. Aaron keeps still. Matt lets go and starts to piss all over my cock, lifting my ass up slightly so it goes in above Aaron's fist. I lose it and make nonsensical noises. And Aaron takes it out and pushes back in again with force. I keep making noises. Paul: He is flying hard. Look at the boy. He smiles and kisses me. They turn me around. Put me on my fours. Pete sits in front of me. Aaron handles the camera. Matt and Paul behind me - starting to stretch my ass and putting few fingers each. Pete starts to call me a faggot slut and slap my face with his foot. he starts to use my mouth to clean himself - his feet, legs, ass, hole, cock, balls, pits, lips. Paul and Matt keep stretching and have 4 fingers each in me at this point. They take it out and Aaron slides down so his feet are on my face. Matt lies down so his crotch is touching Aaron's crotch and his face between Aaron's. Paul and Pete help me up so I can squat. They push me down and pull my cheeks as they are doing so so both of their cocks are up my ass. I let out a scream and Pete shoves his cock in my face. Pulls me so now I am holding him by the legs. My knees are almost on the sofa. Both cocks in me. And I feel Paul trying to put his in. I shake my head. Me: Mmhmm....no please. Pete slaps my face. Pete: You are a slut boy, you will do as told. Me: Mhmmm...Hurts ...mhmm.please Matt and Aaron push me off them and I fall on my stomach on the sofa. They slap my ass hard and get up. Time for a break!
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