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About pozer77

  • Birthday 03/16/1977

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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Bare, Poz, HIV, STI, Glory hole, toxic sperma, piss, scat, smegma
  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Top
  • Background
    I like to fuck and I would like to accept toxic loads,whore, prostitute, tick, fuck, STI
  • Porn Experience

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  1. yesterday after 11pm it was very busy there and it was super fun
  2. I can't confirm. usually after 10 pm it gets empty and so until 4/5 in the morning in the summer of course. I've been there a few times but haven't seen any action. sometimes only a few people will stop for a moment. maybe you need more luck.
  3. Byk, Bull, Bull
  4. I will not cry. I'm pissed off by the two-hour waiting in line for the bouncer to throw you away by God's grace. you'd better go to Bull.
  5. amazing party. a club with a lot of space, incomparably better with the August edition, minus for the lack of air conditioning on the lower level, water was running down the walls. there were about 350 boys, the average age for this type of event is 38+
  6. Hopefully there will be more stocks than in August
  7. can anyone confirm how much is a lab ticket now? Someone writes on google that 40 euros. Last time I was on lab dance a month ago admission was 15 euro.
  8. [think before following links] http://www.lab-oratory.de/dates/
  9. Cześć, jestem w Berlinie do 13.11. Jak chcesz się spotkać dzwoń 698 035 903. Dziś będę w laboratorium, tiergarten i Bull.
  10. Bull, tiergarten, laboratorium
  11. [think before following links] http://www.lab-oratory.de/dates/
  12. nice to see you, i'll remember getting you pregnant last friday in the lab.
  13. Hej, nie wiem czemu nie mogę tutaj napisać do ciebie na priv. Nie mam Twitter. Możesz napisać gdzie dokładnie w tiergarten są akcje? Często bywam w Warszawie to możemy się spotkać.
  14. the laboratory is only open until the end September, the fun takes place in the open air in a well-masked garden. I was there on September 10th after 8pm and had a great time. everyone did what they wanted with everyone. the fun continues until around midnight. Then the party moves to Bull. Since I was at the Folsom time, the fun lasted until morning. I left after 6.00. several mares were fertilized by me. I'm coming back from STD, probably syphilis or syphilis because the dense yellow discharge from the dick. yeah
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