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Everything posted by azncumdump

  1. thank you for sharing, very helpful information.
  2. 357 sauna is always good
  3. Only thing with ibis kings cross is that you have to pass the front desk in a small area, and the room is very small.
  4. We havent’ touched on the subject of lubrication. I think it’s possible to “train” your body to adapt to the long dildos, but start from small diameters and softer toys, recoganzie the feeling and how your body react to the insertion. In my case, think i have a very short rectum and quite tight sigmoid bend, i need to inject a lot lube into my rectum, also deep and slow breathing, almost like practicing mindfulness, feeling every movement of the dildo going in. I feel i almost need to relax my gut or pushing my gut internally down into the long toys. Never just of pushing the dildo up and hard, otherwise, pinkness guaranteed.
  5. what about New Orleans, i fantasize about the south.
  6. agree, don't need a long hose. I found the following method works well for me. Using a hose with any tip, lye on all fours, heads down, ass up, and use very very slow flow of water (this is very important), hold the tip of the hose in ass. i can feel water slowly fill into descending colon, and starting to feel the involuntary movement of the descending colon. that feeling will go away after couple of waves, than come back, listen to your body and until you can't take it anymore, stand up relax and walk around for few meters, until the need to expel became unstoppable. now expel, dont push out, just relax colon, relax rectum and relax hole, let the body do it's work, lot's of nasties will come out from descending colon. i usually do this twice, with few minutes rest in between. then do some short wash only for rectum.
  7. this is amazing advice. thank you
  8. thanks guys for this discussion, met a very hung guy at club last night, couldn't take his massive cock all the way, feel very frustrated. now i got some practice to do.
  9. i think mine heal in few days, i apply apple cider vinegar, also a zinc oxide based cream like Desitin, they help speeding up the healing process
  10. Hey guys, I'd like to host gangbang session taking loads, let me know if you interested so I can make some plans. Location fortitude valley apartment Street parking nearby over weekend or commercial parking around 15 per day on weekends. Access is secure and discreet The bottom _ I am locked in cock cage and will service all tops who come and willing to unload inside me. Been told I got a great ass to fuck. not sure if I am permitted to write my bbrts id here, pm if you need it. Enhancement substance _ no, nilch, zero shower and light refreshments will be provided.
  11. amazing, learning tantric now, hopefully one day will be able to experience this.
  12. started to learn tantric, as a 100% bottom, keen to develop sexual energy so i could satisfy tops all night long.
  13. yes to "involuntary muscle spasms", haven't been fucked for a months, was fucked by my BBC buddy, after 5 min of pounding, i started to experience strong spasm, pleasure mixed with pain, had to ask him to stop. then the ass just sending waves and waves of pleasurable spasm, and rectum felt swollen for few hours, feels great actually. first time ever felt like this, all was bit strange but great feeling to me. told him i will train my hole with big dildo, so next time he can go to town:)
  14. trying to keep locked longer, balls are not very comfortable after few hours, keen to see how my body might adjust.
  15. awesome tips for the imodium which gives great comfort, and gas-x tablet which solved my problem of needing to fart being pumped in too much air.
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