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Everything posted by KERVORKIANjack

  1. Dude, you would never once mention any fucking Saudi or whatever until someone else brings Islam up. Islam is not a gay guy's friend, in fact, I just realised something I can't remember ever doing it with a Muslim dude this side of 2020. I've not encountered a guy called Mohammed or whatever anywhere in any place where gays meet. It's obvious they feel more threatened and need to stay closeted with a pro-ISISlam president squatting in the White House.
  2. Sorry but, are you completely fucking retarded? Trump is an anti-Islam hero, and Hitler said ISISlam was "the only religion I respect" in Mein Kampf.
  3. I'm not sure about going on as a Trump supporter any more because I believe he doesn't have the understanding of history and the evil of (some, or most) leftists, that it takes.... to function properly in the position he's been put in now and speak the truth about where America is. In my opinion he should have handed off to someone else and endorse them for the nomination, in order to get around the legal persecution he's been subjected to. (except the problem is his "runner up" Desantis is a complete lightweight as well as a gay-hater so he's no used to me or anyone here.... uh unless of course he decided to change his surname to "Al-Desantis" or "Bin-Desantis" and wear a headdress. Then some people here would worship him) We're not allowed to speak freely about the 2020 election here we have to operate under a strict Chinese communist-style speech restriction system so I can only say so much, therefore I can't expand on why that affects my support of him (or why those events we're not allowed to talk about, in turn made him a weak leader)
  4. [think before following links] https://katv.com/news/nation-world/idaho-man-alexander-louie-gets-30-year-sentence-for-purposely-spreading-hiv-through-sex-with-men-ada-county-sheriffs-office-undercover-online-interaction-predator Here's one with an actual pic. I'm not an Idaho lawyer so I dont know how many years was for what he did do, and what he was trying to do (underage)
  5. This from people who've claimed that they fully understand Trump's "angry manchild personality" since before we even got to Jan 1st 2016. But then keep saying they are "shocked" by him. To this day.
  6. Um, maybe it was free of "content" that you feel you can actually reply to. It wasn't "content-free" you just plucked that phrase out cause you'd run out of road and hoped it would annoy me. It did but not enough to call you a name! Merely saying someone is "determined to argue" makes them bad does it? Wow. I'm determined so I must be crazy or bad? You're determined for us to keep treading water in your pseudointellectual inflatable kiddy pool............ instead of probing important topics such as ISISlam which isn't our friend and never will be. (btw... already seen "Monty Python" when I was about 12, I'm British remember. And middle class. and above 30. TRY HARDER!)
  7. So that means we should pretend such "perpetrations" didn't happen (that's what both you and "Viking" really mean, but you're just about smart enough to realise how stupid that sounds so no-one ever adds it on).
  8. Wait, aren;t you that one who's always cheering me being banned for saying the truth? And you're terrified of an unadulterated debate with some guy who lives 6,000 miles away from ya.... And you think other people should be strangled?
  9. You forgot to call me a "koch-sucker"!
  10. Do you think your heroes in the Pentagon and FBI and such, they have a rule where they're only allowed to discuss how they'd respond to something "when it's about to happen"? You know the ones who are keeping you safe from "INSURREECSHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN" ............ (a word that makes Colbert-watching basement dwellers feel so intellectual and Shakepearey....) Queue your next pitiful non-response.
  11. Hey thanks for not being a  brainwashed retard, I know it's a really rare thing up in Scotland now

    1. fisterm8


      YES im rare and cant be brainwashed

  12. "astroturf" that's cute we're taking a trip back to 2010 now. Can Dennis Hopper be alive again plox?
  13. But if he sent out a helpful note in the post next week saying he was doing so, you'd dismiss that as well.
  14. Gorilla poacher Professional 9-ball pool referee
  15. How did you conclude my remarks were "insincere"? Have you been to my home country and spent any time either in or out of its capital? How can you just decide I was "faking my fears" for attention or something? Do you have any idea of the issues I was talking about, I think you really truly expected me to be bowled over by how the word "insincere" sounds, but no I am not. (Presumably, "SCREEEEEEED" also incoming if you can muster another response) Then the rest of your post was an incredibly long winded way of just saying "Put him on ignore", which you read out as though it was a bedtime story. Your pseudointellectuality and "condescendingness" is as rich and has as many different flavours as there were different races in Tolkien's books, and the self-loathing, ISIS-swooning nature that exists at its core is as relentless and repugnant as his orcs.
  16. Sounds like quite a "conspiracy theory" you've got there!
  17. Yeah, I'm concerned about the difference in your approach.Why do Christians get condemned and not Muslims if there's no difference, as you say? Which has been the case for 2 decades now, as no-one mentioned Islam in everyday conversation until 9/11... there's absolutely no good reason why you do. There's driveltarded reasons, which no doubt you or someone else can type out for the 9584968349th boring ass time. Wow the dissembly express runs fast even on a Sunday. We're talking about "Buddhism this, theoretically that!" already. Amazing.
  18. Right now, the ruling leftist class and its chattering people (including people here) they either never talk about ISISlam any more, cause that would be confronting reality about why they lost to Trump .. or they pretend Islam is our "friends" or whatever. Lots of European government show extreme deference to Islam and the idea that we all need to "love" Islam etc, and that lots of people from the Middle East should come here. In the UK, you get dragged off by our illiterate police force for protesting against it, or quoting the violent bits of the Koran in public to point out the reality of it. The same happened to a guy who quoted what Winston Churchill had to say about it. I want to know what you would do, not hear lame excuses like "Well, there's no sign etc that that's about to happen etc". There's more to life than putting on a toga and saying "INSURRECTIOOOOOOON!" And shouting "insurreeectiooooon! sedittiioooon! FALSIFICAAAAYSHUUUUN!" at someone with a big beard who outlaws homosexuality, that would not work.
  19. Yeah you keep pestering me about something until midnight , it'll show how completely unimportant both me and the claim are! Totally meaningless to you aren't I, just like that "loser" (yeah right) Trump
  20. so I may not be American but my parents both think Trump's an "idiot" etc, but both of them have been in hospital for being too stupid to wash themselves (in my mother's case it was life-saving and she needed major surgery) I bet Joe Biden doesnt wash his hands after using the toilet too, that dumbass white trash piece of shit.
  21. "Triggered" isn't that word offensive to victims of gun crime? (as well as anyone with an IQ above Antarctic temperatures)
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