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About barebro

  • Birthday 02/01/1982

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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    swapping fluids with other pigs. cum, piss, spit, sweat, pits, socks/sneakers, underwear, dom/sub, choking, bondage, perv, gear
  • HIV Status
    Don't Ask, Don't Tell
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Background
    love swapping fluids with other pigs, also looking for friends, particularly other montana pigs
  • Looking For
    friends, hookups, destinations for travel

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  1. I'm on a site where guys sell used underwear, dirty socks, stuff like that, and I notice guys selling water bottles full of piss. Now, I love piss, but is it still "good" however many days later? I would think it would be ... stale? fermented? spoiled? I don't know. And maybe that's part of the appeal? What do you guys think? How long does piss keep?
  2. I've found a Facebook group, "Gay/Bisexual Inmates Needing Pen Pals", that posts pics and short bios of guys looking to find pen pals. There are other Facebook groups that are similar, I believe.
  3. I just read that CCBC does searches on entry and requires you to have your belongings in a clear bag, to prevent drugs. I have a sex party next week and was counting on bringing Trimix. Now I'm not sure if I'll be able to get it in. Is there a place outside the grounds, maybe, where I can do it really quick right before I go in, or does anyone else have any other suggestions? I don't top very often and I've signed up to be a Cowboy, I need help if I'm gonna tame those Broncos!
  4. Good for you! I'm about to take my first ever sexcation there, mine is next week!! Have you heard of Wet-n-Hot? It's the largest piss party in the world, apparently. Over 900 guys pissing all over the place! I am going to go there, I can't remember if it is in April or June. One thing happening next week is a party they have now-and-then called Mount. You buy tickets to be either a Bronco, Cowboy, or Ranch Hand. The broncos are blindfolded bottoms, the cowboys are the tops, and the ranch hands are fluffers for the tops. I'm going to be a cowboy - yeehaw!! I can't tell you how excited I am and I bet you are excited, too.
  5. I'm surprised by how early some of you were able to ejaculate. I started masturbating at 12 (the first orgasm was so unexpected, it terrified me, I swore I would never do it again...but the next night...) but did not ejaculate until sometime when I was 13. At first it was just a few tiny drops, took a while before I started shooting big loads like I do. I remember that orgasms felt different before I started ejaculating, does anyone else remember that?
  6. I'm a fan of a park called T106, for cruising.
  7. Love Club Z but did you know they have new owners now? I'm wondering what (if anything) has changed. I hope they don't try making the place classy.
  8. There's a great video on YouTube that gives a thorough tour of this place. [think before following links] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-wQ7gh8kRI
  9. Definite no, but we might still hookup. Maybe we'll just do oral instead.
  10. I'm curious how chempiss fits into a big piss party like this. Does everyone just accept that some (most?) piss is enhanced, or is it a serious no-no to be getting guys high unexpectedly like that?
  11. The Treasure Island store has an eye mask with a green glow-in-the-dark border ([think before following links] https://toysfromtim.com/products/ouch-glow-in-the-dark-eye-mask-black-neon-green). The only reason I can imagine TIM selling eye masks is for anon sex, and I'm guessing this one is intended for dark rooms? Has anyone ever seen something like that actually worn, and wouldn't it be kind of obnoxious? Thoughts?
  12. I'm curious, if anyone has been to this or similar event before, is their any piss play, or would people object if I showed up smelling like it from having been soaked earlier in the day?
  13. I'm going to be there late on the first Friday of October, and can't wait! Good to hear you still had fun, Labtmguy, as a big guy because I am as well.
  14. I signed up, as a Cowboy (which is what they call the tops). I would have loved to be a Bronco but this is good, too. So I did my part to hopefully open up some more Bronco tickets! One thing that confuses me is the site says they try to maintain a one-to-one to one-to-one-and-a-half ratio (1:1 - 1:1.5) of cowboys to broncos. This confuses me. I would think if there are as many tops as bottoms, then each bottom might only get one load. They would have multiple dicks in them, but I don't think it will be a massive amount of cum.
  15. Did you write to them in just the past few days, or were these guys you were friends with before they got arrested?
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