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Everything posted by v1rg1n1

  1. For me, I prefer a loose-ish hole, a hole that I don't have fight to get into. The best holes are those that don't need lube...like my regular fuckbud, his hole is always moist and buttery-smooth, i just just need to push in with a gentle nudge and off we go....
  2. Met a guy on MH some weeks ago and during our pre-meet chat, told him explicitly I fuck bb, and the guy was very agreeable to that.. He came, I fucked him bare and unloaded deep in his ass. Subsequent to that, he keep wanting to meet me again for another fuck, but due to home/work situation, couldn't... But something nagged in me that he didn't quite read my MH profile properly which states I'm poz. So I told me a week later online and he was shocked..and since I have not heard from him ever again.
  3. My awesome regular fuckbud has that kind of "cumming" experience. His cock stays limp when I fuck him but when he "cums" and I plow him....and in an hour session, he can have up to 7-8 of those "ass cum" experiences.....drives him absolutely insane. As for ass filling up with cream....like what the OP says, my fuckbud doesn't have that...
  4. I was diagnosed with AIDS in Dec 2007 when I fell horribly sick. I say AIDS, as my CD4 when I was admitted to the hospital was 72. Year 2007 was particularly horrid, with double shingles infection, a single bout of UTI, weight loss, tiredness etc. Just before being admitted to hospital, I was suffering from really bad pneumonia....and my GP who treated me asked me seriously, have you ever had a HIV test, I said, no, and she urged me to. I took the test, but still bunged off the hospital, because of my condition. At the hospital, my presiding physician came to see me and told me THE NEWS. I was actually in hospital for PCP and TB, 2 very typical Opportunistic Infections for AIDS patients. was in hospital for 10 days, of which on the day 3, I was rolled urgently into High Care, because of my lungs filling up with water, and I was literally drowning... on massive diuretic treatment, I came right 2 days later and was moved back to a regular ward. Moving on, I was not allowed to be on ARVs until my treatment of TB is over and that took another 1 month or so. But gradually, I got better, gained the weight loss, my CD4s are raising and my VL coming down. And today, I'm in good health, with a touch of a cholesterol issue. From 2 a day ARV to 1 a day, makes live much easier. On an emotional level, when I was told at the hospital of my HIV status, to be honest, I didn't feel much, but I do remember, relief is one of them. Yes, Relief. Relief that the truth is finally out. I was sorta living in denial of my status, a nagging feeling at the back of my mind that I am poz. My current partner was with me when I was admitted into hospital on that faithful day. I really am blessed that he decided to stick by me. Sex wise, I haven't really seen any change, I am still a slut, and play on the sly still. So all in all, no change, except my phone buzzes me at 9pm every night to take my ARV, life goes on!
  5. Lito, you are a amazing top!! def a inspiration on how I fuck!!!
  6. @pozfuck ditto!!
  7. Vl 25 cd4 651
  8. When I used to bottom, I only ever felt it once. I will never forget the feeling of feeling his cum just flooding my innards!!
  9. HI...love your story.... sort gives me some hope. After a rather nasty experience with Tina some time back, I have become wary, even though I still hold the fascination with chems. So one can really parTy and remain in control. For me, I would have to get onto V if I parTy because I get terribly crystal dick and I just love to fuck(top). I also worry what do guys do with long parTy sessions? Sucking dick and touchy-feely with each other can only last so long... so what do guys who parTy for extended time actually do? Recently, a chat-friend told me he parTied with some guys for 12hours straight..... but when I tried to ask him what did they do for that 12 hours? he didn't answer.... so guys, hit me with some a blow by blow account of what happens.... Mods, if you think I have posted wrongly, please forgive me and feel free to move this into another thread....
  10. Was told recently by a fuckbud that the lucky bastard has been playing with with a real-life father-son couple......poz father has been fucking the neg early 20s son for past few months and when they moved into the house across from my fuckbud (yea, how convenient and lucky is that!!) and now they all 3 have regular sessions...
  11. I have had my fair share of getting blocked and I absolutely cannot understand some of these guys' rationale for doing it. Most recent incident involved this guy which I have been chatting with on manhunt. At first it was somewhat sexual chat, then it progressed to more friendship casual chats. I felt in my mind that thinks are going smoothly, ie a friend found, albeit a chat friend. Then out of the blue, I stopped seeing his profile on manhunt, and curiously, I searched for it and it came up non-existent. At that point in time, I thought he has decided to call it quits and has deleted his profile. I knew he's on bbrts, and that profile was still active (he just having logged in the day before). I msged him on bbrts, and soon enough I got the same situation...no reply...and then when I checked....his profile has vanished. So that confirmed my suspicion, he's blocking me. It was kinda hurtful that why its done to me, as I never hounded him for sex, and we were exchanging daily friendly messages. The other incidents that I have with other guys, were after a first time fuck (which in my mind, were pretty awesome), i was blocked. On one hand, I can't help but think that there is some conspiracy theory out there...someone spreading malicious rumours about me.....and has reached these guys' ears..... and other theories, that I somehow comes across as some lame fuck...... Problem is, I inevitably felt it was always my fault that I am blocked. But I think, more than likely, these guys that do these things, are just plain fucking bastards and assholes!! Now, I need to keep thinking that in my mind...
  12. had an out of town fuckbud that visited every few months... he used to stay in hotel in town that faces a busy road. We used to fuck right by the floor to ceiling window with lights on and curtains open for all to see. The first time we did that, I turned around while he was plowing me deep, and asked, "You think people from the opposite buildings can see us?". And his reply, without missing a fuckstroke, was simple, "Who the fuck cares!?"
  13. I sooo agree with Deaner, about loose holes being more luxurious and inviting!!! Yea!!
  14. I got STDs twice...and that was during a 1on1!!
  15. I love to call a bttm's hole his "mancunt".....!!
  16. Lito Cruz.....slurp!
  17. Bred a neg fuckbuddy yesterday afternoon....deep!! his cum was already cummy from the previous night where he was gangbanged and probably seeded 3 times... half way through my fuck, my cock slipped out and I could see cum from the previous guys.... fucking hot!!!
  18. One time I was fucking this somewhat regular fuckbuddy of mine....(this particular instance, it would have been the 3rd time, I think?), and my cock came out as pulszer so eloquently calls it "painted brown".... I was repulsed...but at the same time, I need to nut so I just shove it back in deep gave a few more pumps and shot my load deep.... I brought up the matter to him a few days latter whilst we were chatting online...and he was mightily offended.....said, "I don't usually get fucked...so I don't know how to clean out" WTF?!?
  19. Hey there, also here in Jo'burg, Randburg.....let me know when you having a BB fuckfest?
  20. Randburg here....let me know.

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