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Everything posted by mike_thieriot

  1. Unfortunately the crowd here is mostly American Not poz myself (yet), but I'll be happy to breed your hole once I get the good news
  2. I have one of those shower attachments that if you turn it up high its like a freaking fire hose. Why can't I seem to get completely clean without having to worry even after 3-4 rounds of enemas? I usually end up stopping after I start seeing red coming out. Also, sometimes the water comes out clean but when I head to the baths I still end up making a mess.
  3. I'm more interested in finding out who it was that got infected. That's some hot shit.
  4. @FillMyArse, you mention a three month window period. Are they still using antibody assays for primary screening in the UK? Here in Alberta the provincial lab uses some kind of test that's halfway between antibody and PCR, with a detection window of iirc 1-2 weeks, but in principle a true PCR test could identify HIV in the blood within days (I think I heard 3 days for the newest tests).
  5. Meh, I just don't really like cock pics as avatars at all. I usually just skip them over, even when looking for a top. But then, I'm kind of weird. As a guy who mostly bottoms, the ass is all important for me, even if I don't plan on using it. I do think it gives a better indication of general fitness than the cock, which doesn't change much after puberty finishes.
  6. Sure it can, as its the like 2/3 of the standard HIV cocktail. That said, the symptoms you list can be caused by other factors. You'd have to have ridiculously high blood pressure to get nosebleeds. Most likely its because of a dry climate. Bloating could be caused by bad diet and lack of exercise (as can wasting).
  7. Much as I like this kind of "subject matter", why hasn't this been taken down, given the ages involved?
  8. I thought Hep B was part of everyone's childhood vaccinations?
  9. Definitely weird. I've never even had anyone question me about sliding in bare in the few times I've been to the baths.
  10. Not knowing much about diabetes, how is that possible? I thought that as long as you maintain as close to the same levels of insulin as a healthy person, there's no difference?
  11. That depends on the specific case of diabetes, really. At least with diabetes, there is one treatment that can sometimes cure it, namely the Edmonton protocol (basically an islet transplant).
  12. If only sex toys were regulated, perhaps under the FDA. How does something you shove in your orifice(s) not fall under "medical devices"?
  13. If you're going to the Philippines, you should check out the more rural areas outside of Manila. That's where the best guys are, and of course they're much more willing to play. Another good piece of advice is to learn at least a bit of Tagalog. Its seriously the simplest language in the world. There is no tense (past/present/future/etc), no gender (him/her), and every syllable sounds exactly as its written, so you can pronounce any word just by how it "should" sound in English. Granted, 99% of locals speak fluent English anyway, but they're much more appreciative if you use their native language.
  14. I'm not 100% sure, but it probably isn't Edmonton. I'd probably have seen him by now.
  15. This makes me wonder what the doctor actually said. Seems like he may have just been hesitant to prescribe something he hasn't studied thoroughly yet.
  16. Just make sure never to try to sniff them while lying on your back. All it takes is your partner bumping your arm by accident for half the bottle to go up your nose... I know this from experience. Worst night of my life, ended up in hospital overnight.
  17. Where do you even put 10" in that body? So fucking hot
  18. That is correct, but thats kind of a chicken-and-egg argument. Did whatever strain you caught happen to evolve a resistance very rapidly after infection, or was the already-resistant strain the only one that took because the Truvada killed the rest of the poz loads you took? edit: My mistake, glanced over the "if you're +ve when you start" thing. Best idea is to use a PCR test for the actual virus before starting, then. Its accurate after only a few days.
  19. I'm not that familiar with the specific locations of everything down there, but is it possible you're just hitting your bladder? If you squeeze a sack of fluid like your bladder, the liquid has nowhere to go but out.
  20. Would it, though? As I understand it, the government cannot tell a doctor what to prescribe. Though perhaps medical associations can?
  21. The fact that he would make that kind of statement about possible weakening of Truvada if you did get HIV just shows that he has no idea what he's talking about. A particular strain of HIV can become resistant to a given medication by exposing the strain to the medication and allowing the virus to evolve its way around it. That obviously can't happen if there is no virus in your system. I'd find another, more knowledgeable doctor. Not everyone who graduates from med school is intelligent enough to be trusted with your health.
  22. I asked my question here because I trusted this community to point me in the right direction to find the answer to my question. And yes, bearbandit, I do have manners. However, I also have the capacity to decide when being polite is warranted. So basically this thread has devolved into a circlejerk of bashing younger members of the community, because having been on this Earth for a few more years automatically makes you an expert in everything under the sun, even if 90% of that time was spent mindlessly fastening rivets on an assembly line. And of course, this thread wouldn't be complete without questioning my motives for asking what was, to me, a pretty straightforward question, and insinuating ulterior motives that better align with your pre-established narrative of my desires and thought processes, so that you can pat yourselves on the back for being so much older and wiser than me. So, yeah, I'm going to take one piece of advice from this thread, and disengage from it. Have a nice day, and God help the next poor soul that comes here looking for respect and advice.
  23. I asked for advice on a specific question and was linked to an article which gave the statistics and answers I was looking for. I am very appreciative of that. As far as I'm concerned the exchange should have ended there. I am aware of the risks. I had already read through all of the relevant threads on this site and elsewhere. However, after I received the answers I was looking for, people started wading into the discussion and trying to interpret my motives to fit a particular narrative they have of my beliefs and actions, and then proceeded to "graciously" offer me advice in a condescending way, assuming they know what is best for me, regardless of their intent. I apologize, but I do not feel the need to receive such advice graciously.
  24. Yes, I understand that every case is different. That's why we look at statistics and weigh the odds.
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