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No Chem Sex
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Everything posted by Poz50something

  1. OK first of all, you're saying that circumcision prevents HIV - so why then, in the years before tritherapy did so many of our friends and so many porn stars die of AIDS? It's anecdotal, but a large majority of the US porn actors of the '70s were circumcised, and many of them aren't alive because they died of AIDS. If circumcision prevents HIV, why the high rates of HIV/AIDS among msm? You indicated that "its limitations are substantial".....follow your own logic.
  2. OK not about lipodystrophy, but I was taking Triumeq from 2014 till March 2018, and about a month after I started, I noticed my heart would start beating faster when I lay down to sleep. No biggie - didn't stop me from sleeping. A friend of mine took it as well, and talked having to go to the emergency because he thought he was going to die from a heart attack, I said I would pay attention to the symptoms if they arose. All of this came to a head about 3 months after hubs died. I would have non-stop palpitations and my heart would not stop racing, I would get about 2-3 hours of sleep and then my heart would cause me to wake up with a start. Again, heart pounding the whole day. Then 2-3 hours of sleep. Same cycle. After I went to my doc's and had a complete meltdown when one of his researchers asked if my husband would be interested in taking part in a study about serodiscordant couples, like we had in the past, I attributed this to the palpitations from Triumeq, and how I wasn't sleeping. He changed my meds to Genvoya, and I think I want to go back to it.
  3. stoonbtmboi said: He indicated he wants to take it all the way. Freaked me out a bit. Thinking i might let him. Could you please explain what all the way means, to you?
  4. nothing like the smell of unwashed cock, foreskin and smeg.....
  5. I am 1000% all about asking for permission, and seeking the verbal okay before I put my hands on someone's neck. I have a guy whom I go fuck sometimes, bareback all the time, and part of play is choking him, which he loves, as it gives him a rush. I get turned on my the discomfort, but also the excitement as he tells me his physical reaction. My question is: at what point does it become dangerous for you, or in other words, what's the red line in the sand? I ask because I was fucked while being choked when I was a complete bottom, enjoyed it, even when it went on for quite a bit. Then, there's the case of London PC Gordon Semple, who, in 2016, lost his life in a sex game when he was strangled with a belt (willingly) and accidentally died, and we all know the rest of the saga. As the active participant, I find keeping in constant communication, visual observation and care and concern are keys to making sure this is fun. As the passive receiver of this 'play', what would anyone do to be more proactive? Or is this a game that's way too weird or dangerous?
  6. by far, all the sex clubs I have been to, even the 5018 Saint-Laurent, and the various clubs in Atlanta, were relatively well-kept. I went over once to a guy's house and the place was a lovely mixture of old wet dog, meth (which I did once, and only once) and unkempt dust. The guy was a tweaker, and couldn't get it up because, well meth heads being what they are. Love grunge, unwashed cock and foreskins, but this was really revolting. he was more interested in getting some cash to do some crystal, and after I refused him that, he lost interest. Walked out after a few minutes.
  7. ErosWired : yes, that IS EXACTLY what I am saying - the SC of Canada has stated exactly that. The standard is strict - condom PLUS low viral load in order to not have to declare your HIV status to all sex partners. The appellant in this case, Mabior was jailed for 14 years even though he was taking tritherapy. I think that his sex partners being underage exacerbated his sentence. I would also look at your state or district appellate court to see how progressive it is on HIV disclosure as well. The case was decided in 2012, so unless there is someone willing to put himself or herself through the ringer, I doubt we'll get an update on the law anytime soon.
  8. On 9/27/2022 at 1:09 PM, Barebacker831 said: Pussy is meant to be filled with cum and I always require we fuck raw. They give in most of the time. It also helps I’m married to a female so their guard is lowered 😈 ErosWired said, What this basically says is, ‘Who gives a shit about the ethics - they’re women.’ No moral sermon here, just facts - since we are dealing with barebacking, the realistic possibility of transmitting STDs, especially HIV, is ever present. Where I live, in Québec, Canadian law applies. The Supreme Court of Canada, in 2012 in R. v Mabior ruled that "If there is no realistic possibility of transmission of HIV, failure to disclose that one has HIV will not constitute fraud vitiating consent to sexual relations" (R. v. Mabior, 2012 SCC 47, [2012] 2 S.C.R. 584). What constitutes no realistic possibility in the eyes of the Supreme Court of Canada? It is a low viral load, AND consistent use of condoms with the sexual act. So, does vaginal sex without a condom constitute a transmittable sexual act? Yes.....If the partner is HIV-, cool, no harm done, but there are other STDs. For us HIV+ people, the standard of a low viral load AND consistent condom use is something we will want to bear in mind, unless we bareback with other poz pigs.
  9. Asian, 55 here, started fucking and getting fucked at 12. Grew up in Singapore, and it was pretty frowned upon and proscribed to be gay, and illegal as well, and the opportunities were limited. The first time was in the public/semi-private toilet at the National Library, saw this guy looking back at me in a pervy way, and he was an adult in his 30s. All my spidey senses were tingling, and he kept looking back at me and tilting his head to where he was going. Whoever built the library in the 1950s must have been queer, because it was at the ground floor, separated from the rest of the building, surrounded by tall, ornamental bushes. I entered, went to the latrine, and he followed in, joined me at the one directly next to me. He was pretty big, thick, generous foreskin-wise and dark red. He pulled me into the covered partition, and I sucked him, he sucked me, and we fucked each other. Really fascinated to find out my cum was intense and I could shoot thick semen at 12. The rest were pretty blah blah, until I was 16 and I fucked with this Indian guy who took me home, we talked as his and my cocks got harder. He was really big. Some Indians are really hung. Some aren't. Seroconverted much later, in Canada.
  10. There'a a recent Supreme Court of Canada ruling that might complicate matters for those who want to stealth fuck, that is, to fuck without a condom without the knowledge of the sex partner. Already, pozzing is definitely against Federal Canadian law, although being poz isn't. If one is on triple therapy, and consistently uses a condom, one does not have to disclose ones serostatus. However, if your partner specifies that a condom is to be used, then it becomes part pf the act. and not agreeing to protection could be taken as non consent. [think before following links] https://www.scc-csc.ca/case-dossier/cb/2022/39287-eng.aspx [think before following links] https://decisions.scc-csc.ca/scc-csc/scc-csc/en/item/13511/index.do The SC of Canada has consistently ruled that condom use, when it is demanded, is part of the agreement, and must be adhered to.
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