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No Chem Sex
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Everything posted by Poz50something

  1. I don't think it's that much of an issue to tell him directly that you want to seroconvert him - it is probably hotter that he knows the load is nuclear. He might want it - he might not. He might want to PREP. Unless this is a preamble to a fiction story.
  2. don't forget, as you become toxic, the virus becomes toxic to you - I would guess that you'd feel pretty gnarly being off meds for a week or so. I don't know if it's worth that just to 'impregnate' a guy.
  3. Started fucking with guys at 12 - I was incredibly lucky at that time - apart from the first time I fucked, both as a top and a bottom, I was almost exclusively a bottom, but my adventures were few in my teenage years. I always tested negative in the 1990s. I was really lucky. I tested poz in 2004, and it was during the health checkup for Canadian immigration. I tried meth in 1998, fucked up my liver, and I became really ill with Hep B when I went through a frustrated phase in Athens Ga, just before I met my hubs. He was convinced that the Hep B decimated my immune system, and my body was unable to withstand the HIV viral onslaught. I supposed it was inevitable; I was through and through convinced that there was this 'bareback brotherhood' which didn't help me one fucking bit, because it's complete fiction. Greg remained negative throughout though. Got on meds soon enough, and U=U.
  4. kinda difficult to reconcile the proud pig status with stealthing - if one is proud of a poz status, why not just be open about it.
  5. BBRTS Servers are DOWN Yes, we know about it. No, we are NOT going out of business. Yes, we are WORKING on correcting the problem. It is a HARDWARE issue that must be addressed. No, it was NOT a Data Breach No we do NOT have an ETA Lastly, there is NO NEED to email in with questions.
  6. Instant gratification is apparently so ubiquitous that people don't feel like they need to be friendly or courteous. I mean, sure, someone's got a big appendage, but if there's a big ego, it's him who's the big dick.
  7. Additionally, about 10 -15 percent of HIV positive men aren't aware of their status. They assume they are negative and maybe that safe sex measures don't apply to them. I remember being found poz in 2005 ish and being absolutely taken aback, but if I had waited 2 years my health would have been much worse. Much much worse. Using that 'clean' word reminds me of VD laws in the 19th Century. It needs to stop.
  8. the book is all well and good, it's the practisers that leave plenty to be desired. But the Koran is definitely against same sex relationships of any kind, period. Sayyidna Abu Hurairah ؓ عنہ reports that the Holy Prophet ﷺ said: "Four types of people are, when they begin their day, under the wrath of Allah and when they reach their evenings they are under the rage of Allah." I asked: "Who are they, 0 Messenger of Allah?" He said: "Men who imitate women and women who imitate men and he who goes unto animals and he who goes unto men". و عن انم عباس ؓ قال : قال رسول اللہ ﷺ ـ من وجدتموہ یعمل عمل قوم لوط فاقتلوا الفاعل و المفعول ب [think before following links] https://quran.com/en/4:16/tafsirs/en-tafsir-maarif-ul-quran Even in 'moderate' countries such as Indonesia and Malaysia, there are long prison sentences for the practice of sodomy. No doubt, they're hold-overs from the colonial era, but funny, when the coloniser countries have become some of the more advanced in LGBTQ rights, it's the colonised that have incredible regressive anti-LGBTQ laws.
  9. I personally like Sauna Centreville, but y'all want the muscle boys? Not there, and it's a bit rundown. Oasis is more S\M - stand and model. It's for the body beautiful nazi types.
  10. [think before following links] https://saunagijoe.com/acceuil still there, but temp closed.....
  11. If I am permitted, and if you are on Facebook, I would like to introduce you to a group that I belong to. It's called LGBTQ Grief Loss Support. It's for all types of losses, just not spousal demise. They really helped me through a c### of a year in 2017-2018, when I lost 3 members of my family, starting with my spouse. Let me know what you think.
  12. BBRTS in Montreal has all kinds of people, all ages, bodies, races, but I have never been too successful hooking up. One thing in common is that people come offering meth, which is an absolute no-no for me at all, particularly after trying it recently after 26 years abstinence. This is a deal breaker. You can try it on your own, but I don't like how it affects people, and certainly not in my house, not after the recent incident. But people kinda stopped after I indicated no PNP.
  13. Not that it matters, because the result is the same - most of the marriage laws that European social norms predate Christianity. They were instituted by Augustus Caesar. "To encourage population expansion, the leges Juliae offered inducements to marriage and imposed penalties upon the celibate. Augustus instituted the "Law of the three sons" which held those in high regard who produced three male[29] offspring. Marrying-age celibates and young widows who would not marry were prohibited from receiving inheritances and from attending public games. Lex Julia de maritandis ordinibus (18 BC): Requiring (likely) all citizens to marry. Also limiting marriage across social class boundaries. Lex Julia de adulteriis coercendis (17 BC): This law punished adultery with banishment. The two guilty parties were sent to different islands ("dummodo in diversas insulas relegentur"), and part of their property was confiscated. Fathers were permitted to kill daughters and their partners in adultery.[30] Husbands could kill the partners under certain circumstances and were required to divorce adulterous wives.[30] Augustus himself was obliged to invoke the law against his own daughter, Julia (relegated to the island of Pandateria) and against her eldest daughter (Julia the Younger). Tacitus adds the reproach that Augustus was stricter for his own relatives than the law actually required (Annals III 24)." ([think before following links] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lex_Julia). Evidently, early Christian church leaders found these norms to perfect, and with Constantine, Church laws became social norms, There was absolutely no separation between religious dogma and public laws.
  14. that, there! You have no control over your body, and it's insulting to be told you don't measure up to someone's idiotic standard.
  15. yours is a thankless job - so if we don't say it often enough, thank you Viking and RAWtop
  16. I don't know enough about the particular examples of seroconversion, just mine - it wasn't just a gentle, cough - it was razor blades in my throat and my esophagus. There were rashes around my mouth - I think each case of HIV seroconversion is unique. So is COVID 19 seroconversion. If there is a doctor around, please step in and help us out.
  17. OK - I had a husband who thought very little of the 'Big Pharma' 'scare tactics' and point blank refused to take any statins, ANYTHING because he was being poisoned and he would die the moment he took one pill. This is ridiculous. Guess what? He died at 73, which he could have easily avoided with medication and some exercise, and I am alive! And as for HIV being "that unique virus that makes you sick only after antibodies, and sometimes only 60 years after you contract it" - I got progressively sick only after a month of seroconversion, starting with razor blades in my throat and esophagus, rashes all over my mouth and a splitting headache every day. I saw my viral load get into the 100 thousand before tritherapy. CD4 went down to 212, as low as one could go before becoming an AIDS patient. 60 years? Try 24 months....
  18. you seem to forget that HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS died in the 1980s and '90s because of AIDS, and many, many more of us are alive today because of the work of Dr. Fauci. Before triple therapy, and its evolution into Prep, there was a very real fear of becoming HIV+ because there was a very real chance of dying from AIDS. I am alive because Dr. Fauci, Dr. David Ho, etc., did the slogging, thankless research all those years ago. Nanana - you can call them grifters, and stuff, but I am thankful that I am alive.
  19. I once had a nocturnal emission in my teens. The only thing my Mum had to say about it was 'stop leaving your disgusting pajamas in the wash'...and I looked at her quizzically because it was weeks after the fact. 'If you have to pollute yourself at least use a tissue'...what it did was then to make me trust my parents less as a source of knowledge. And, was this 1880, instead of the 1980s? I replied, 'I had an accident, these things do happen, you know, Mum' Thank goodness Gran was there to say something like 'yeah, it happens. Next time, wipe it up so your Mum doesn't get upset. Your Mum is going through menopause, so try and not argue with her.' But yeah, welcome to '60s parenting, where sex was a shameful thing to discuss, instead of a teachable moment.
  20. I might be in the minority here, but I think it's really not that life-changing. Yeah, we enjoy hot stories, we relish the illustrations. We cum buckets and buckets of balljuice. I have been there...trust me. I too have been downvoted. But it was over something that, in reflection, wasn't important, and starting in negative territory is not that significant. I licked my (self-inflicted) wounds, went away to cool my thoughts and came back. I contributed and went from newbie to enthusiast. OK, not that fabulous, but it's a goal to get to get up to the next rung. We"re all here to help each other. Life is fucking tough. There are people taking away our fundamental rights...I mean, this site is a valuable resource, but it's also entertainment.....the f'in best entertainment, but it's still entertainment.
  21. Yup - tried tina for the second time in 25 years and I was desperately unhappy plus the drum beat of depression during the winter. Tina made me feel despondent after the fact. I am an addict. Please block my name from the chem sites.....
  22. Love the feel of oil, and vaseline makes things that much smoother. KY? Not even for jacking off. The problem is that it dries, and constantly has to be reapplied. I love friction, but condoms plus dryness means plenty of chafing. Most days, I don't need plenty of lube, but there's something to be said about the slick feeling of it around my cock, or my really horny hole. Insist on water-based lube? Not in my home, they don't.....
  23. My late hubby Greg was one of the lucky ones, who did not get infected with HIV despite being as sexually active with other people, and definitely a barebacker who caught plenty of other things, including a case of crabs when we lived together (not from me as I am shaven from head to toe), and yet I was the one who seroconverted from my infection. It really is the luck of the draw.
  24. .....and so does the Canadian government. If there's a procedure to enact when someone is found to be HIV+, there's definitely a test for it during screening for permanent residence. I found out in 2004, that I was when the blood test results came back. I thought Immigration Canada was going to bar me, but here I am, more than 15 years a Canadian citizen. It's not a bar to receiving permanent residence and living here, but it could very well be.
  25. I mean, the Habsburgs took the notion of 'keeping the bloodline pure' and keeping the power within the family to the limit....uncles were wed to their nieces, and cousins to cousins......drooling on the chin with the added inability to close one's mouth, anyone? No takers? [think before following links] https://www.historyextra.com/period/medieval/what-was-habsburg-jaw-chin-royal-inbreeding-sign/
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