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About reded

  • Birthday 11/27/1976

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  • Interests
    twinks, cheating is massive turn-on, daddies, bears, chubchasers, lots of fun
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
  • Background
    chub bear daddy type top, always on the lookout for sleazy fun
  • Looking For
    a nice cunt to dump my load in, the sleazier and sluttier the better.

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  1. hehe, yeah, it can be hot to encourage or facilitate a cheater too 😉 I have gotten off on that a few times, where I have encouraged a mate to cheat on his wife/husband when we have been out drinking or something, and lettong them use he spare room at my flat to hookup in if they want to do it again.
  2. well, once I realised I was gay, I was able to look back and see the signs going right back to primary school (like being obsessed and, in retorspect, in love with this other boy in my class when I was 6 or 7. BUT... the actual moment I realised I was gay was when I was about 12/13 and wanking over straight porn - I had been wanking over my dad's girlie mags since I discovered where they were hidden when I was about 11, and I used to enjoy reading the readers letters describing their sexy exploits. Then one day, while wanking over a story about a woman sucking off some garage mechanic, it occurred to me that when I imagined the scenario with me in it, it was ME sucking the dick. That was it, I knew then that I wanted sex with men - and it has only continued to grow since 🙂
  3. rededuk
  4. thanks for the follow.  1000s more pics and vids on www.twitter.com/jonny4dad or www.xhamster.com/users/jonnytwink IMG_5860.thumb.jpg.5014f303d72c7e1a7b39d2974327ab26.jpg

  5. yeah, spit from the back of the mouth/throat is generally thicker and makes for better lube.
  6. yeah, good for you mister, you've discovered the secret to a worthwhile, meaningful relationship: wait for the right person who comes along liking you for who you ACTUALLY are instead of changing yourself to appeal to them.
  7. Have you considered the possibility of meeting someone you'd marry? Obviously, I mean someone who was sympathestic to, and would provide encouragement to you in your 'mission'. I don't necessarily mean becoming something like a 1950s 'kept woman' type spouse, or some kind of gold-digger / sugar daddy type scenario - but even in a more modern context, when a couple is VERY much genuinely a couple, then both parties work/live in a way that benefits the 'whole' of the couple, and are more than happy to do so.
  8. big chub bear daddy type top here 😉
  9. I went into my last relationship knowing in advance that i could not swear fidelity and remain monogamous, so I was up front and said that I would very likely be attracted to and want to fuck other guys at some stage, and he was not so into this but accepted it, saying that he wouldn't feel the need to do that himself. I just waned to be upfront but, as it happens, over the next few years of the relationship I never actually did fuck anyone else. The relationship came to an end by mutual agreement because of circumstances (such as me having to move away and other stuff) but we remain very friendly. And plus, I know I'll always have love for him, I just felt I should free him to make a go of it with someone 'more worthwhile' (am not a self-hater, just couldnt think of an alternative turn of phrase). When we had the long chat about 'ending' it, it got a bit steamy and I ended up wanking as we were chatting (over messenger) because he ended up admitting the number of times he would take a load from some other guy (sometimes multiple) and have them deep up his cunt when he came round to visit me (we lived at separate addresses). That news blew my mind and REALLY got me horny. Plus, turns out he had secretly developed an extremely piggy slut side to him that I had not been aware of - I mean, whilst I wasnt the first person to have fucked him raw, i was the first guy to have ever bred him, and i was certainly neg at that time - turns out he had developed a bit of a bug chaser hunger to him and had been letting poz guys dump in him too. Tale kind of meandered, hope it all made sense, was just typing as I reminisced 😉
  10. I know it can be conroversial to some, but some guys are into cheating and/or cheaters, it turns them on - this thread isn't intended to bbe a dicsussion on the morality, there are plenty of those discussions already going on here. Am just curious about how those guys who HAVE accepted they are turned on by infidelity actually first realised it. when I was about 25, I was seeing this guy about 20 yr old, and all was relatively 'normal' (although maybe not entirely vanilla as I kind of corrupted the guy, lol, different story there) - one day I came home from work early and walked into the bedroom to find him being fucked by some other guy. After about a second, it sunk in what was happening and I walked out the room and left the house and was just walking down the street in the rain thining 'fuck, how could he do that to me'. Pretty soon, though, I realised that i wasn't feeling the anger or upset that I'd been taught I should probably feel about then. yes, i felt a little twinge of jealousy, but I became conscious of the fact I was tenting and had a big old hard-on. I quickly ducked out into the nearby park, which was pretty empty because of the rain, and sat down in a shelter and just processed through things. I found myself realising that I really wasn't that bothered by the fact he was cheating and to my surprise I was really fucking horny about it. I wasn't very far from a cruisnig area so took that horniness with me and decided to try and see if i was as turned on by cheating myself, which I was. Was quite a memorable afternoon. AND when i went back home and he was there and all apologectic and grovelling, and I totally milked it for all it was worth, playing the emotional damage card, lolol.
  11. oh definitley go for it, and if you really do get off on the fact you're cheating, then DO NOT beat yourself up for it, just accept this part of you.
  12. fuck, yeah, absolutely - it's what has kept me going through lockdown. Although enjoy it out of lockdown too, especiallyf it leads to a hookup, but even just on its own can be hot
  13. pushing out is for porn, or for sharing with greedy felchers only!
  14. agreed - here's hoping to keep on kicking it into the long grass until one day shelving it. It's already been postponed numerous times - It was originally supposed ot come into force in May last year, then they were put back to the Autumn, then it was put back to early this year, and then 1st April this year (a somehow apt date for this idiotic policy), then mid July and now..... who knows? But while we can celebrate about it not touching foreign based sites like bredding.zone we should spare a thought for those poor UK based pornographers that have to implement the costly, boner-killing, age verification regulations anyway even though the block isn't coming into force yet.
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