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Everything posted by CTCokpig

  1. this cokpig pays very little attention to facial configuration if the body is fairly height-weight proportionate and if the cok is a beauty it gets on its knees immediately no questions asked serving the cok, makin the cokowner get lost in the suk, curl His toes, moan, whatever; only the cok matters
  2. So this married cokcrazed cokpig can’t stop trollin for anon hot cox to suk up. however the pig is findin fewer opportunities to cruise for hot cox and tighter timeframes; although it loves savorin the fukn sweet juices, the slurpy crotcharomas that smear its face n stubbl n piglips after a work-up, more and more often it findin it needs to clean it all up and recover real quick to wipe its tracks. anyone else got some advice about products, stuff, tips to keep in the car to throw off the trail quick for this cokpig that makes house calls when Paper towels just dont cut it. thx
  3. It kinda depends It depends on the package and also on the thickness of the wall that the gh inhabits (some walls rob the pig of a whole inch of cokmeat) And also the gh size; a small cok an a small gh wont work A large hole allows more of the meat n even some hairy potatoes to be attended to And that is a kinds game changer So pig’ll try it out first with test suks. sometimes there are surprises. If it starts feeling good in the pigmouth an if the pigthroat can throatkiss the head a little, then the pig huffs deep on the brownbottl and goes to right to town ownin the dik an doin it up if not, the pig stops an waits for the next cok
  4. Fuk i got the wrong regulars frankly when i been askin i get a lot of ´nope, no way am I gonna share that throat’. fuk; need new regulars. So cokhungry i prefer anon and new dix are hotter; but i never welch out on a regular piece. Cok is the point
  5. Any hot hard cok that this pig can sucker its throat onto. anon GH cok is choice But asian cok - when the pig knows who’s behind what’s bein served - just does not really appeal. Strange
  6. All cox matter! but the black ones are thrilling but so are the white ones this poppercokpig cant resist the cox ya see it, ya suk it; no questions, no chitchat, no lifestories; just focused intense throatmilking, sukking, slathering, throatkissing, gagging, pumpin up the load while pumpin up ropes of slimey goopy throatspit to slick up an juice the throbber
  7. This pig craves givin head. It just finds sometimes that with car head there is just so much jockeying and contortioning in a confined space so the pig can get the pigthroat into accommodatingly deep position to serve an slather n suk n throat the Cox the way they absolutely need and deserve to be sukd n treated n drained an worshiped that in the end no one enjoys it much but this poppercokpig suks Cox whereever n whenever there is need. as long as the Coxfeeders are happy
  8. The cokpig got a rodeway hotel at a nearby truck an travel stop; gotta say it has been churnin over n over how an whether to set up a GH anon blow n go coksukn service rentin a room for a day or two. Get ads up on grindr, a4a, scruff, sniffies,squirt and get to work weedin n popperin up n sukn cox all staylong anyone done this with great success? Havent figured out the gh setup What has worked for you? Any problems with law enforcement? Advice, tips, suggestions, experiences? cravin the cox. So damn dikstarved
  9. Seen so much recently about makin sure the coksukr looks on up into the cokfeedr’s eyes how do you rate this? Look? Eyes closed? as a coksukr w a fair number of cox served, when workin up anon cox I get into the coksukn mindframe where only the cok in the mouth (an any ancillary cox in hand) matters an this pig closes its eyes It is to be supposed that if the cokfeedr were not anon, i might consider eye contact but frankly even there only pleasin the cok really plugs my mind. My eyes stay closed is this wrong? What works for you?
  10. Back in the 90s there was a ABS outside rockville which had a weekend somewhat gruff unfriendly clerk whom i caught jerkin off to a porn video playin next to his counter; he was embarassed being discovered as i was leavin but i stopped n suggested i could help him, but he barked a « scram » at me - so i continued on my way out. Months later i got to work him through a gh and once or twice later in time but he eventually disappeared. Nice robust dik tho. Somewhat later, a younger thin longhaired blond guy was clerkin; somehow or other while he was patrolin the gh area, he caught my eye an he darted into a booth where my eager throat led me to follow. Nice nice dik, nice throat fit. Did him several times over the months sometimes in a booth other times in the open gh hallway for all to watch. I looked forward to findin him staffin - but it was hit or miss. but the store eventually converted into an extension of the adjoining straight strip club and ´disappeared’ also, there was a ABS in willimantic with a stocky middleaged balding owner who was sort of an ´operator’ When business was slow he encouraged me to take care of his unremarkable dik on a few occasions. Once he sold the operation i discovered one booth had a « covered » gh that looked into the booth projection control room and had a good time workin 2 or 3 of the clerks who seemed to need to check on the video projection equipment whenever they heard this booth door close. The most memorable clerk had a furcoat of a spread of thick black body hair all over his back. Kinda gross at first but thru the gh, some poppers, and a hard dik showin, ya kinda lose track of the situation and get down to workin on the meat these days, locally in eastern CT it’s slim pickins as the nearby ABS storefronts are gone now i’m older and frequent some hartford and other holes and just focus on the meats bein presented. poppers empty the brain makin room for dik an forgettin about what might be behind it. Just work on the dix
  11. Usually suk only. I enjoy sukn multiple dix in anon settings Often, once I cum, I go “off the boil” pretty quickly and lose the energies to continue serving the cox. I usually let some other pig take me when I have done all the cox I can get on to
  12. There is more to say about this topic if you are involved in this kind of scenario it behooves you to ensure that the disabled person is on his own; if he is “protected” by an agency, home, or any sort of guardian you could be opening yourself up to all kinds of legal charges of abuse of a disabled person not necessarily capable of making his own decisions - despite whether the individual personally advertise on a hookup site and despite his adult status. The truth is that the law looks on the disabled as a special class of individuals not unlike underaged children and so - mutual consent, or being pursued by (instead of pursuing) a disabled person for hookup are no grounds for innocence. Should the agency, home, guardian decide so, you could be charged with abuse no matter the age, the degree of disability, nor who is pursuing whom. Since having come to terms with this info, I have had to block three accounts (I guess I attract them) on grindr and scruff of dik with disability not living alone or without guardianship be careful.
  13. Where is the dik?
  14. Well, this got a lot of attention. Still not sure these two cox are a good idea to pursue
  15. When i can get to the bookstore bakroom i generally weed up and man a gloryhole booth for a bit but leave the door unlatched cause i slurp n gurgle n gag a bit while throatin the anon dix that present so that other cokmen can push the booth open and watch me popper up n eat dik. After a bit i chek the 2 video rooms seein if there’s any cox out or lookin to get out When a grope of the meat dont get pushed away, i kneel right on down, start lettin the hog out, huff up the warm scents of the freed up cok, huff up the brownbottle and throat away. As guys come by, i liike to reach out and palp their crotches or their cox if they’re already out so sometime i can alternate sukn be tween 2 cox or more. Or seein another cokpig workin a dik that looks juicy, i try to get in on it an share the hog between us pigs. So cause i cant resist naked cox, i try to suk as many as i can in a booth, through a gloryhole, in the halls, in the video rooms. I cant get enough cox when i get horned. Unfortunately i cant let anyone play my cok bak cause if i come, i lose the horny and that ruins it
  16. After throatworkin a real hard long dik with poppers on the knees in the darker corner of the last rows of a gay porn cinema one afternoon, some deep rhode island accent crooned out ‘fuk, fuk, I could leave my fukn wife for you’. the cokpig was right pleased
  17. Let me start by admitting quite upfront and immediately that i am a complete an utter coksukr. This is a pig for cox. Always cokcrazed to weed up, popper up, an get good face time workin on the other side of a bulgin fukn zipper; anon cok, grp cok, gloryhole cok, fonecok, bakroom cok, bookstore cokpig, cok in the dark; Cok is my master. So this pig is usually on squirt, grindr, a4a, scruff huntin dix. Recently the pig has been hit up to diksuk a hot afro/latino stud with a luscious throatfiller between His thighs; obeying, the pig arrives at the address to suk the Cok and it finds out the cokker has MS. An He an his beautiful cumtube want this pig to return an do some more dikwork soon. An the cokpig was also called to a nice enough dik hangin on a young cokker who seems to be a bit slow mentally. An He wants more the question is, is it right to continue to work these cox? Is it healthy from all points of view? Is it abuse of any sort? Have You been in this situation an how did You handle it? Thoughts. Ideas. thanks for the consideration cokpig
  18. I was a undergrad workstudy coksukr at a large urban university bak in the 1970s. I found a few hot bathrooms with a broad clientele of cox - pedestrians, faculty, staff, students. And I craved giving honor and service to them all then and there. My workstudy job often sent me up to the registrar offices near one academic hall whose 3rd floor mens room was outfitted with a gloryhole. This became my temple as I volunteered to handcarry anything up to that office so I could duck in and serve the dix. also, in the basement level of the building I worked in, was the office of the custodians on duty. One janitor guy, a Dominican, in industrial green worker trousers that clung to his crotch real well, with a pockmarked face, shaved sides of his head, and enormous mat of tight black curls on top of his head, - so kinda weird looking - but sooooo fukn sexy in that latino way - he had a schedule that kinda coincided with my own. And he had a respectably huge dik to boot. Which this cokpig cant resist Well actually this cokpig cant resist getting down on the knees to serve most dix with the reverence and focused attentions which are their due… i digress but I love meat if i saw that he was on duty, i would wait for the corridor to be empty, then i would rub myself silly til my dik was broadcasting straight along my thigh in my tight faded bluejeans so i could parade my groin slowly by the open office door to catch his eye. I sukd his cok so many times in so many nooks and cranies of that building - whose access he had by. Virtue of the keys. I fukn loved his cok. I remember it with delight to this day. And he knew his way around sukn the cox himself. He could empty me in minutes - unfortunately - cause I really wanted his sukjob to last a bit longer than i could manage i am sooo glad to have known his dik for the 4 years i was there. What prize meat
  19. the pig tends to bakrooms bookstores gloryholes so it cant really bother with that cause it can remember exactly each dik in a given dikday. Too busy sukn em. Fukn love sukn the dix. One after another A few a a time. Swallo n get on the next. Never enuf. Poppers n anon cox. Fuk
  20. hungry cokpig wanna popper up an throat back some meat luv slatherin up a stiffy, lappin the shaft up and back, tongue-swirlin like mad around the head, lip-lappin, sukkn, kissin the whole head, sukkin the dik bak lettin it slip over the tongue an on down the throat swellin and throbbin at the bak of the mouth, lettin it slip up over an on out slurpin up an on in the slimy throatspit that deep throatin cok pumps up, slurpin the whole massive meat slo an steady bak on in and down, throat ridin the slicked up head an shaft slik slippery dik sukn hungry pig for cok pig for sukn cok pig for anonymous cok pig for group cok pig for anonymous group cok in the dark greedy swallower an cum guzzler be hgt/wgt prop, horned, lookin to unload, masc cannot host 420, poppers friendly 860 617 3646
  21. Cokpig 55 5’6 190# northeast CT near UCONN not hosting coksukr cokpig for no recip cox needin focused oral hungry cokpig wanna popper up an throat back some meat luv slatherin up a stiffy, lappin the shaft up and back, tongue-swirlin like mad around the head, lip-lappin, sukkn, kissin the whole head, sukkin the dik bak lettin it slip over the tongue an on down the throat swellin and throbbin at the bak of the mouth, lettin it slip up over an on out slurpin up an on in the slimy throatspit that deep throatin cok pumps up, slurpin the whole massive meat slo an steady bak on in and down, throat ridin the slicked up head an shaft slik slippery dik sukn hungry pig for cok pig for sukn cok pig for anonymous cok pig for group cok pig for anonymous group cok in the dark greedy swallower an cum guzzler No recip. no chitchat. No lifehistories. Just coksukn poppers 420 friendly 860 617 3646
  22. A local guy saw my grindr and tagged for a bj; went by his house some 3 miles away; he had an average dik, but no sooner My mouth had engulfed the meat, for maybe three or four throatmilks and he shoots. Went back at him a few times after that first hook, and each time was largrly the same; shooting the jiz just as I’m gettin into the coksuk groove. I started to beg off his requests cause it took longer to drive the 3 miles and while I appreciate an easy shoot, his were just too short He eventually has added me to his blocked list on grindr and on scruff. which is ok. I fukn lov throatmilkin dix to get guys off, but I like a little throatexercise too. So if you’re eastern CT, cokpig is hungry
  23. No chitchat. No life stories . No recip Masc cokpig wants to swing by Your location, find You slung back, lights low, legs widespread, into a cushiond chair, dik tentin tight jeans, zipper undone. Cokpig poppers up n gets down on the knees between Your thighs an proceeds to work up the throb between Your legs swallo 420/poppers friendly You are masculine, height/weight prop, eager for a compulsive cokpig to slurp n slather n slobber on Your throb Swallo n leave. 860 617 3646 discreet
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