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  • Birthday 10/26/1972

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Brooklyn NY
  • Interests
    BB PNP getting recharge I’d like to be in a gang bang and get double fucked prefer BWC and BHC
  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
  • Role
  • Background
    50 year old Puerto Rican male I really would love to find a toxic top who PNP I’m TOXIC as well
  • Porn Experience
    I wanna do porn with older hung guys
  • Looking For
    Hopefully a A TOXIC POZ TOP

Contact Methods

  • Telegram User Name

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  1. I used to go in the 90’s it was different times
  2. I used to go but men started to be too shallow and hung up on looks that I stopped going when I was younger I used to go but now I prefer to hook up at my place smoke a bowl and take it from there
  3. @rafy601
  4. My birthday is October 26 and I would like to be in a gang bang I live in Brooklyn but I would have to travel I also like to PNP I was hoping if someone could help me set it up I prefer BWC and BHC and hung
  5. It turns me on gay incest
  6. I want to try it so bad I want it so bad
  7. I would love to share rigs with you and get all [banned word] and piggy and sleazy I’m also into blood slam I’m a TOXIC POZ PIG BOTTOM and I’m off meds 

    2021-10-29 15.18.42.jpeg

  8. I would love to make PNP porn I wish could help me out if possible 

    1. Alwaz4fun


      Me too, whenever I party all I want is to be used as a bottom for different people profile videos 

  9. My twitter is @Rafy601
  10. I’m on twitter
  11. I like to make out a lot and a lot of oral
  12. 02BC7D59-D2E5-4092-9FB3-D6343D2E763D.thumb.jpeg.2b5f9bcb2b03d6e4c8e5a4af8986fe34.jpeg

    this is me 

    1. partying.hard


      Damn.  Hot fukker

    2. SPUNPIG


      Thank you sir 

  13. Check your inbox please 

  14. I’ve been POZ for 20 years and I will only have sex with POZ guys it’s so hot
  15. I’d like to get recharged 

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