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  1. Good little chemfag.
  2. Got caught by my gf once, when I was 20. I was sucking a big black cock when she walked in. She said to me, after a few seconds, "Keep sucking, faggot."
  3. 12. Walked in on my dad jerking to a video of two twinks worshipping a bear. Just stood there, dividing my attention between the screen and Dad's cock. Came in my pants.
  4. Okay, I exaggerated a bit. It was on Memorial Day weekend, but my age and the number of loads are true.
  5. Completely fucking serious
  6. One day, when I was 16, I swallowed 189 loads in an adult bookstore.
  7. Yup. Nice cocks on 'em too.
  8. Gave my seed to two 19yo brothers in a park bathroom.
  9. 13. An old man paid me 50 bucks to use my boycunt.
  10. Used to get fucked by homeless guys when I was 15.
  11. Herpes at 15, chlamydia for my 16th birthday, gonorrhea at 17.
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