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Everything posted by Powerasianbtms

  1. same wish here
  2. do u come singapore ?
  3. lets meet if u are in Singapore
  4. Is lab fully open now ?
  5. I would to meet one too
  6. do u come singapore ?
  7. Requirements and Process (ica.gov.sg) 1. Vaccinated Travel Pass (VTP) Application Eligibility Fully vaccinated travellers* who are short-term visitors (including business and official travellers), or holders of Long-Term Passes (i.e. Long-Term Visit Pass, Student’s Pass, Work Pass or Dependant’s Pass) travelling from one of the following countries/regions must apply for a VTP if they intend to enter Singapore on the VTL: Brunei Darussalam Germany Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents should not apply for a VTP to travel to Singapore under the VTL, as they can return to Singapore without the need for entry approval provided they adhere to the VTL requirements. Please click here for more information on the requirements. *Travellers must have been fully vaccinated in their VTL country/region of departure or Singapore. An individual is considered fully vaccinated 14 days after he or she has received the full regimen of Pfizer-BioNTech/Comirnaty, Moderna or WHO EUL Vaccines Application Requirements Applications for a VTP must be made between 7 and 30 calendar days prior to their intended date of entry into Singapore. There will be no charge for each application. However, travellers will have to make payment for their Day 3 and Day 7 post-arrival COVID-19 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) tests at the point of application. Please click here to apply. Vaccinated Travel Pass (VTP) application requirementsFully vaccinated travellers must: upload the QR codes of their vaccination certificates (if applicable); and prepay for their post-arrival Day 3 and Day 7 COVID-19 PCR tests at the point of application. When an application is approved, the VTP will be sent to the applicant via email. It is valid for single entry into Singapore anytime from the traveller’s intended date of entry and up to 6 calendar days after. Travellers must comply with the Conditions of the VTL, and the prevailing immigration requirements of the Singapore Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) for their entry and stay in Singapore. Travellers who do not meet the VTL conditions may be refused entry into Singapore and/or have their VTP cancelled. In such an event, travellers may also be liable for the cost of their repatriation, including custody and maintenance pending repatriation. In addition, their future VTP applications may also be rejected. Personal data will be collected for VTP applications. By applying for the VTP, the traveller agrees to use of the personal data collected for the purpose of processing and implementing the VTL entry. Please click here to view the Privacy Statement. For enquiries, please click here. IMPORTANT: Given the evolving nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, the relevant authorities in Singapore may, at their own discretion, introduce new measures or requirements to safeguard public health. This may include changes to the VTL conditions or cancellation of the VTP at short notice. Travellers will be notified of changes to the VTL conditions or cancellation of their VTP.
  8. wow......
  9. 桑拿浴室游之国内篇:北京九龙湾、北京丰帆伟业_同志旅游_心同网 (1314xt.com) 北京2017年著名同志浴室路线指引及内部探秘 - YouTube ( beijing gay sauna ) 与高雄小弟逛北京:台湾同性公投看法、同志文化差异和内地印象【小叔VLOG】(开CC字幕) - YouTube 丰帆伟业 beijing gay sauna - YouTube
  10. Gay Taipei guide 2021: gay bars, clubs, saunas, events and more (nomadicboys.com)
  11. Hot...i wish my next trip be to stiges
  12. Would love to know more info...wheres the best if we fly over in 2022
  13. Wish there are in my country / city
  14. wow...great profile......so sad we are so far away..inbox me for my contacts
  15. we are planning once we can travel
  16. me too...any dads ?
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