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Everything posted by nastybottom

  1. I've read that spikes in blood sugar cause a drop in testosterone levels, so if you're looking for natural ways to boost your T, I'd look at cutting out the sweets and simple carbs like bread, potatoes, white rice, etc.
  2. http://breeding.zone/threads/5023-Anyone-tried-K9
  3. The first thing I would do is make a career change. Retail sounds like exactly the wrong working environment for you. While you have the security of living with your family, you should find something more artistic or cerebral, where you're not working with a lot of people. Once you have that secured, you can find a man to fulfill your slave fantasies. Best of both worlds.
  4. If they're a top with a giant dick, they probably don't have to cater to picky people. I've met a few guys with only one dick pic and was never dissatisfied.
  5. That's how it sounds to me too.
  6. True. You can't control how your bowels are going to behave. You can try to clean out thoroughly and still have an embarrassing incident.
  7. More is better. This is like asking "would you rather have 10 dollars or 100 dollars?" lol
  8. Online, I agree that it's flakiness. Another one is how long it takes just to arrange a meet. You want to fuck now, but it could be 5-6 hours before you can actually get dick in you. That's why I just prefer to go out cruising, but that can get expensive, you have annoying employees who ruin things, and it's very hit-or-miss. Online is supposed to make things easy to sort through people and find what you want, arrange meets, etc. but it really hasn't worked out that way.
  9. Put it in your ad and/or headline. I make it clear in mine that I just want to fuck.
  10. +1. That kind of thing can get heated and personal in a hurry (and not in a good way).
  11. He's so repulsive it makes me want to puke, AND I am forced to look at him? Hell no. I'm not really picky to begin with, but I have to put my foot down in that scenario.
  12. I've never done it and I don't want to be around it. I don't want to preach or offend, so I'll leave it at that.
  13. The way I see it, he was really into you but paranoid about someone he knows catching him. I doubt he would've bothered chasing you or arguing if he didn't want YOU specifically.
  14. I've found the personality traits of my astrological sign to be pretty accurate (Virgo). The horoscope rarely apply to me or anything in my life though. I read it in the paper just for the hell of it.
  15. ^ Yes, that's the only type of money situation I've run into, older guys trying to pass bills through the GH. I just ignore them or leave the booth.
  16. I've only seen a couple other BB forums and they sucked. No traffic, buggy, etc.
  17. I take it to mean they don't think about it. They could be poz, but it doesn't matter to them. The "not sures" are more concerned (maybe they plan to get tested but haven't gotten around to it) and want to let potential partners know they're taking a greater risk than with a "negative".
  18. I can sympathize with both sides on this one. Probably all experienced bottoms have had a top thrust hard before we were ready. Not fun. On the other hand, it was a dark room, and he probably assumed he wasn't the first guy in you that day. lol! And then there are those who like the pain. The best answer is just to be prepared before you go, like chris0149 said.
  19. Pleasing cocks (big or small) is what gets me off, so getting a juicy load as thanks for my service is what's important.
  20. I wouldn't mind having other bottoms there. I'd like to watch other bottoms getting fucked while I am.
  21. I would have gotten angry and told her to get out. I don't like whores at all. I had a woman try that on me one time. Except she said "if you can lend me $20 I'll suck the shit out of that" (I had my cock out at the time). I just zipped up and walked out of the booth. That's one of the reasons I only fuck with guys. It's always about money with these bitches. Very rare to find one who just likes to fuck and suck.
  22. Yep. I don't like it when a top is worried about me being hard or cumming. Just get in, blow your load, and go.
  23. I never ask about orientation before a guy fucks me. A cock is a cock and a load is a load.
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