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Everything posted by Dyonis05

  1. If you want to try something to compare, try this out. Take a ziploc bag, put it on your thong and eat your favorite meal. After that, take off the the rubber and eat again. That's the diference! I think condom takes off the soft, wet and natural. It can also iritate. It's too tight on the cock to feel all the small curves, veins, bulges and even spasm of it:concern:.
  2. yeah... probably... but thanks for your tips
  3. it looks like almost everyone prefers it in the ass. Same here. In my mouth, fine to. I also like to receive it in my face, holding my head roughly with my hair, the cock in my face while he's finishing himself.
  4. I like the sound of it. I am a real bottom. Being sucked is ok, but it's not my favorite activity. I tried top, with condom, t-o-t-a-l-y sucked at it!!! I don't have the personality. I may try it without condom in a near future. I sooo love to suck and to be fucked, I can't imagine not to be fucked when I'm having sex. I like it when it's giving me chills.
  5. So, it's clear, when my top is fucking me with intensity, hard and deep:cool:, though I'm really enjoying it, most of the time I can't cum or it takes a while to make me cum... and i'm focusing on comin' so I totaly lose it... Do you have any suggestions?
  6. Maaaan! You never had this before? That's sad! The best thing to do with this is, giving your dripping cock to your top to clean it!
  7. I hate when my top doesn't act manly! Man! You're the top! I'm the wuss! Fuck me like you're a real man! I also hate when he's to shy and ain't starting nothin' by himself.
  8. Never tried poppers... What is it exactly? What kind of feelings does it gives? I'm not into drugs, but tried some, and don't like when it altere the thoughts like coke or weed. Does it gives that impression? Wich one do I get to start easy?
  9. I think that, when we... well I'd rather say... when I write Safe Sex Only, I mean I don't want you to be afraid of any infection that I could have, I'm clean, and if you wrote safe sex only, it means that you think you are to. So if we meet, we can do it without condom, cause I prefer to do it bb, but only if we're both clean.
  10. Well, I think of myself that I'm cute and in a good shape. When I go at the gym and take a shower, I'll prefer when there's plenty of men. Feeling their eyes on me. But everytime I'm changing for work, I don't really take precaution. There is this new hot boy, I know he's gay. I just want him to enter the building when I'm changing, and: -Oh! sorry I didn't know you were changing. I'll come back later. -Well, don't be. Come here and help me gettin out of my underwear prettyboy! I have to do it at work or at the gym or somewhere else, camping should do it. I'll try it one day. Since I moved I can't go outside my home naked, cause there's a primary school in front of it and I don't want the teachers or the parents to call the police. But before, I was always naked in my window when the garbage truck passed. Cause the guy, it was always the same one, was wearing a blue sweatpants. I was seeing his bulge bouncing in it. Never took it though.
  11. I was 16. My parents wanted me to find a job. I had a friend, a girl, whose father had a little printing company in his house garage. She told me that he needed help. She had a word with him for me. He wanted to meet me. I never applied for a job before. Got it! I must have been impressived.
  12. My ultimate fantasy started when I was a young teenager. When I was in the locker of the gym class, I saw one of my friend's cock. He was in the football team. After seeing that, I stared at all the footballers, thinking of what they looked like naked. I started to dream of beeing in a locker of a football team after a game with the scent and that the team would do me! All those big muscles and the real man attitude and all those sweaty cocks and asses!!! Sweat makes it slide right in! you know Man, I'm so hard it hurts, only by writing it.
  13. it was so hot, I was riding his (average sized) cock and was laying down on my back, opposite of him and directly... on the horn. LOL bbiiiiiiiiip!!! it sure did break the intensity, but it was funny!
  14. I like the top with 5 or 10 years more than me. But not the double!
  15. I didn't notice the scent of my ass on his cock, but the only idea of cleaning my ass off his dick excited me sooo much! and him to!
  16. I want it to be quick and intense, 20 to 30 minutes, but more than just once! But if you love the guy, it can last more than 30 minutes!
  17. With one hunk from manhunt. We ate at a restaurant, had a bottle of wine. Went in an alley not so far, did it twice in his pickup. He came in my ass I even blow the horn accidentaly.
  18. My choices: Actors: Ryan Reynolds or/and Gerard Butler. Singer: Lenny Kravitz If I had to take a pornstar it'll be Jeff Palmer, and if he's not available, Brent Corriganr. If I had Gerard butler in front of me... I'd let him do whatever he wants! damn he's hot!
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