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Everything posted by PrisonBoi

  1. So desperate to read more of this. I love it 😈
  2. This was incredible. Artful, even. A spin off would be amazing, though I'd love to hear more of Rob's adventures.
  3. PLEASE post more of this. It's AMAZING. I need more! 😈
  4. HENRY’S SENTENCE – PART 3 'Weren't you scared you'd be arrested?' says Adam, the journalist, add he lays his phone on the table and presses record, glancing around the visitation room as if saying, are you an idiot? I shrug, fidgeting on the chair, my trousers wet from the guards' morning loads leaking from my hole and through my ripped pants. 'What happened after?' says Adam. 'The next morning,' I start, 'I woke, a little shaken, I'll admit. Remembering what had happened to those who had been caught... What might happen afterwards... I have some insight into that now, but I didn't then. And then the memory of being tricked... The toothless, misty-eyed old man using my hole... But something inside me was excited. I felt emboldened...' Breakfast was brief and mum and dad were distracted. Too distracted to notice the silvery tip of Ayo's cock hanging just before the line of his shorts, which clung to his thighs and arse like a wet t-shirt. For my benefit, I was sure of it. 'With me today?' he asks, but I shake my head, finishing my orange juice. 'Thought I'd take a wander into town...' He nods. 'Be careful. Behave.' He all but winks. I leave, toast in hand and stand with a few others at a nearby bus stop. The bus is rusted and crowded, but I'm swift enough to find a seat, albeit cramped. We ride for ten minutes or so, the bare knee of the man next to me firmly against my own. He grins at me but says nothing and with the vibrations of the bus and his warm flesh against my own, I feel my dick harden. We stop intermittently until one stop causes a stir. I'm sat near the back but there's shouting at the front. Everyone leans into the window, pressing into me. Several men are being dragged from the bus by police. They're thrown into the back of an unmarked van, the doors slammed as the bus slowly drives on. But standing at the side of the road is a familiar face - the policeman from yesterday with the gold teeth. He stands smoking as the other policeman rush around him and hold a car door open for him, and as he leans to get in, our eyes meet for a fleeting moment, and I’m sure he sneers. My heart is racing. I'm sweating. 'Not used to the heat?' whispers the man next to me. I apologise and try to move my sweaty knee from his, but instead he slides farther into the seat and smiles at me, pressing himself against me. My breathing normalises and I smile back, my cock beginning to grow again. He glimpses around the packed bus, then without looking, slides his warm, coarse hand onto my knee and up my thigh. The bus jerks and bumps as he slides my fly open and slips his hand in and around my cock, squeezing it gently. Then we all fly forward as the bus comes to a halt and I realise it's my stop. I move to stand up and he lets go of me and winks as I zip myself back up and disembark. As the bus drives on, I stand, my cock still raging in the heat. On my left is a hardware store and on my right, a restaurant and in between the two is a dirt road. I begin my walk. There are wooden houses scattered about, all painted different colours, but I soon see the one I'm after. It's painted blue and stands alone, a good distance from the others. I ready myself and walk up to the door, giving it a swift three knocks. It opens instantly to a man, stood behind a screen, a cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth. He looks me up and down but says nothing. 'A friend said I should visit,' I say. 'He says I'll fit in, as it were.' my pulse was throbbing and my cock had shrunken, my balls tiny in retreat. What if I was in the wrong place?! He nods to an iron sign that merely States the price, so I show him my money and he opens the screen. He takes the cash and ushers me in. 'No clothes beyond that point,' he nods to a door. 'You must leave everything here.' For a second, I contemplate everything in my pockets and how I'd get home if anything goes missing, but the thought of what might lie behind that door drives me on. So, I strip down to my bare arse and hand him my pile of belongings. His lips twitch into a smile as he looks me up and down, and in I go. Inside it's dark. Occasional dim fairy lights line the skirting boards. The floor creaks and up ahead, I see shadows and shapes passing by. I draw in a shaky breath and move forward, a hand outstretched to the wall for balance. When I make it 'round the corner, most of the guys are so dark, I can barely make them out, but there are all shapes and sizes. And from many of the shadows and shapes protrude thick, long erections. In one room off the corridor, there's a mattress on the floor. I crawl into it and lay flat on my stomach. Immediately the little light from the hallway is blocked out by men hovering at the door. I hear them enter. Feel their hands run along my legs and arse, they're breaths cool my back. There must be at least three of them, but I see nothing, only inches of darkness between me and the wall. A warm tongue prises my cheeks apart and I feel it slip around my cunt like the two know each other well. I groan and push back. A hand finds its way to my face and a bottle of poppers slides under my nose. I inhale, deeply and lift my hips as the Rimmer's tongue forces its way inside me. The guy with the poppers slides between me and the wall, pushing me onto all fours as he plops his thick flaccid meat into my mouth. I waste no time enveloping it, sucking and licking, sliding down his shaft, taking his balls into my mouth, lifting them to access his arse. I go to town on him just like the rimmer is on me. The third guy's hands find their way to my stiff dick and start massaging. Then the rimmer withdraws his tongue and I feel him move in closer as he parts my legs to make way. His fingers feel my hole, slipping in and out, two at a time, whilst the guy in my mouth has grown hard and is sliding in and out of me, moaning in delight. The third guy moves round to join him and from the sounds of things, the guy in my mouth is sucking guy number three, the two moaning in sync. Then I feel the rimmer’s bellend as it presses into my cunt. Poppers find their way to my nose again and I take another breath and hold it, forcing myself backwards. He’s big. Thick, like a coke can and he works his meat in a circle, pressing it into my hole. I feel myself stretching and it’s on that line between pleasure and pain, round and round, pushing forcefully until there’s an actual pop and his head slips inside, but he pulls out immediately and keeps working my arse in a circular motion to open me up even more. He slides in again, then straight out, round and round, in and out, until suddenly, my mouth full of hard meat, he thrusts his entire length and I feel my insides shift up, but there’s nowhere for me to move and he pulls out again, leaving me hollow. He repeats this, round and round, all the way in and out until suddenly he fills me and starts pounding as hard as he can, pulling all the way out until the tip is just resting on my cunt, then slamming back in balls deep. Number Three kneels down and I feel his stiff cock press into my cheek, so I slip between him and the other guy in my mouth, sliding down both their dark lengths, occasionally trying to get both in my mouth at once, but their bellends are so beautifully thick, there’s no chance. I get the poppers again as the guy fucking me falls into a more comfortable rhythm and as they take hold, it’s ecstasy, every part of me filled and fucked. Then the guy in my arse says something I don’t understand and the other two guys pullout from my mouth. I look up in question, but the guy behind me pulls me on my back, on top of him so I’m laid flat, and slips his meat back up me. The third guy moves between our legs. I can see him now, tall, slim, huge, low-hanging balls, almost entirely black bar the whites of his eyes and the tip of his leaking cock as the lights outside catch it glistening. He presses it to my hole and I gasp, confused. I’m already full, but he continues to press into me. I put one hand on the floor to push myself up and another on his chest to push him away, but the guy beneath me takes my legs and pulls them back and farther apart, gripping my wrists at the same time. I say no. I moan and cry out, but the third guy forces down with his thick shaft until I feel myself start to tear and inch by inch, he slides inside me, his cock wedged between the other guy’s and my cunt walls. Both of them feel bigger and harder than ever as they slide in and out of me in alternate thrusts and the other guy slops his cock back into my mouth, shoving poppers under my nose, so as I’m forced to inhale. He keeps them there for too long. Forces his cock all the way down my throat so I gag and even in the dark, I see spots in front of my eyes, my head lolling back. Then he pulls them away and steps over me so all I can see is him as he rides my mouth. My hole stings and I can hear the sloppy mess of it as two enormous black cocks slide in and out at their will, pulling me further and further apart. I feel like the pain’s never going to end and I have no way of stopping it, then as the poppers peak and start to calm, the pain subsides a little. I just feel so full, I can’t stop pushing back, but that just seems to egg them on as my arse nearly unfolds, I’m pushing so hard I feel like my innards are going to fall out, but they fight back, thrust after thrust. The guy in my mouth is so wet and salty, I can feel he’s nearing his end, then the other two begin to speed up, power-thrusting into me at the same time. I have absolutely no control. All I can do is inhale the musty air, filled with poppers and that intoxicating black sweat. It drips onto me from the guy in my mouth and I’m so hot and high in that moment, I want all of him in me. I’m shuffling back and forth across the guy’s chest beneath me as they push and push as if they just can’t get enough, until the guy beneath me calls out and groans and the other guy on top ploughs his load into me, wheezing and gasping. Then the guy in my mouth explodes and he continues to ride my mouth, messing his cum all over my face and down my throat. Then he climbs off me and I feel the guy on top slop out of my cunt, dripping with so much cum. The guy beneath me is still hard, but the other two pull me off so he can catch his breath. I fall onto my back and put a hand to my hole and it’s gaping, so pungent I can taste the other two loads, metallic and thick and I’m so slick, my entire hand nearly slips inside me. The three men wipe themselves down and move to leave, but one of them hangs back, looks down at me as I lie on my back, panting, holding my hole with my hand, my cock rock solid and leaking down my abdomen. Then he calls something out – shouts it, before leaving. I still for a moment, catching my breath in recovery. Then I hear footsteps and laughing, and I think they’ve forgotten something, except it’s not them. It’s other guys. All dark skinned, all hung by the looks of things, all peering in. They look around the room as if to check the coast is clear, then one by one, they pile in. The first one takes me under my arms and flips me onto my stomach, feeling about my cunt with no grace at all, punching it with his fingers then smelling them. He shouts something back to the others who surround me, then he climbs on top as another guy holds me down. Another emerges from the darkness and holds me by my jaw, forcing a pill into my mouth and holding it shut until I swallow. Then the guy on top slides his cock all the way inside me with no warning and begins to fuck me. A strangeness starts to come over me. I’ve never done chems before. Floaters fill my eyes like static television and I can taste metal, but I barely have time to think as the guy on top fucks my gaping cunt. Soon, my body starts to tingle… I’m torn from my story as the journalist coughs on his cigarette and I give him a minute to catch his breath before I continue. Then I hear the guard approaching and his hands rattle the handle. Adam puts his hand up for five more minutes. I hear the guard grunt, then he must nod, because he leaves. ‘So,’ says Adam. ‘How did you get out of there?’ TO BE CONTINUED… Hey Guys, Hope you enjoy. More parts coming soon. I'm hoping to do multiple parts a week if people want them? I've noticed other students also adding info for tips here, so I'm doing the same, though it's not required - I just want people to read and enjoy really. Happy to survive on protein donations from the many men who enter me daily, but if you fancy buying me a drink, here's my Monzo - Venmo doesn't exist in the UK! [think before following links] https://monzo.me/andrewjames37
  5. HENRY'S SENTENCE - PART 2 The journalist's name is Adam Adebola. The photo on his pass didn't do him justice, chiselled jaw, dark eyes. He offers me a cigarette, but I decline. He lights up and sits back. 'You must be keen to get home...' I nod. 'And you think telling my story will help?' I stare hard into his eyes. He's my only shot. 'That's why I'm here,' he says. ‘Ready?' As the Jingle of the guard's keys fades away, I begin. Ayo said nothing as we drove. He stopped here and there with no conversation other than, 'wait here,' and 'I'll be right back,' disappearing into houses before emerging, laughing and joking with others. Eventually, we drove out onto the coast road. I searched for something to say but just a glance from him made me blush. 'Sorry,' I said. 'About last night, I mean...' He pulled over on the road and stopped the car near some small boats with local fishermen. 'Last one,' he said, ignoring my apology. 'This one'll take a while. Maybe go for a walk or something.' He nods to the dunes behind us. 'Local ice-cream about a mile that way. It's a beautiful walk.' I nod. 'Should I get you one?' I say, but he laughs. 'In this heat? You'll be lucky to get ten feet. And anyway, can't be taking you home all messy.' He laughs this big wide grin, his eyes flickering gold in the midday heat, and off I go. It's just sand at first. The occasional tufts of grass. And it's quiet. But as I walk on, the sun gleaming from the ocean, trees emerge ahead and people, men are leaning against them, smoking, disappearing amongst them. I put up a hand to say hello as I approach. One man, cigarette in hand, shorts but no shirt, sliders on his feet, nods back at me and inhales deeply on his smoke. 'Do you know where the ice-cream shop is?' I say, feeling like a child. He smirks, drops his cigarette, and reaches out his hand. 'Come.' Hesitantly, I take it and he leads me into the trees. His hand is warm and rough, and he doesn't look back as we walk deeper into the thick of the woods. The sounds of the ocean disappear and are replaced by other sounds. More men appear and disappear. Some of them are holding hands too. Then the man leads me into a clearing. We stop and he pushes me back against a large tree. I gasp. Panic. But before I can call out, he leans in and kisses me, a hand firm against my chest keeping me fixed to the tree. His thick lips are velvet. I don't even care about the faint taste of tobacco. I kiss him back and I'm hard, instantly. Then he pulls away, smiles, and grabs his own cock through his shorts. 'This what you're after?' I nod as if I have any choice, my cock throbbing, arse twitching. I pull him back to me and we kiss again, my hands slipping into his shorts. His cock is thick and long, and straight. I feel it with both hands and squeeze it gently. It pushes back as if it has a life of its own and he undoes his belt letting his shorts fall to the ground. His dark meat bounces free and he stands, hands on hip, looking down at it, then to me, then back. I drop to my knees and kiss it, slipping it into my mouth, running my tongue around his bellend and down his shaft as he moans. The taste of black sweat is intoxicating. I slobber over it like I'm starving. I can't get enough. Saliva drips from my mouth, down my chin. It runs off his cock in a steady stream of drool, then he lifts me back up to my feet and spins me round, so I'm facing away, and he pushes me back against the tree, pulling my shorts down. He kisses my arse cheeks before holding my hips and pushing me down, so I'm bent over. He pulls my cheeks apart and I feel his fingers probe my hole. He pushes gently, spitting and rubbing in a circular motion and I feel myself open. He slips his tongue inside me and it's all I can do to stay on my feet. I push out and back, dizzy, my eyes flickering into the back of my head. I want everything he has but he makes no move to fuck me, his tongue making love to me instead. Then there's a rustling and he holds me firm to keep me in place. 'Ready?' he leans over and whispers into my ear and I nod, eyes shut desperate for him to fill me. I feel him push into me and he gives a gruff groan. For a moment, it's just pressure and no give, then I cry out as he bursts through and fills my hole with his thick meat. Someone else steps to my side and slaps my face. I look up and it's him, the man I thought was inside me, slapping me with his hard dick, and when I turn back to see who's riding my eager cunt, it's an old man, skinny with a pot belly, the remains of his hair, white, clinging to his head, sodden with sweat. Several teeth are missing, his lips dry, skin ashy and one eye is white, glazed and misty. He grunts as he thrusts. Gives a little laugh as he sees me looking. I make to stand up, but the other guy holds me down, forces his cock into my mouth and before I can protest, they're both riding me, the old man greasing my fuckhole, the other gagging me with his fat cock. They work me together in rhythm until I’m exhausted and I slide back and forth from one skewer to the other at their will. The old man speeds up and the guy in my mouth follows suit. The old man grabs my hips, his nails digging in and leans into me feeding me every inch, so as I jump forward but the guy in my mouth pushes me back until they’re both groaning and forcing into me from both ends and I can taste it, the sweat, the skin and the meat of it and best of all, the salty, bitter cum. But that’s all I get, a brief taste, because he’s so far down my throat, most of it bypasses my tastebuds. When they’re finished, they both pull out and I drop to the ground, panting. I feel empty and my hole gapes, dripping the old man’s spooge out down my legs. It runs cold, quickly. I force myself to stand and pull my shorts back up, then I hear it. There’s a whistle and instantly people are running, shouting. Through the trees, I see a man in a black beret and blue shirt tackle a man as he tries to run away. Others run past me, and one man stops. He’s young like me. He looks panicked, just as I must, but he reaches out my hand and pulls me with him and I don’t argue. We run and run as more whistles sound and we hear more shouting, more thuds as others are tackled and handcuffed. Through the trees, I see one man go down hard. The man on top of him wears a beret, but his shirt is dark and he doesn’t handcuff the man, he beats him with his baton, repeatedly slapping it over the back of his head and spine. I pull the man whose hand I’m holding to a stop. ‘Hey!’ I call out, and it gets his attention. He rises to his feet. Grins. His two front teeth are gold. Slowly, he lifts the whistle that hangs around his neck to his lips and blows it. The man pulls me away. We run until there’s silence. Until there are no more trees. We run over the dunes, across the road and into a ditch and there we stay, still holding hands. ‘What was that?’ I say, but I already know. ‘Oga Olopa,’ he says. ‘Police.’ I nod. ‘What will happen to the ones they got?’ He shakes his head. ‘Nothing good. You shouldn’t go there again. You stand out. They’ll recognise you now. Go home and stay there.’ He moves to get up, to pull his hand away, but I keep hold of it, still panting, still catching my breath. He looks down at his feet and shakes his head. ‘Look,’ he starts, ‘there are safer places. I know a safe house, a sauna. The man who runs it is friends with the right people. They leave him alone.’ He tells me the location; a house painted blue on the outskirts of East Lagos, off a dirt road and in between a restaurant and a hardware store. ‘Maybe I’ll see you there,’ I say. He stares at me with something that’s almost a smile, then leaves and I walk back to the car where Ayo is waiting. ‘Enjoy your ice-cream?’ he says with a grin, but I say nothing and climb in the car, so he drives us home. That night, I wake up sweating, dreams of being chased through the woods and the glint of that policeman’s gold teeth grinning down at me. I sit up. My sheets are sodden, so I walk to the linen cupboard to get fresh ones and I notice there’s a light on downstairs. I guess curiosity gets the best of me too often. I step down, silently. I need water anyway. And there, again, in the dining room, is Ayo, pounding Anna. She’s bent over the table but this time he has one leg up on a chair and I can see everything in the moonlight. His big black balls bouncing back and forth. The thick shaft of his dick, glistening with her pussy juices. His perfect arse, round and high. I try not to make a sound as my hand finds its way into my shorts, then I catch sight of my reflection in the patio doors and Ayo is staring straight at me through it, grinning. The moment he sees me catch his reflected gaze, he speeds up, banging her cunt as hard as he can until she can barely take it, muffling her cries with her hands and the tablecloth. He thrusts and thrusts and this time he doesn’t hold back, grunting and groaning as if he’s putting on a show just for me, then suddenly he lets out an almighty roar as he unloads and I can see his shaft as it convulses and the bulges of his cum as it pumps out of him and into her. Then the pair still and his cock slips out of her, dripping with strings of pussy and cum. It’s then I hear the guard’s keys and his footsteps approach the interview room. He opens the door and steps in, and the journalist nods, stubbing out his cigarette. ‘Tomorrow then,’ says the journalist, and he disappears as I’m led out of the room, but this time not back to my cell. This time, the guard takes me to his office where the other guards are waiting and even as I enter, I can see the outlines of their cocks through their tight prison uniforms and I know exactly what’s coming. Hey Guys, Hope you enjoy. More parts coming soon. I've noticed other students also adding info for tips here, so I'm doing the same, though it's not required - I just want people to read and enjoy really. Happy to survive on protein donations from the many men who enter me daily, but if you fancy buying me a drink, here's my Monzo - Venmo doesn't exist in the UK! [think before following links] [think before following links] https://monzo.me/andrewjames37
  6. HENRY'S SENTENCE - PART 1 'What's a nice white boy like you doing in an overcrowded Nigerian prison?' says the journalist opposite me. The glint of my handcuffs catch his eye as I rest my arms on the table. 'Where do I start?' I say, but really I'm thinking I'd better tell him quickly before they take me back to my cell where Temi will be waiting. So, start I do... See, Mum and Dad are missionaries. I grew up traveling from one third world tropic to the next, all in the name of 'God' of course. But when I turned eleven, mum thought I should have a proper education. So they sent me back to the UK. Let's just say my fantasies of all boys schools did not materialize into reality. I'm slim, I like to run, but I'm not athletic. I'm a geek and not the cool kind who like superheroes. I read. Books. It was supposed to be the start of my gap year before uni. A month with mum and dad then onto more... welcoming locations... But when I arrived, everything changed. Black men are fetishized a lot, aren't they? But then, who isn't when it comes to sex? Tall, fat, trans, ginger... I can't say I've ever had a particular type. I just knew I liked men. Of course, I hadn't told anyone else that, not at that point. Did you know in Nigeria, you can be sentenced to ten years plus just for being gay? I do. My parents were living with Will, an old benefactor for the local church. His house was huge and, as I didn't know my way around the city, he assigned me one of his staff, Ayo, as a guide. I'd never seen anyone like Ayo before. He's a little taller than me with a defined chest and arms, but that arse... seriously. It's so round and high, you could rest a drink on it and you wouldn't even need to bend down to pick it up. Not to mention the bulge in his pants, hanging neatly against his thick thighs. His skin is the most beautiful colour I have ever seen. At night, he's as dark as thunder clouds but in the day, he's a rich roasted coffee whose eyes shine gold. And his smell, the sweat after a day gardening... just glorious. I wanted every part of him on me, in me. I've dreamt many times of him taking me to his room and forcing me down over the bed. But did he? I'm not giving anything away just yet. The first night there, I couldn't sleep in the heat, so I got up to get some water. As I neared the bottom of the stairs, I could hear something - slapping, heavy breathing. My first thought was mum and dad and I nearly vommed, but then I remembered they were both snoring when I passed their room moments ago. I tiptoed into the kitchen and peered around the corner. Bent over the dining room table was Will's wife, Anna and standing behind her, his back to me, was Ayo. He held her down with one arm, the other pressed into the small of her back as he rocked hard in and out of her. I watched his legs and arse as the moonlight caught them. I could see his balls slapping against her. Anna clung to fistfuls of the table cloth as she thrust herself back onto him. My heart raced. My cock throbbed. I let out a shaky breath and with it, an accidental little squeak of joy. Immediately, Ayo stopped and turned to me. I was mortified. I wanted to run but my legs wouldn't let me. Sensing his pause, Anna spoke and made to stand up, but Ayo kept her down, eyes firmly on me as he drew his thick dark meat from inside her and plunged it back in over and over again, all the while his eyes on me until she had to muffle her cries with the tablecloth and he finally turned away and threw his head back roaring as he emptied his sack into her. I took that as my cue to leave and darted back to my room. I waited until there was nothing but silence before I slid my hand down to my cock and began to wank. It didn't take me long until there was cum dripping off me, all up my chest and sides. I slept like that until Ayo woke me the next morning. 'You're late for breakfast.' He stood at the end of my bed in shorts and a vest, his skin glistening. 'I've had the car cleaned. We'll go out today. Show you around.' I nodded, though when Will said he was giving me a guide, I hadn't realised I would be on his schedule. I showered, quickly before throwing on shorts and t-shirt and heading down to mum who served us all tea and toast. I watched Ayo at the table, curious as to his position. He was employed here yet happy for my mum to wait on him. All the other staff were busy. 'What're you two up to today?' said dad over the paper. My eyes met with Ayo, but he spoke before I could. 'Henry's helping my with some errands, then I'm showing him 'round town.' It was the first I'd heard of errands. 'I'll get the dishes,' said mum as I stuffed the last of the toast into my mouth and downed my tea. Then we left. If I'd known then what I know now, I'd have got a taxi straight back to the airport.' The guard’s keys jangle as he steps back into the room and stands between me and the journalist. ‘Enough,' he says, knocking me forwards and hefting me up by the scruff of my neck. 'I'll come back tomorrow,' said the journalist and he leaves not waiting to see my dragged and shoved along to my cell. The Guard slides the key in with ease and opens the cell. He leans into me and whispers, 'I'll be back for sloppy seconds,' before thrusting me inside, slamming the door and locking me in. I push myself back onto my knees and look up to the bunk where Temi is sat, his back to the wall, legs spread, his eyes focused on a point beyond the bars. 'Enjoy your walkies?' he says, without even looking at me. I say nothing. He's at least 6'6"tall and chunky. Thick-thighed, a not unattractive podge of a belly. And his skin is the darkest I've seen of any man. He shuffles down the bunk a little and slides his trousers down a little revealing his thick, dark dick and enormous sack. He doesn't say anything. He doesn't have to. I crawl to him on my knees. He doesn't take much to arouse. I cup his balls in one hand and guide his dark meat into my mouth with the other, but he slaps both hands away. 'Be a good boy,' he says, still not looking at me. I let my arms fall to my sides and lean in, enveloping his soft penis into my mouth, slobbering and licking his balls as I do. He lets out a sigh, so I know I'm doing well. His cock grows quickly, plumping up. I reckon if he were slimmer, he'd have a solid 9" or more but that doesn't matter because the girth is barely containable in my mouth. I bounce my head up and down, trying to force as much as possible down, trying to put on a good show because I know what'll happen if I don't. He tastes salty now. I've grown to love that taste. His hands find the back of my head as he grows fully erect and hard enough that it's my throat that has to flex and bend - not his shaft. He forces me down on his meat for what feels like minutes at a time. I feel him flex halfway down my throat. I choke, my eyes running with tears. And then it stops as he slaps me off him and onto my back. He makes a gesture with his finger, and I slip my trousers off and climb into all fours. I hear him grunt as he kneels behind me. I push back as he puts his full weight into one hand on the small of my back forcing me to arch up and stick my boy-cunt out. He gobs full mouth of spit onto my hole and with one unmanicured thumb, spreads it around. Then he leans forward. I feel his belly rest on my arse cheeks. A wall of flesh meets my hole, and it doesn't stop. He slides forward, breaking me open until he's balls deep. I wince, his weight forcing me to almost faceplant into the concrete floor. I silence my screams as he tears at my hole, his cock thrusting in and out, ploughing me to fit his shape. He grabs my hair and lifts my head up with one hand, then scoops my hands up with the other and holds them behind me so I'm balancing on my chin. He lets out a series of loud, pants and groans as his strokes speed up becoming longer and longer. The inmates opposite say nothing. One sits on his bunk, grinning, hand down his pants, the other stands at the bars, his cock poking through as he wanks off at the sight of me being bred by my Master. Temi’s balls slap hard against my cunt as he builds his speed even more. I struggle to keep silent, sobbing and yelping but he doesn't care now. His whole body is beating into me, and I'm pushed further and further towards the bars on my face. Then he lets out a roar and I feel him swell inside me as he unloads his spooge, burst after burst, thrusting deeper into me until he's done. And when he is, he rips himself from me and for a few seconds until the pain of my hole retracting subsides, I long for him not to go. Then he climbs back into his bunk. 'Next,' he calls out, and I hear the hurried footsteps and jingling keys of the guard returning... Hey Guys, Hope you enjoy. More parts coming soon. I'm hoping to do multiple parts a week if people want them? I've noticed other students also adding info for tips here, so I'm doing the same, though it's not required - I just want people to read and enjoy really. Happy to survive on protein donations from the many men who enter me daily, but if you fancy buying me a drink, here's my Monzo - Venmo doesn't exist in the UK! [think before following links] [think before following links] https://monzo.me/andrewjames37
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