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Everything posted by cockfun69

  1. Yes I found that birds of a feather .. fuck together LOL
  2. Gets really busy with 100+ guys on naked Sat. Bear Fridays apparently busy too. Clean, good value, free tea & coffee! Friendly staff, horny clientele. Lots of regulars, lots of new faces from London & SE. On-street parking nearby, car parks too. Also walking distance to Rochester or Chatham stations. And mostly BB action on the 3 floors 😎
  3. mm i always seem to find shy tops 😞 😮
  4. I interpret a 'diner' to be 1-on-1 whereas buffet is more-on-more?
  5. I wonder if they fuck wife/women as roughly?
  6. mm definitely stuck between a cock and a hard place! and a long night to cum 😛
  7. I don't know that it 'felt so wrong' at the time. In fact the 'sting' carries me on for a couple of days as an afterglow 😎 😛 Same with tender nipples 😉
  8. @BootmanLA The OP focuses on your second category though there are wider circumstances that would cover 'sex trips'.
  9. If pills are issued with a year or more on them, the efficacy won't suddenly drop shortly after 'expiry date'. The pharmaco's err on the side of safety. (Same with long-dated dried goods. Unlike, say, a bottle of milk stating good for a week which you wouldn't drink much past its expiration.)
  10. Presumably meaning 'accidental' rather than 'deliberately' i.e. cruising?
  11. Applying oil-based then topping up with waster-based (spit, KY etc) would mean extra-smooth as oil & water don't mix. Unless the fucking is so hard that an emulsion is formed in the method of mayonnaise!
  12. Reminds me of the cherry pie recipe on cans of Crisco!
  13. That's very true but as we know many top/vers like to try a hole (esp at parties/group events) before returning for the last-fuck and load-giving. 1000 loads are likely to involve much more sex 😛 😎 😉 😄
  14. See this recent discussion [think before following links] https://breeding.zone/topic/83191-fucking-machine-recommendations/
  15. The onto raw meat at Inn Leather 😄
  16. I've always favoured black jockstraps. You could attempt a hanky code match but only yellow or red make much sense for 'coded' jocks.
  17. There is a longer version but this is the BBastards vid [think before following links] https://barebackbastards.com/24849/rafael-carreras-and-dolf-dietrich/
  18. Desire more cock & cum?
  19. I can see why 😛
  20. Those echo chambers are deafening with lack of discussion and shouting down of any dissent. It's not call anti-social media without reason.
  21. And a help-yourself buffet! Or a stuffing-for-all!!
  22. Presumably with no sex there is no need for them to take PreP and there will be zero new infections with HIV and STIs?
  23. Wow you got the jackpot. One-off or regular fucks from HH?
  24. I would imagine someone as insatiable as Ruslan Angelo
  25. Can't recall him but totally out of the tanned twink stable. Hope he now has a raw top daddy (or three) 😉
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