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Everything posted by HungLatinDom

  1. They are not cumdumps. They are bottoms who will take only loads from guys who claim they are neg and maybe show them a likely-not-fake piece of paper that says so.
  2. For around 10 min I was just laying in bed and they would ride me and switch. Top heaven
  3. Lastnight I had a small sex party, 5 guys and I. I fucked every single hole, and all of them sucked my dick coming out of somebody else's ass.
  4. One of the pleasure of getting older is punishing young bitches. We all know those profiles, nasty and insulting to older/out of shape guys. I love when the "NO GEEZERS, NO OLDER THAN 30, I ALREADY HAVE A GRANDPA" sends me a message. I tell them next week I am going to be thirty pretty soon, so I do not want to bother them. To see them begging for dick is amusing.
  5. One important thing: I am posting here as an individual, with two degrees in sciences, and lab experience in molecular biology. I am not posting as an admin or moderator, so you want might to take back your words. If the moderation here, or I personally would oppress you or abuse my position, you'd be out of here by now, or your posts would be erased. So, I ask you to please refrain from personal attacks about moderation and focus on backing your claims. I have worked in nonprofits and for profits, and they are two very different animals. If you want to make that claim, that they are the same, go ahead. But that only shows how far from reality is your worldview. It is demonstrably fake that the closest options to a cure are are halted. The Berlin Patient has been all over the place for 2 weeks, and there is a lot of research in stem cells and genetherapy. It's just very hard to make them safe, because there is a high risk of cancer, from the non-differentiated cells. I wish biology would be easy, but it is not. Finally, I do not care who you are, I care that you are spreading incorrect facts and misinformation in a very serious subject. These posts show when people google about meds and side effects, and that is why I do my best to counter your misinformation and conspiracy theories. They have side effects? Yeah, sure, but so does everything that you get in your body. Indeed, get informed, learn about the side effects, talk with your doctor, evaluate your options, keep a healthy lifestyle, we want you around for many more years.
  6. FDA and other regulators are not businesses and they are not for profit. Pharma companies are not angels and they play a lot of tricks, indeed, but it is ludicrous to claim that the FDA is for profit, even if it is not a perfect regulatory agency, People ARE investing in nanotech and there is a LOT of research around it. It is absurd to claim investing in it is not going to make money for somebody, hell there are plenty of nano companies in materials science, but we are far away from bio applications. And there is a lot of research in enzymes that could edit DNA and cut out the virus from our cells. It is simply false that we are not attempting new approaches to get rid of HIV. Meds have their risks, but it is a gross exaggeration to call them "wild cards". When you start talking about cancer caused by something because it is not natural, you are showing to be ignorant of the most basic facts in biochemistry. Many natural substances cause cancer, many artificial ones are neutral, or combat certain cancers. So, I am not engaging in refuting claims that show the lack of the most basic understanding of biology, like understanding the difference between DNA and RNA. If you want to believe your conspiracy theory, go on. But please at least try to back up your claims about meds in real biology if you are giving advice about health to others.
  7. I'm afraid that when you refer to yourself as "clean" because you are neg, you are definitely not being nice. It is offensive for many poz guys, as they are not dirty, they live with HIV.
  8. Shorter: being alive gives you cancer.
  9. I was going to reply to you, but I see it'd be absurd. You have very little understanding of real biology and chemistry. And a lot of conspiracy theory points of view. The FDA is not the only regulatory agency in the world. And again, we do not see gay guys dying in mass, as we did during the 80s. period.
  10. Ben Gunn? Fuck yeah, that black daddy is just too hot. I love when he flip flops
  11. A suggestion: Open another FB account with a different e mail address and use another browser to check it and checking BZ. So all your naughty stuff is on FIrefox and regular FB and work things are on IE or Chrome or Safari. In that way you would not be concerned that liking stuff on FB would affect your regular account that you have with friends or family.
  12. My bottom friends are frustrated with my sex tales because I never care about the other men's dicks unless they are so huge you cannot help but notice. It's totally irrelevant to me. So, I can never tell them how big a guy really is.
  13. Hi there, stud. I live in Santiago, if you come here, let me know. PS: In these forums we only write and speak in English. Other languages only in private messages.
  14. The procedure is not really complicated, doctors know how to do it. The twist here is that instead of getting a regular bone marrow transplant (no stem cells involved on this treatment, maybe in the future), they got bone marrow from a compatible donor who had a mutation that rendered him immune to HIV. This mutation is more much common in people with Northern European ancestry (but still quite rare), so not sure how easy will be to get a compatible donor who also has the mutation, specially for people like me, not from Northern European stock. I'd say that the basic elemnts of the cure are already there: enzymes or drugs to unwind the virus from our own DNA, viral vectors, the attack point to render the cells unaccessible. But we still need to figure out how to make that safe and deliver it into the body.
  15. I would not do it. If I get leukemia, sure, I would, otherwise, I am willing to wait 20 years until a real cure. At 50 I still would have 2-3 more decades of life. I think he is mostly cured, there might be pockets of virus inside him, but if the virus cannot replicate in his t cells, then how serious it really is? We'll find out
  16. Faggots like you are fewer than I'd like. Such is life.
  17. Right, I like my bottoms submissive, but not every bottom is like that, and we can still have a good time both. I like to have sex very often, if I would wait util everything is perfect, I would fuck much less. I prefer to fuck more often and compromise, makes me happy, makes them happy.
  18. One day I fucked 5 guys in 12 hours. One by one, then the next. Since they were all spotless, I never washed my dick, so the last one was doing ATM of all the previous ones. I told him as I mounted him, he tried to be pissed, but he told me he loved it
  19. I enjoy telling guys to speak in their native language when they are not English or Spanish speakers.
  20. Too late, but, at 2 AM on a Sunday night, it was probably not worth going. I am not an expert in Nola, but I have spent enough time there to know some things.
  21. I have a house boy, a slave for domestic stuff. I barely fuck him, and I get him used by others. He has a big one, so I order him to fuck other bottoms along me. He does my cleaning, cooking and laundry, I don't pay him a penny. It's not an ideal situation, he's not too attractive or too bright, but it works for now, he's submissive and he has a place to go in case I move away from here. I like to be served in that way and having a submissive pig around is a lot of fun.
  22. Yes, you are not looking to get poz, and that is why I insist: Undetectable guys are safer if you do not want to get HIV. But of course, guys could lie to you about being undetect to get in your pants, but I think that the chance is smaller, once that you are upfront about being poz. i prefer a gun loaded with fake bullets in all its chambers than playing Russian roulette.
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