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Everything posted by HungLatinDom

  1. "People make their choices - but this subject is more emotional than rational." Evidence is not a matter of choice. And that's another utterly wrong claim. Either the drugs work, killing the virus and allowing people to live longer, or they don't. Period. And there are numbers showing that people are dying less than they used to because of AIDS. No room for emotions. If you accept evidence from a source, but then you refuse to accept it just because it contradicts your beliefs, you are deluding yourself, but not others. And it does not make your claims true. I have been very careful not to call you names, but to throw doubt on your statements, not on you. As I said in another post: You don't need to eat, that's a lie. Monsanto earns billions of dollars and Big Agriculture needs people eating in order to profit. Become breatharian and learn the truth... You are a conspiracy theorist, you definitely are. What you said is a perfect example of a conspiracy theory, including the refusal to accept evidence. This is not only a fuck site, people come here to become informed and that is why I am not letting your misinformation unchallenged.
  2. So, funny how you trust numbers (that you haven't shown) about mortality from liver cancer, but you don't trust the numbers about decrease of mortality due to HIV in young men. "Black Box cancer causing drugs," Pure bullshit. Overgeneralization. "with no proof that they do anything to the virus." A lie, pure and simple. "Even the Doc who created the viral load test said it was never designed or intended for it's not accepted use." Citation needed. I know probably what you are talking about and it's still wrong. But still, citation needed.
  3. I am 29 YO, so I am not as old as some here, neither I am a teenager. Brothers, please let's cut the crap of missing the good old times. Some of the worst assholes I have found on the Internet are guys in their fifities. Some very polite, mild mannered guys that I have rejected (I usually don't do guys under 25) are 20 or 19. As I get old it amuses me to see some very obnoxious people I met back in the day shocked, outraged at today's youth. Big deal. Ageism works in both directions.
  4. I've been thinking of renting another apartment and renting my whole current apartment
  5. Can you be more specific, please? Thanks
  6. It's a bit too early for that infection to be cause d by you, I think.
  7. mmmm. Actually pain in the joints is a good thing, it is a sign your immune system is working full throttle. He has HSP, Heat Shcok Proteins (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_shock_protein), probably, in massive amount, he forms antibodies against them and those antibodies cause inflammation in the joints. It will go away as his organism and the drugs clear the infection and things go back to normal. Ask him if his wrists hurt when he tries to step of the bed. I experienced that during my hepatitis B
  8. Shit, this year has been terrible for porn. At least 3 young porn stars died way before their time
  9. Guys, do NOT post about bug fetish and/or drugs here. Use the Backroom Forums.
  10. Accidents are understandable. Claiming to be clean when it is absolutely obvious you did not bother (i.e. I stick half my head in there and it comes out covered in brown) is not.
  11. Why was he neglecting his meds, or not on meds? Is there any deeper psychological issue? That could bring problems down the road, so it is important to figure it out.
  12. Hi there, can you please point us to the article? These searches are not trivial. Thanks
  13. Thanks a lot. I mean it. For a younger man with little education on the subject, it can feel like the end of the world. Having somebody like you, experienced and wise, can make a huge difference. I know, because when I tested positive, I had a man there for me, to guide me and teach me. That man changed my life, and even if we are different in many ways (redneck conservative/scientist, extreme liberal), and we are separated by thousands of kilometers, 4 years ago we still remain together. And my issue was only testing poz, nothing even close to this. We need more men like you, willing to help and make other's lives better. A big hug
  14. I must have done around 250 loads& 200 guys
  15. Recon is what I use, Asspig is not so good, but I have found subs there.
  16. Not able to log in from Chile.
  17. I hate guys like this. And tons of speech about science, but not a single reference, not a single citation. Feelings pulled out of your ass are not evidence. The same kind of people that freak out when they don't read your profile but find later you are poz. Dude, I fuck everything that moves, I never use a condom, and do you honestly think I'm neg and safe?
  18. Ah, I remember reading that sometimes actors play a real case...
  19. As for kiss and telling in this way, with full face pictures, I find it appalling. Certainly I would cut off anybody violating my privacy in this way.
  20. Guys, chill out. You all know the rules. No name calling, be polite to others. If you do not like a post, it is very simple to ignore it and look for something else. No need to be nasty. If you think somebody is not being truthful, you can say it in a polite way.
  21. Hankies and keys carried on the left side, mean you are a top, on the right side, that you are a bottom.
  22. Wow, he had a girlfriend! He could be an escort and pay back that money right away.
  23. mmmmm Big disappointment. Ageism really, really, turns me off. Big time
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