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Everything posted by HungLatinDom

  1. Oh, I thought that was _his_ message, not yours. I apologize. My bad. As I always say: It¡s much safer to fuck with an undetect guy.
  2. I was looking for a study that I saw once, that compared HIV+ guys that barebacked vs. those that abstained from sex or had sex using condoms. IIRC, barebackers had better overall health and a higher life expectancy. I cannot find that one, but my librarian slave (yes, I have a slave who is a librarian at an university, tenured faculty) found thios one, that is a bit more specific and answers another, but related question: http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.ppat.1000185 It turns that undetectable poz guys who bareback with other poz guys (not undetectable) have an enhanced immune response to HIV exposition, when their cells are exposed in vitro. So, in guys whose internal virus reservory is kept at bay, the exposition to external sources keeps their immune systems healthy and well trained, that probably helps in the long term. The mechanism of this is not known yet, but can work in a general way like vaccines, maybe. Something else catch my attention here: "Unprotected sexual intercourse between individuals who are both infected with HIV-1 can lead to exposure to their partner's virus, and potentially to super-infection. However, the immunological consequences of continued exposure to HIV-1 by individuals already infected, has to our knowledge never been reported. " So, there is theoretical risk of super infection, but there has never been reported, and when they decided to examine the issue, they came up with this result: Barebackers have improved immune response to HIV. If I'd be a billionaire I'd fund a load of these studies.
  3. My experience is 100% positive with my foreskin. It is quite big, so guys turned off by that don't send me messages. The ones I get in the US, many are fascinated by my foreskin, play with it, have fun, and sometimes even invite me to stay with them.
  4. No, it is not accepted, in fact, it is very controversial, and it seems that a number of studies supporting this have really big flaws and bad control and experimental designs. Some experts claim the benefits, if there, are so marginal, that people believing them can have riskier behaviour and end up getting pozzed in a higher rate.
  5. Why would a cure or a vaccine create more problems? Vaccines and cures make things different, but the advantages are way more than the minor side effects.
  6. "Clean" is offensive. I am poz, but I am not dirty. DDF free? Really? because he says so? For all I know he can be a stealther posing as a good boy. When I was neg, and I was concerned about becoming poz, I did not advertise myself as DDF looking for same. I used condoms. Because I knew that people lie, and if I assumed everybody to be poz. So, that's why he's an asshole.
  7. It can happen. And it is really fun to tag team bottoms.
  8. I haven't read that one, but Delany can be really uncomfortable to read, and directly gross. And I say this as a pig into felching, who was fisted, fucked bb and drank piss from an asshole from a big hairy pig with rank pits.
  9. Plenty of holes around, why insist on that one? He's an asshole with that kind of message, anyway.
  10. I like that Miguel Temon is versatile. I'd love to breed his ass.
  11. There's risk in going out to the street, you might be run over by a car. An undetect person is much less of a risk than any random guy who is not sure about his status.
  12. No way, I¡d run away in the opposite direction.
  13. Fixed, guys, let me know if you have more problems. I am here to help you.
  14. Felching is the way for you, then
  15. Don't let people tell you that you are doing anti natural things... LOL
  16. Hi there, ScrewBoy2002. Your problems should be fixed, I approved your account manually. Enjoy!
  17. That's an interesting idea...
  18. It's funny that I work with rawTOP, and I am also a top, but I do have the opposite experience: I became poz while topping only and having mostly safer sex. Mostly means: Occasional broken condoms, sometimes with a bleeding/pink hole and unprotected fisting. My experience has led me to believe that the factors involved in topping are important for transmission: Your technique, frequency of raw fucking, average time until your orgasm and how raw your dick is from previous fucks, plus the presence of lacerations or small openings in your dick/hands (I often clip my nails right before fisting) will make a gigantic difference. I am also partially black, so I might have the genetic predisposition to be more easily infected with HIV. From what I have read, my case is not common, but it is neither rare. Most tops are doing well and don't become poz, but, be aware that it might get you soon. Getting HIV from topping is not a myth.
  19. Done, OpenBottomLV RedDog80, thanks a lot, I am glad you like it here. We love when our users fell good at rawTOP's Breeding Zone
  20. I have been thinking of setting abuse scenarios for tourists here, but I doubt there would be any takers.
  21. Bobbie: Citation please. I hear that claim all the time, but I have never seen the numbers behind it.
  22. I don¡t understand why people are irate about higher taxes, but paying 12K a year in health insurance, plus copays is just part of life. Seriously? Next time a Teabagger complains about hig taxes in Europe, he should add his college loans and insurance expenses to his federal taxes, and let's see how worse Europeans are doing.
  23. Ready, RedDog80 Really hot pics, too
  24. NWBearDog, the name is changed, enjoy!
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