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Everything posted by HungLatinDom

  1. I just tried the chat room and it-s working all right. What browser are you using?
  2. If you use a program like Tweetdeck, you can run both accounts at the same time, but you need to be very careful to not mix things. I have twoi and I am messing things all the time, but none of them is slutty, it's just an account in Spanish and the other in English
  3. Might be something on your side. There have been several blackouts, but we got rid of most of them, I just tried before replying to your post and it was working fine, also, several of us were watching my pig this morning and it worked fine. I know that I cannot connect from my university, even if I can access to ManHunt, BBRTS and others... Go figure.
  4. We are about to begin the cam session.
  5. OK, try this: Go to "Extras" in the Menu. Pick up "Einstellungen" Go to the tab "Datenschutz" It must be somewhere there
  6. Sorry, I wish I could help, but I don't speak German. I'll try to look for the translation of the menu, but that might be tricky
  7. I can help you with that, BioBare, just send me a PM and tell me what you need
  8. Don't worry. It's not about reminding the shitty. You cannot forget it if you are going to be alive for long, in most cases. HIV can be a wake up call to take better care of yourself and use wisely your time. As for you, well, these choices are not easy. Whatever you do, just remember this: Unless you have no sex at all, it might happen to you, even if you are not looking for, like it happened to me. The more sex you have, condoms included, the more likely you'll get it. So, if you are going to be a slut, condoms are not perfect. Keep that in mind. I knew that from day one. It will make life a lot easier for you if/when you get infected. Many of the guys I have seen have more trouble accepting it were the ones that never thought it could happen to them, just to others. If it happens, it's not the end, it might be the beginning of a new life.
  9. Splitface: I do not want to disrupt this thread with OTs, so I have started a new thread here: http://breeding.zone/threads/8071-Brutal-Honesty-In-More-Than-One-Way?p=18955
  10. This is a post to reply to splitface: Sorry, but there is not a lack of brutal honesty here. We have discussed in the past in different posts the outcome of turning positive, the problems, the health, emotional, economic and work issues: http://breeding.zone/threads/7545-Poz-guys-Any-Regrets?p=16995 http://breeding.zone/threads/4261-Poz-Guys-How-Has-HIV-Changed-Your-Life-(aside-from-sex) IMHO, you see more of the good side because this forum is about bareback sex, not about HIV related conditions, but also because we refuse to mourn the rest of our lives. When I got diagnosed, my bf was there, he has been positive for 20 years (and he is undetectable, he was not the one that I got the virus from). I was very lucky, I cried for like 5 min., and he was there, I realized this is not the end, the game is not over. He raised two kids while infected, he is a widower (not because HIV), he kept in great shape, so, I understood that if I have not terribly bad luck, the future is still very bright for me. After I cried and felt sorry for myself for those 5 min, I saw him there, strong, masculine, intelligent, understanding, a pig in bed, holding me and I knew that my life had changed, but that I could still live a great life and be happy. That very same night we went to the gym and then to the leather bar to watch him take loads and me fuck holes. What should we do? To lament forever that we are poz so the younger people and the uninfected see how miserable we are and they become afraid of dying? Should I lie about how incredibly better is my sex life with other poz guys (but how miserable it is when no poz guys are around, mind you) so you can feel righteous because you are negative, or scared enough to keep that way? Sorry, but no, as Sullivan said on his article. Life goes on and I want to enjoy it. Lamenting, feeling miserable and depressed won't change anything. it won't make my T-cells go up, neither my viral load down, it won't keep opportunistic diseases at bay, it won't substitute meds. Being depressed and miserable is not on my plans and only makes my life suck. Of course, there are times when I feel that way, and HIV makes it slightly worse. We talk more about the good things because that's we got left. We deal daily with meds, diseases and panic sometimes (when you are not on meds, every flu can be scary), why on Earth would we focus on the shitty parts here? Sex is supposed to be pleasurable, hot, to make you feel good, so no surprises that's the main focus here. I suggest you look for forums where the main focus is HIV related conditions, coping with post-diagnosis grief and healthcare issues. There you might see the kind of information you are looking for in more detail, but a bit of that it's also here, it's not our fault, despite your claims, that some people don't do their research before posting. Human beings are plastic, malleable, we adapt to the circumstances, we learn to make lemonade out of lemons, we get up after we stumble and fall, and we start walking again. It's in our nature to try to make the best of our circumstances, like Monty Python expressed so well: Always looks at the bright side of life. We are stuck here, no cure, a chronic condition (far less disrupting than diabetes, I'd say), but we chose to embrace life. If you don't like that, it's your issue, not ours. We can help you and give you information, but a little of humility and effort from you would help more than anything at this point, in the end, it's _your_ responsibility to inform yourself. When I was your age, 10 years ago, I knew better. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1loyjm4SOa0
  11. I have used this pig in person and on cam sessions in the past, he is a real slut, a cumdump, eager not only for cum, but also abuse, humiliation and degrading shit. We are going to enjoy his public submission, and probably I'll be jerking off on cam too.
  12. I think that you need to learn quite a bit more about HIV and AIDS before taking any decision, because it is obvious that you severe misconceptions about HIV. HIV still kills people, however, with access to meds and medical care, your life expectancy is as good as the expectancy of an uninfected person. http://www.spacedaily.com/reports/HIV_Life_Expectancy_Now_Normal_999.html HIV is _not_ the same than AIDS. Not even close. You can be very healthy and still be positive. An article I read a bit ago: This forum is full of poz guys, like myself. Some of us were looking for the gift, others got it and made the best out of our lives, like Sullivan. I got a wonderful piggy partner, a masculine, muscular dad who has been positive for 20 years. He helped me to go through this and made me realize of many thing about my life and future. Now I got a great job and the future is looking bright. There are negative things, certainly, but they are manageable in my case. I think you would a big favor to yourself if, instead of stating so bluntly your misconceptions in front of experts in the subject (And this is an advice valid for many things besides HIV), you would learn from them and make an informed choice.
  13. If they are on meds (but some guys lie even about that!), they are safer, imho that a 'neg' guy whose last test was a year ago and keeps barebacking a lot. If they are fucking you bb, it makes little difference whether they cum in or not.
  14. My bf lives in NOLA, he says for the basics is good, but if you want something beyond that, get a real gym. You can go there on the first day and try by yourself.
  15. I would load that guy, no doubt about it. He can do my laundry afterwards if he wants.
  16. You might try to clean your cache on IE9, also. Maybe that helps
  17. So far, my favorite in the US is the Phoenix in New Orleans, as you can have WILD sex there: Fisting, WS, plenty of bb, not only in the back, but I have fucked even on the bar, guys asking drinks to the bartender around us. The ones I have been in SF are tamer, even if you can have sex (but the sex clubs in SF are better than the bathhouses in NOLA), the Eagle in Chicago was great, but I wasn't there on a weekend.
  18. Can you try using Firefox and see if you still are having the issue? Thanks in advance
  19. What browser are you using?
  20. I works outside the US, I am in Venezuela and it displays my location well, same neighborhood, but not too exact location, around 2 kms off. It won't display your user name, but if you select the option "show yourself", you'll see where the map is displaying your location.
  21. Not safe enough to risk jail and destroying the life of another person if you are wrong. Plus, you can also be infected as a top, and worse, be confident that you are neg, because you are only topping.
  22. Tests are not reliable sometimes. You can be positive and still get a negative, having a very high viral load. My advice is sit down and think what you really want. Because not only you cannot have both, you can destroy her life and your own life too. you might end up in jail. Life is making choices, sometimes very hard ones, it seems your time to decide has arrived. Bes of lucks finding out what's best for you.
  23. I am still not on meds, and in my country, getting one can take months. I am not comfortable waiting 3-6 months between checks, knowing that my cells could drop suddenly. Once you are on meds, I guess it's not as important to know as long as you don't miss your doses
  24. No. Many daddies are sub bottoms. They just have the daddy look. There was this guy who hated being called daddy, because often that meant the son was a sub, however, when I met him, bred him, spanked him and abused him, he had no trouble wit me calling him daddy. Sons can be dominant and top, but the kind of bond is different.
  25. If the bottom is not into ATM (clean), I won-t fuck him again
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