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Everything posted by HungLatinDom

  1. My crazy was in Punta Arenas, far southern Chile. He claimed to be a bareback slut. He was not, sex was awful, so I stopped it and told him he was not a good bottom at all. He then started sending me messages telling me I needed to fuck him again or he would say to the police that I was spreading AIDS all over CHile, a filthy foreigner who also was trafficking drugs. I replied that I had very good lawyers and he'd be sued if he tried that (all bluff), but he apologized and said he just wanted my load...
  2. Guys, this is not a post about chasing. Bug chasing and bug fetish are subjects that need to be discussed only in the Backroom section. Please talk here about health issues, insurance, meds, disclosure, and all the ways your life changes when you become positive. Bug chasing has its place. I have deleted a few posts and I am going to be more strict from now on, so you have been warned.
  3. That you are askling that qwuestion, IMHO, says more about your maturity than about his current behavior.
  4. This one is fucking awesome: http://vod.rawtop.com/dispatcher/movieDetail?movieId=66997&theaterId=54013&genreId=102
  5. Inn Leather is a fun place to stay too.
  6. I am quite light skinned for being from Venezuela, but my features are black: Big, thick lips, flat nose. My body is almost completely smooth and at 30, I can grow no beard at all. Big cock and ass, generally associated with black men. MY siblings are even lighter skinned and with blond and auburn hair. But I do have very dark uncles and aunts and also with blue or green eyes.
  7. PIN for the video?
  8. The Phoenix is amazing, I have fisted guys on the bar while fucking another gguy. My bf used to get loaded 3-6 times per night. Wild times
  9. https://breeding.zone/scripts/outbound.php?domain=RawAndRough.com
  10. My bf is 63 now, and he stills fucks and gets fucked by at least 4 guys every week. Most are fuckbuddies, but many are new guys. Of course, he keeps in good shape, but he still gets to fuck very young guys.
  11. Given 10 loads fucked 12 guys so far.
  12. Hi there, mates. I will be visiting London for 3 weeks. I will be visiting a friend who I met here, he is buying my plane ticket and we plan to organize fuck parties, but I will also play on the side and I'll have time for 1 to 1s (but severely limited funds, so saunas are not an option for me if you can't host). I prefer ultra masculine guys, lots of body hair, bald or short hair, bears, mustaches, goatees, no cologne, tall, beefy or muscular bottom men. Skin color is indifferent as long as you match the description, but I must confess that very pale redheads with lots of fur make me harder than usual, as also smooth very dark black guys. I am not muscular or super masc myself, just your average guy, manly, smooth, with an 8'' dick and a need to fuck like a wild animal, seeding the hole I am going to fuck. I am HungLatinDom in BBRT.
  13. Here is the info: https://breeding.zone/threads/10489-Stages-of-Members-(not-sure-what-to-call-it)?highlight=virgin+curious
  14. Keep writing posts, the "curious" titla is shown depending on the amount of posts that you have written here.
  15. I don't, I have plenty of poz friend who are in great shape, my significant other is 63 now, he looks 10 years younger, and he has great muscles, even if covered by fat. I am not on meds, and I need to start working out, need to lose some weight and get a firm body again. When I first was diagnosed I started working out with my bf, and it worked well, but then I had to leave the US.
  16. Not being natural is not an argument against anything. Computers are not natural and people are using them to complain that monogamy is not natural. In any case, monogamy is not for me, personally, but I can understand people like the idea. Go for it, but be aware it might fail. Don't let the pretension of monogamy to ruin your life.
  17. The VOD offers the movies for as low as 10.95 dollars, that's quite a good deal.
  18. I have no doctor, will start seeing one here in January, but I do keep track of my CD4 and VL count. I used to go back home to get tested and study my results, I am biologist, so I understand what's going on when I see the data. Had I seen my CD4 count drop under 500, I would have gotten a doctor, but that has not happened (yet), and honestly, I am bit concerned about the virus free on my bloodstream, infecting, but not killing yet my T cells. One of the reasons I have been able to get out of my homeland is because I work for RawTop, and I got this job because I started barebacking after I serconverted and got into reading his blog. So, HIV has given me a better life, beyond sexuality. When I first got infected I started working out, but then I had to move away from my bf and dropped it, but I do need to get in shape again.
  19. I would love to be on meds, but my life is very, very, very weird. Next year I could be homeless. In two years, I could become a millionaire. None of those outcomes are likely, but both are indeed possible. I am an expat, I am not in my native country anymore, I might be in the US by 2014, but I also could stay here where I am for the rest of my life. So, my life is changing and not stable at all. Now I have a bit of stability, but it's only since this month. So, I have decided that I won't start treatment until I really need it or until I have true stability in my life. It's much worse to start and then stop than to begin a bit late, that I know. That, in short, is why I am not on meds yet.
  20. Nice to have you here, Lito! And it's a great surprise (and welcome one!) to know you are vers top. Licks all over.
  21. My experience has not been bad at all, but my VL is still under 10K and my T cells over 600, after 4 years. I fuck a lot, still, very few STDs.
  22. From the looks of the hole and mask, it seems that might be something from Knightbreeders: http://vod.rawtop.com/dispatcher/fts?userQuery=knightbreeder&theaterId=54013&genreId=102&targetSearchMode=basic&isSearchCriteriaReset=true They do some very unique stuff.
  23. If you want to speak about House of Numbers, start your own thread or write in one of the existing ones., This thread is about POZ HEALTH ISSUES, and I am not going to let it be derailed by HIV denialism and conspirtacy theory. Any mention of house of numbers here will be deleted from now on. You can discuss the subject elsewhere, but let's not disrupt the post.
  24. http://queermenow.net/blog/sad-news-porn-star-adam-faust-passes-away-at-38-rip/ I never met the guy, I liked him a lot, and I was glad when I saw him barebacking, and I remember having seen him on some hookup site, he seemed approachable. I did not know that he had died back in August. I am sad. Too many young, fit men died this year. Way too early. Is this the beginning of something more sinister? Can we do something to prevent this? Rest in Peace, buddy.
  25. Honestly, in this case, your personal experience is irrelevant. There is no way that your personal experiences deny the facts. These drugs, despite the side effects, and despite that are profitable for some companies, save lives. HIV exists and it kills. When people who are sick take these drugs, they get better. No amount of personal experience can deny that. No absurd conspiracist "documentary" can deny that. I do not need to discredit you, yo do it very well yourself, refusing to accept evidence (but willing to believe the same evidence when it supports your point), and make big claims about tainted evidence that are not backed up by any evidence. You keep saying things and making claims, but never back them up.
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