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Everything posted by HungLatinDom

  1. Exactly my position. I was very happy about being a biologist when I got infected. It gave me calm and a sense of control.
  2. This year and the last one has been specially bad. Not only Miklos, but Wilfried Knight, Adam Faust (a fantasy of mine), Erik Rhodes a guy whose name I don't remember in NYC and Josh Weston have died/committed suicide (and I am not sure if failing to take your HIV drugs is not a form of suicide). And I am concerned about Pete Finland also, he dropped from all social media, and I tried to call him to his number, but it was disconnected.
  3. It's not only an Italian word, you know...
  4. Man, that's a very, very helpful post. Thank you so much for putting time and effort on this. One of the reasons why I love this forum.
  5. You should be more specific. In Some SOuth American countries the situation is quite good concerning treatment.
  6. He's quite a hottie!
  7. Yes, there must be a market for taht, since it's so popular, but every time I read a story with straight guys or a laughable movie with "straight men", I yawn. I like my men to be experienced in the art of giving and receiving pleasure, daring, open, not closeted and cheating on a poor, unknowing woman. Am I the only one? I used to be more tolerant of this, but after seeing it so many times, it's beginning to make me sick.
  8. Bans are usually temporary, unless we have a very good reason. As for unbanning, no. The ban will go away by itself, and as I said before, we are extremely strict about this. No underage characters on stories, period.
  9. Exctly my experience. He scared me, but I could not run away, backed against a wall. When that mouth engulfed me, damn.... it was good.
  10. Well, that's what we are here for, for making edits or deleting the stories. You are never going to see an underage character here.
  11. How lower is the risk? Sounds like getting a triple burger with extra cheese and bacon, nachos, ice cream and a then ordering diet coke because you are watching your weight. Probably negligible. People get HIV all the time without getting cum in the ass. As a top who got it topping, I can tell you that
  12. No, people post them, we check them. But, even if screened before, it is still a no-no.
  13. we are extremely strict with stories featuring underage characters. However, the bans are temporary.
  14. Completely absurd, as a risk lowering practice.
  15. LOL^n Absolutely hilarious.
  16. Yep 100% certain. This was all in Spanish. I am a native Spanish speaker.
  17. OK, I freaked out a little bit tonight. I am stressed, so I needed to hook up, this guy is a regular, and we never fail to have great sex. He has a small frame, slim, but defined body, I touch him and he's hard everywhere. He's hairy, shaved head, very masculine. Today, I got in all the way into the second ring, all the way in, not just the tip of my head. And then I started jackhammering him, he was cursing, roiling his eyes, grabbing my buttocks and pulling me to him, then he shouts "OH, FUCK, YES, YOU ARE GODDAMN NAZI! JUST KEEP GOING". It was really weird. Threw me a little bit off base until I understood exactly what he meant, I was merciless and rough, no rest for his ass, he was loving it, and he did not mean any insult, but it was just weird to me. So, I ask, what is the weirdest thing that your partner has told you during sex?
  18. Why would that be? Plenty of sauna and bathhouse people here.
  19. Who are you going to believe? Some stranger or statistics that tell you that mortality rates among infected people decreased after meds?
  20. Some guys think that "undetectable" means "I don't look like I have AIDS". I fuck this guy and he says, yes, I am undetect. Since when? Well, since the beginning. What do you mean? Can you tell by looking me I am poz? No. So yes, I am undetectable. Mega facepalm
  21. Gee, I guess all those fools who take meds don't know anything about their health, and of course all doctors and scientists are corrupt. The only trustable authorities are random internet guys...
  22. According to my limited experience for the area, it's better if you go to PS. Guys in WeHo tend to be more restrictive concerning age. PS has plenty of guys who like older men.
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