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(Asian bottom boy's Life prior to the night of meeting his sir)

It's been a while since I actually had sex with another person. Ever since I was 6, I tend to attract wrong men and getting sexually abused. It started with my baby sitter when I was 6. He even burned me with a cigarette and left a scar on my shoulder to remind me to keep the whole sex with him as a secret. I avoided sex until when I turned 16. I was a bit smart so I have already finished first year of my college. During that summer I broke up with my girl friend from high school and started to accept my strong sexual desire for men but didn't know how to have sex or anything with another man. I just knew whenever I saw naked men and their penis, I always felt like being under spell of some kind that made me focus all my attention on it only. I was subletting a room from a frat house on campus that summer. My freshman year roommate was a member of this fraternity and we decided to share a room that summer as well. Most of his frat brothers only wore boxers around the house unless there was a girl. And since there was only one bathroom on our floor with a tub and a shower stall among 8 of us, we often ended up showering together in the tub and the stall. I always loved glancing at their naked bodies especially in the morning. Then one day, as I was coming out of my classroom late at night, I decided to talke a walk around the campus and ended up in a gay cruising spot. As I sat on the bench to cool off, a white boy with a bit of mean but somewhat cute face and a nice toned body (he had his shirt off) approached me and asked me if I smoked. I have never smoked but that night I wanted to push myself to new experience so I took a cigarette from him but ended up coughing hard and he laughed.

Then he told me if I was gay and I didn't reply yes or no. He then sat closer to me and started to talk really low into my ears. The heat from his body, his smell and his breathes on my ear and down my neck made me start to get turned on. As he was telling me about how he thinks I am gay since he knows that I like his body and I shouldn't feel bad since it's very common and there are many other gay students. I kept my eyes looking down as I listened to him and started to feel glad to meet another gay boy who was nice and cute. All of sudden, my eyes started to tear up as I decided to accept being a gay and let this boy help me to start my new life. He put his arm on my shoulder and got closer to me and his body felt nice then I noticed he had a huge bulge.

He told me to follow him and we walked over to his car. When we got in, he offered me a drink. He started to drive and told me that he was going to his friend's house and introduce me to many gay students there. As we got to our destination, I started to feel a bit dizzy and hot. And my whole body became really sensitive and sent out electric shocks every time his body touched mine. I was feeling hot but my nipples were hard like it was cold and I had goose bumps all over my body. As he introduced me to his friends and set me down on the couch next to a shirtless young latino boy then they all went into another room and left us alone. Latino boy looked like he was either drunk or sleepy. He started to pull me close to his body and started to run his hands all over my body and told me to touch his body. I felt hazy and didn't understand what to do or where I was but when I first saw his hard cock peeking on the waist of his shorts, I just wanted to be with him or more accurately with his hard cock. So as he told me, I followed. When everyone returned, I was sitting between his legs as he ran one hand on my nipples and the other one under my butt. He had my arms under his arms that were wrapped around/below me and He was whispering into my ears that my hole was twitching and wincing at his finger to enter. I told him I have never had sex and since I don't know anything, he would have to teach me what to do.

He will take a good care of me as long as I obey him and worship him.

My new white friend came over to me and pulled me up and asked me to come with him. As I followed him into the bathroom I looked back and saw the latino boy's eyes staring at me, my ass more accurately. When we got to the bathroom and he closed the door behind us. He told me that we are going to take a shower together so told me get naked. As we got naked (I took longer since I was fully dressed but he just dropped his shorts), he told me that I should take a pill since I look like I have a headache or something. For a brief second, I hesitated but I took the pill anyway. As our bodies moved under the running water, he kept on running his hands all over my body as I just hugged and hung on to him for support. But his body also felty really good against mine especially his big hard cock that was rubbing on our stomach. Compared to my small 6" fully erect penis, his 8" white cock looked really huge and sexy. I kept on rubbing against his cock and his body as he started to focus on my butt and the hole. He kept on sticking something in there that made me like I was flying in the cloud. Then he started to put something in there that stung alot but he held me tight and told me it just feels like that since I am a virgin. I told him it wasn't my first time and told him about my babysitter and showed him the scar on my shoulder. He then told me he will take care of me so I should just trust him and do as he tells me to.

I felt like I was in love so I told him I love him and I would do anything he wants as I kept on hugging him tight. He then started to push my head down and told me to kiss and lick all around his cock and balls. I kneeled on the cold bathroom tile and started to lick his cock all over and was loving the taste of it. I wanted taste him forever but he told me that he was going to give me a drug but I shouldn't worry since everyone in NYC clubs do them so they can dance and relax, have more fun. He took out a little plastic bullet and told me to put my nose on a tiny hole on the tip and sniff in deep and hard. After doing both my nostrils, I started to sink into the floor as his body covered over mine. As I looked up to him, his cock and balls just covered my face and kept on pushing my head deeper down. I was loving being blanketed with body as my mind kept on drifting further away from my body. I don't know how long his cock kept on driving into my throat but I just relaxed all my muscle and accepted him. After a while my mind drifted away as my body was lifted and bent over the edge of the tub then as I felt like my whole body was melting into the bathroom (my arms became part of the water pipes as my face melted with tub) I was lost in my own world and was about to fly away but as his cock entered my hole, that was all I could feel for real and my only connection to the reality. He kept on popping in to my world then out. Then in and out. I loved him and kept on telling him that I loved him although I coulnt' really find him except his beautiful cock that just gave me so much happiness as it entered deep into my world then then drift away and re-entering fiiling me up with love and happiness.

Occasionally I felt something else other than his cock that changed my world a bit before disappearing. Then I heard beautiful music and angels speaking to me in undistinguishable language but I could sense that they all loved me and wanted me.... praised and urged me on to never stop what I was doing. Soon I felt my white boy

s cock enter my world and started to emit strong heat all over my world for hours or days. I tried to hold on to this heat so I tried to contract my muscle all over my body but I kept on losing the grip. Soon his cock started to enter and disappear from my world again. I felt his cock emerge and submerge from my world til he spread powerful heat all over me many times over which felt like my whole life and I was so happy but I wanted it to last forever.

As my mind started to return to my body and as my body started to appear out of my special world, I realized I was folded in half under my white boy with his still hard cock buried in me to the balls. I saw his eyes looking down at me with a smile that wasn't love like I expected and I felt for him. His eyes glare down at me started to make me feel scared and my whole body started to tense up which made me feel his cock in my ass so clearly which felt sooooooo good. He asked me if I was okay... I nodded and told him I loved him.... he just looked at me before he told me that he's gotta cum once more then he has to go. I felt so sad to find possible end of our love and just nodded my head.

He started to move really fast and long in/out pumping which was more like doing push up in our current position. I started to gasp for air and my hole felt pain sometimes as his cock manipulated my hole and muscles deep inside. But I just bit my lips and tried my best not to move and relax so he can do whatever he wants to do. Which he did til his cock spasmed for few minutes. As he laid his body wt. on me, I was feeling a bit of pain in my muscles being completely folded under him. But I loved him so much that I just endured the pain til he got up and pulled out with a loud pop. I could smell his cum which smelled like light chlorine. He started to get dressed and told me to get up and get dressed if I wanted a ride back. As I stumbled onto my feet, I felt my ass just leaking his cum and many of his friends were watching me. Some of them were fucking as well or sucking. As I tried to pick up my clothes from the floor, my leg gave in and I lost balance and felt into the arm of the latino boy from before. He was touching his own cock which was big. He was really sexy but I was in love with my white boy. So I got back onto my feet and said thanks to him. As I was getting dressed, latino boy asked my white boy if he could get a ride with us.

Three of us left and as we were driving to my house, I thanked my white boy and told him I enjoyed my time with him and loved him over and over. He just kept quite the whole time. As I was getting out of the car, he told me he will call me and sped off.

Of course I didn't get a call from him for a while and I was so sad and hurt. Sometimes I would walk by that cruising spot hoping to see him and only found older not so attractive men. About 3 weeks later, I found my white boy's car near library as I headed there to do research for my paper. I got excited with possible meeting with him again. I wanted to look for him but the library was big and I had to do my research, I distracted myself with school work. I was on the top floor far from the study lounges and lobbies, looking through my books on a little chair surrounded by tall bookcases. Then I started to hear something that sounded like a moan but it was so low that I could only hear it if I concentrated even with the silence that surrounded me. As I walked towards the moan, I was convinced that it sounded like a man.... maybe he was jerking off and I can hide and see his cock.... The noise led me to the bathroom and as I opened the door , I felt like I struck with a hammer as I saw my white boy, the first gay lover of mine, fucking another young Asian boy bent over the sink. The Asian boy must have taken similar drugs as me since he was so oblivious to everything but the cock in his ass. He kept on bouncing on the cock as my white boy looked at me and asked me how I was doing. I tried to walk away but I still loved my white boy so I told him I missed him. He told me that he just loves to fuck but he doesn't want love. I stood frozen on the spot until he told me to either come in or out and close the door. I told him to call me and walked out of the bathroom and back to my books with teary eyes. As I tried to distract myself with research books, after couple of hours, partially hoping to see my white boy on his way out and talk to him again, I saw the latino boy from that night entering the bathroom. Little later, my white boy came out with still hard cock tenting out of his pants. He came over to me and told me that he's busy the weekend but he will call me on Monday at 8PM.

A while later the Asian boy who looked still high stumbled out of the bathroom and started to walk away. The latino boy followed him and helped him as they walked away.

After a while the latino boy came back and sat next to me. We talked and I told him how much I love my white boy and latino boy told me I was stupid and naive. That I was actually his victim that he loves to drug and fuck young virgin boys and walk away. And my white boy was actually a dealer and thats why he stopped by the house that night. He gave me G, E, T and K that night and fucked me for hours while I was on K-hole in front of everyone and he also taped some of it. I wanted to deny all of this but I knew it was all true. I told latino boy that he was going to call me on Monday night and I will talk to him then. Latino boy said the only reason he's calling on Monday is cuz he would be horny after "working" all weekend selling and doing drugs all weekend. He gave me his number to call as we parted.

On Monday night, he told me to come over to his place since he's stuck doing laundry. He offered me a drink and I asked for alcohol hoping it would help me to confront him about what I wanted to talk to him about. As we drank and watched TV, he told me about NYC club scenes as I tried to figure out how to talk to him. Gradually I started to feel a bit drunk. He offered me some brownies which was tasteless and dry especially since I was a bit

"drunk" and throat dry from nervousness. The drink was mild dosages of the same drug I took first night and the brownies were filled with more stuff. Before I knew it, I was hi and under his spell again.

"Do you want to get fucked and bred again?"

"Yes, I love you and I love you fucking me. "

"I want you to beg me for it just like all other sluts. Do you remember that Asian slut that I was fucking in the library? He was such a fucking slut that he begged me to fuck him. And he got fucked by many more after I left him that day. You asian bottom boys can be so nasty bitches and love my big white cock."

"Yes... I LOVE Your big white cock... Please fuck me.... "

Then he held a pipe to my face and told me smoke.

I smoked it and after a big hit, my mind felt clouded over and after the cloud disappeared, all I could think about was getting fucked by my boy, my love, my man...... I begged and did everything he wanted me to do so I could get fucked by his cock. He took me to the laundromat and put me on the dryer and placed my legs on his shoulders and pushed white powders into my hole.... with the heat, vibration from the dryer and the chem in my body, I turned into his fucking toy.... he pumped and controlled my body as he wanted... and I was just happy to be his and glad that he was horny enough to fuck me. At some point, he told me to hold still as the way I was getting fucked as he walked away to work in his laundry. As I held my body still, his friend' an older huge black man walked in and they chatted. My white boy kept on fucking me through the whole laundry as he wanted then told me to get in the car. He drove me to a park that apparently turn into a sex spot sometimes. He carried me out of the car and placed me on my back on a blanket that he opened up on the ground. Then he started to pound down and into me mercilessly. Many people watched us and my white boy kept on fucking harder as more people watched us. As for me, I was in pain and kept on fighting a scream since I loved my white boy again under the spell of his chemical magic. My white boy looked so powerful, big and sexy like a god as I watched him past parted legs resting on either side of my face and my smooth, small but round but cheeks being spread with his beautiful white cock that looked like a marble statue of gods.... as he pounded and try to sabotage my hole with his godly cock, my desire for him kept on growing deep inside. All of sudden my little penis started to spit out cum all over myself as he pounded it out. He laughed when he saw me cumming from his fucking.

"Wow you are such a good bitch. You seem so naive at first but your body just loves being my bitch. You probably get fucked all the time. Maybe I didn't even have to give you so much drug at first. Do you love being my bitch? " He slapped my ass and bent little further to slap my face as well.

"I do love you, Chris. (my white boy dealer top) And I do love being your bitch. Please don't ever stop fucking me. I don't need your love just let me your bitch as long as you can possibly want, Chris. Please. Fuck me and make me your bitch, please." I started to plead my love and my commitment to him over and over as he led me to the sexual bliss of pain & pleasure. As he fucked and slapped me harder and harder, my body did feel the pain which made me tear and my skin swell up with his red hand prints all over my skin but my ass and cock was loving it. I came two more times before Chris filled me with cum and popped his cock out right afterwards with a loud pop. I gasped and started to shake from so much more desire for him still.

"Hey that was good fuck tonight. I have to go meet another bitch tonight so I have to save the rest of my cum. Do you want to stay or do you want me to drop you off? You should stay and just whore yourself out"

"Chris, please take me with you. I know you have many other boys that you have to fuck but I want to be just your bitch. "

He opened the car door and I almost crawled into his car as I rushed to put my clothes back on.

"Hey you better not leak your fucking dirty pussy juice on my car seat. Fucking roll up your socks and put it in your hole or something. Dont you dare dirty my car, bitch."

I tried to hold it but he must have came so much since it kept oozing out little by little.

"Dont get my seat wet. Put that plastic bag on the floor and sit there."

I obeyed and sat on the floor as he drove. He grabbed my hair and moved my head side to side.

'Ha ha.... you really look like a fucking bitch like a dog. Bitch on heat."

When he opened the car door, I almost fell onto the ground in front of my house. He pushed me away from his car with gentle kicking and took off, leaving me on the ground with my shorts half way up and my shirt, socks and underwear thrown on my body with cum spots all over. I got up and tried to get clothes back on before my roommates spot me. Then my phone rang. I picked it up not to alert people to notice me without seeing who it was.

"Hey fucking slut. I told you all he wants from you is to fuck you til he gets tired of your ass. Do you still love him?" It was that latino boy, Jose. I didnt know what to say so I just stayed silent.

"Hey bitch. I asked you a question. I should just fuck you like Chris. You would love that, wont you? Huh? You look like Chris' bitch now with his cum all inside and outside of you. I wonder if I can change that with my own fucking cum and piss dripping out and all over your body, bitch."

I was started to get a strange feeling that he wasnt just calling me on the phone but I could sense he was closer than I thought. And idea of getting fucked by his cock turned me on partially I was still high from drugs Chris fed into my body. I try to get up and look around for him.

"Dont get up. you stay on the ground like a bitch and I come collect you."

He appeared out of no where and easily lifted me up and put me over his shouder and went into my house. The house seemed a bit empty but I didnt realize it was almost 3 a.m. Chris has been fucking me for 7 hours although it felt shorter since I wanted more.

"Where to?" Jose's voice woke me up from fantasizing about Chris. I led him to the bathroom since I didn't know where else to go without waking my roommate up. As soon as we got to the bathroom, Jose put me down on the floor and told me get on my knees and crawl around. As I crawled around the bathroom, he started to prepare the pipe and fed me the pipe as he ordered me to take 5 huge hits in a raw which was too much for me and my eyes started to roll to the back of my head. He simply placed me in the tub and told me to open my mouth. He shoved his cock and pushed my head down all the way to the balls. I have very little to no gag reflex growing up so even in my high state, my throat muscle voluntarily relaxed and started to swallow his cock to the balls as if it was water. Then as his fucking hard cock held my throat opened up, I started to leak so much saliva all over his cock and out to my chin.

"Close your lips tightly around the base, bitch" When I did that, I started to feel hot stream of piss deep in the back of my throat. It felt hotter and smelled fouler than normal piss and tasted horrible. I tried to push away but he held me so tight that I had to swallow as much to avoid drowning. As soon as he let me go, I started to gag bent over the edge of the tub. Jose's cock stayed semi hard and kept on pissing all over my face down my body and onto my hole opening as he placed it at the spot behind my bent over body. Then I felt him pop into my hole which felt so good and filled me up with his piss. My skinny stomach started to bulge out as Jose's piss and Chris' cums mingled inside of me. As Jose started to fuck me I was so dirty and nasty covered with sweat, cum and piss. But I was being filled with love for a new man that was fillilng me up and I didn't care how dirty I am as long as he lets me love his body like that moment. Jose had a bigger cock than Chris around 9" and very veiny. And he fucking didn't give a shit about hurting me as he fucking pounded my hole as he pleased. Whenever he stopped pounding, he told me to gyrate my pelvic bone like I do on the dance floor at clubs. As I gyrate my hips on his cock and felt his cock tightly rubbing all around my inside walls, Jose whispered into my ears.

"Fucking bitch. I found you way before Chris did a year ago at freshman orientation. I wanted to fucking pull your tiny little waist apart with my fat cock and use your hole the way I can't imagine doing to my girl since she was pregnant. If I would have known that all it took was some drugs, I would have gotten to your fucking pussy before Chris. Do you want to be my fucking bitch on the side and get fucked whenever i want? "

"yeeeeesssss.... pllllleeeessssss..... i am your bitch..... please fuck me as you wish...."

I was so fucking deep into fuck heaven as I was pushed into sexual pleasure overload and all I could manage to express was just fucking moan and purring like a pussy bitch. We stopped talking since it sounded so loud in a quite house as Jose fucked me hard hard hard. For hours, the whole house was filled with his body slapping on my cheeks as he pounded, him slapping my ass and all over my body and me moaning or gasping for air. I kept on getting hard and reaching orgasm over and over but barely any cum shot out since I came so much already. Jose must still felt each time I came though since he told Chris later that he can fuck at least 4 orgasms out of my pussy. Anyway, as we continued to fuck, I was in oblivion in my own sexual pleasure land but my roommates must be waking up and used the bathroom while I am getting used by Jose since I think I heard Jose speaking to someone at some point. All of sudden Jose stood me up while still fucking me and started to run the water on us.... we stayed under water, fucking, washing then me just hugging him to thank and express my love for him for an hour or so. Then Jose wrapped me with a towel and took me to my room. I don't remmeber telling him where the towel was or my room was but I didn't care. He was resting on my bed and fucking me up against the wall whenever he woke up slighhtly horny and falling asleep while deep inside of me... Jose stayed fuckign and sleeping all day til around 5 PM. He jumped out of my ass as soon as he found out the time and told me that he has to pick up his kid from his grandma's church. I was puzzled about him mentioning church but I forgot quickly and just thanked/loved Jose. As soon as Jose left my roommate came into the room and started to play something on his computer. I tried to go back to bed when he turned up the volume and made me hear my own fucking screaming and moaning pleading/begging/thanking for allowing me to feel cock inside of me. I froze in my bed and didn't know what to do. My roommate came over and I am a fucking nasty bitch and he doesn't want to room with me any more after the summer was over. I felt sad.... then he said that I should still suck and get fucked by him whenever he wants to since that's what nasty bitches like are only good for. I felt shame all over my body and had to obey my roommates orders as he fucked my face. The rest of the summer I had to get fucked and suck off many boys and men as they wished being black mailed with my sex vids if I didn't. My mind tok all the mental and physical use so much better when I was fed some chemicals but even without drugs, I learned to love obeying orders and worshipping beautiful cocks as they use me for just animalistic sexual pleasure without any drugs. I tried to fight it off sometimes but once I am faced with man cocks, I could only think of hose to worship/please it. For Christmas of my sophomore year, Chris and Jose took me to a party hosted by the friend of Chris. It was the black dude who talked to Chris at the laundromat while he pounded me on the dryer. His cock was sooo huge that later on after I started to get DP by Chris and Jose's big cocks, I still had hard time opening for his cock but since he didn't really care about my physical pleasure or pain, he always fucked me as he pleased with a little sorry after he came... as he walked away from me with his huge cock hanging low and many times shiny being coated with piss, cum, sweat, my ass juice and sometimes my little blood. Jose was a total closet gay so often he met me and fucked me in the bathroom of school buildings. But whenever I got ripped and bled on my hole, the black top would call Chris and Jose so they could all breed my bloody hole. I didnt' realize what they were doing. For some strange reason, I kept on staying negative inspite of their breeding. Finally Chris and the black top whored me out to a guy from Canada to be used and converted at his secluded farm in Canada.

  • Upvote 4
  • Piggy 1
  • 1 month later...

wow this was a hot hot story, made me cum twice in one night, once when the top had him on the picnic blanket railing his ass

then other when all the guys kept coming to the dorm room to breed that asian ass

Then I almost busted again when I imagined a bunch of tops standing around in that college library bathroom jacking off watching that drugged up asian getting fucked, the top that is fucking him pulling out so they all can nut inside before he goes back to fucking that sloppy pussy mmmm

I like the description of the k-hole he kept slipping into, his only hold on reality is the top's bare cock busting his hole open

god i love fucking asians, please write more. You should put out a porno or a book lol

  • 1 month later...

I love worshipping and servicing cocks as they take complete control over my Asian body for their sexual pleasure. ;)

  Uuha said:
wow this was a hot hot story, made me cum twice in one night, once when the top had him on the picnic blanket railing his ass

then other when all the guys kept coming to the dorm room to breed that asian ass

Then I almost busted again when I imagined a bunch of tops standing around in that college library bathroom jacking off watching that drugged up asian getting fucked, the top that is fucking him pulling out so they all can nut inside before he goes back to fucking that sloppy pussy mmmm

I like the description of the k-hole he kept slipping into, his only hold on reality is the top's bare cock busting his hole open

god i love fucking asians, please write more. You should put out a porno or a book lol


When the summer was over, I moved in with a best friend of mine in a dorm as arranged previous year but I could no longer maintain the same friendship after my new awakening experience so I started to avoid him. A week went by before my friend finally stopped me and asked me what was wrong. As I looked at him to respond, my mind started to imagine him naked and I had to half run out of the room to stop myself from getting down on my knees in front of him. As I was walking aimlessly, I knew I needed sex and called the only person who knew my dark sexual preference, Chris. He picked me up and we drove into the city. He took me to a dance club and after feeding me a pill and some powder to sniff, he introduced me to a friend of his then disappeared. His friend and I started to roll together for hours as we sat side by side on a couch. Finally chris' friend stood up and i followed him since I was too scared to be left alone while on drugs. Chris' friend walked to the bathroom and turned around to face me with a grin. Without words, he pushed me to a stall and closed the door behind him. He took out the pipe and took a hit and covered my mouth with his then blew it out. He kept his mouth on mine for a while as we passed the smoke back and forth. By the time our lips departed there wasn't much smoke. We repeated this four times i got so high that I couldn't focus my eyes and begged him to stop as he tried to pass it to me one more hit. He pulled my hair and ordered me to do one more hit so I did. He told me turn around and shoved a finger in my hole which burned like hell. He then placed a bullet under my nose and as I took deep breath I inhaled K. Now I was high on many drugs and I had to lean on him for support. He pinned me against the stall wall while he took a piss then dragged me out of the bathroom.

I don't remember much after that as he led me around the club. He took me to the back room where many people were fucking and among them was Chris getting a deep bj from a really cute white twink boy who looked as high as me. As they talked and occasionally made the white boy suck them both, I watched them as the chemicals worked on my body and mind. We left the club and as we drove back, chris fucked the boy on the back seat. As they dropped me in front of my dorm, I was horny from drugs, jealousy etc. I opened my door and found my roommate fucking a girl on his bed. I closed the door and sat down in the lobby. I was so fucking hinny and I felt like I was the only one not fucking at the moment. I was still high from drugs a bit so didn't really hesitate as I walked back to my room to get my shower stuff while they were still going at it. As I stepped into the shower, few others boys came in and started to take showers. I peeked through the shower curtain and stared at the stall across from me. As the shower curtain moved I occasionally got a quick glance at his body. He was black and really big like a basketball player. My ass started to twitch at the thought of big blk cock. Soon I started to fuck my hole with a bar soap making my hole slippery with leather. Then I fingered my hole. As my drugged up hungry hole was in ecstasy, I must have made noise or something. All of sudden someone pulled open my curtain. I tried to hold it back and fell on the floor. When I looked up, I was eye level with a blk cock that belonged to my roommate's friend David. He's 6' 6 black boy and he is in basket ball team. Behind him was his roommate who's as tall as David.

At the sight of his big blk cock, my mind lost control probably due to drugs as well, I just opened my mouth and swallowed as much of it in one push. I was surprised when he didn't push me away but instead he pushed my head down and made me swallow more of his cock. I kept sucking on him deeper and deeper as he talked to his friend about something. I was so focused on pleasuring the cock in my mouth that I didn't pay attention to anything else. As I buried my nose in his pubic hair and used my throat muscle to massage his shaft, I felt the head swell way beyond my tonsil. He held my head on either side and started to face fuck me. I kept my mouth and throat open as wide as I can til he started to cum. I try to pull back but my head was held down to force me to swallow some before he pulled out and squirted my face and hair. He told me to come by his room later for more cock and left the shower with his friend.

  • Upvote 1
  wonderboy said:
I love worshipping and servicing cocks as they take complete control over my Asian body for their sexual pleasure. ;)

Cool. I love getting worshipped by cock servicing asians and taking control of their bodies for my sexual pleasure lol

Yea you like getting super long dicks slippery and juicy in your deep throat, tongue kissing the dickhole to get them extra horny while they manhandle your body and fingerfuck your cumhole, getting that ass ready to suck the milk out of the cocks that love pumping your flexing sexy bubble booty :drool:

  • 3 weeks later...

There aren't many Asians in Orlando FL so it might be harder to find but they are outthere. =) Trust me. If not, you can always fuck the visitors/tourist. Last time I went to Orlando was for Disney Gay Days few years ago and there were many Asian bottoms. Wish I have known you back then...-P

  hispanicdlmale said:
I love asian sluts! Cant find none here in orlando fl.

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