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Moaning or screaming bottoms? If you're a top answer :) Botts are welcome too!

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I really love getting my ass fucked and can't help deeply moaning when a cock is pumping inside of me. I have never screamed, but always moan.


Mute bottoms bewilder me. The ones who yell and holler for more cock: deeper, harder, faster...I understand this kind of feedback and am quite compliant with it. I tend to be very verbal and start asking questions if all I hear is silence out of the man I'm fucking (or sucking off, as the case may be).

When I cum I tend to yell, cuss and holler a lot - and not always in English. I like being as deep in the bottom's hole as possible and I NEVER pull out until I've delivered every last drop of my mancream.

I often experience extremely deep orgasms which tend to leave me a bit breathless & mildly, momentarily disoriented.

I like to fuck.


I like to experiment by reading the tops response to noise. If it makes the ride more robust I'll get louder. If it doesn't, I'll quiet back down. If the top can make me cum without either of us touching my dick, then it don't care what I need to do to get there. I don't really need my ears to tell if were both having fun. Unless he's using them to hold on.


You are so damn hot.

  Nemesis said:
I get off on fucking all night, shooting up my bitch's ass over and over, then falling asleep with my cock inside of him to hold the cum in. Love owning a guy and making him my personal whore. I can also be vanilla, but wild is so much more fun.

It depends what the moaning is like, if it's repetitive and irritating I'll put my hand over their mouth, one guy was annoying me so much once I had to punch him in the face a few times just before I came. Was fucking hot seeing him bleeding from his nose as we kissed afterwards.


I'll show my appreciation to the top by getting verbal and moaning because I love dick. Especially love it when a top gets verbal with me.

In terms of moaning, once a guy hits my second hole, its pretty much non-stop for me.

Guys stuff things in my mouth to make me stop...dicks, socks, underwear, etc.

I have been kicked out of hotel rooms because I am pretty loud when the full-length of a 10" dick is hammering away in my rectum.


I like all positions but one of my favorites is the one in which he's on his knees with his cock in your ass and the bottom's legs are around the top's waist. I love pulling the top in and rubbing my chest lightly against his. Kissing him and asking him to go harder and faster and deeper. In that case I don't moan out very loudly in pain but I do say, yeah yeah oh wow, this is amazing and I run outta breath too. If you're gonna fuck me, make it wild and hard. After that I like for the top to leave his cock in me, even after he's done, so I can whack off with his cock in my ass and as he touches my body while his cock is still in


Several times I've had the next door neighbour come round to complain about the noise I make - kinda embarrassing to hear your own words quoted as part of the complain! Usually they've been stupid enough to think a fight was going on, but years ago when I lived in a commune, the room BF and I used for sex acquired a name plate: "The Shriek Parlour" (it was his room, and because of its position in the house easier to heat). We once got a round of applause from guys in other houses in the commune after fucking on the kitchen table (no blinds or curtains at the window and a very sturdy table - you don't get workmanship like that any more...


I am all for moaning and nasty pig talk, as a bottom or top I loved to be egged on. That being said , some people may love it but completely suck at it. I remember I had a guy with generously thick cock that loved fucking raw, but ruined it every time he opened his mouth it was weird. It was jibberish and made no sense and would cry. He was first guy ever the I wanted to gag before he fucked me..... Needless to say we didn't fuck often because I couldn't handle the mouth.


It's ironic and kinda quirky that during fuck sessions, both bottoms and tops often become devoutly religious and pray more than perhaps usual: " o God, baby, fuck me, o God fuck my hole, fuck me, fuck me; o God, fuck my hole...o God what a sweet fuckin' hole; o God that hole feels so fucking great..."


Either way it turns me on to hear the bottom enjoy it. I'll take a moaning or screaming bttm as long as it's ready to be used and filled.

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