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HIV and aviation


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hollywoodslut is right! However, my on experience over the last year has been a bitch. I'm in the US working on my private pilot certificate and living with HIV. Since HIV is connected to dementia and other cognitive issues I had to take a very expensive cog screening (the doctors administering the test would not take my medical insurance) that caused $1500 dollars. (the fucking doctor botched the test, that's another story) The FAA chief concerns in my case are if my status is leading to cognitive deficiencies or if the medications can cause impaired judgement. Because the first doctor screwed up the first test the FAA rejected me. I had to request another look, but first I changed doctors and went to see the Dr. who developed the cognitive screening test for the FAA as well as NASA and get support from a medical advocacy group that deals with the FAA to go to bat for me. The make a long story short, since there were no indications the my HIV is causing any cognitive issues, what so ever (despite what the first jackass doctor stated) and my meds are doing exactly what they are designed to do, Im being reevaluated by the FAA for a student medical certificate. Now im not sure how that would apply to mechanics or other staff, but if you want it DON'T LET SOME ASS HOLE BUREAUCRAT STOP YOU FROM LIVING YOUR DREAM!!!!!!!!

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