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Chia seeds. Nature's buttgrease. Great bottom food.

Guest PozGoat

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Doesnt really matter as long as you take plenty of water or fluids with them. Chia doesnt even really need to be chewn but I still try to chew my food well. When the whole seeds hit water, their insides explode through shell husk as a mucus gel. Chia seeds do not even need to be chewed to be fully digestable because water makes them basically turn inside out.

So the key is water. Drink plenty of water(at least 8 oz/250ml) when taking chia. Milled or whole, doesnt matter. The wetter they get, they more mucus they make, which is the key to a clean digestive tract and bottom.


Thanx RottenCock xxx

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I drink those Synergy Kombucha drinks with Chia seeds all the time since finding them at Whole Foods. Love the taste - I've completely replaced soda in my diet with these bottled teas. And it's true, the ones with Chia seeds really do help keep your digestion on track, which every bottom can appreciate.

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I have been trying this since the original post on the thread. I found some organic chia seeds at the local health food store. It includes a small "scoop" in the jar. I mix 2 scoops with 16 oz of liquid (iced tea, lemonade, water with lemon, etc.) It seems to take about 90 minutes or more for them to absorb as much liquid as possible and release all of mucous and to remain "mixed" without all the seeds floating to the top instantly. Almost no change in flavor.

I noticed that it has helped make me more regular and just a normal bathroom visit, I felt quite empty and clean, even without squirting water up my fuck hole. My normal pre-fuck cleanout would take about 1 or more hours until I felt clean enough for a cock and a tongue. After using the chia seeds for a week, this has turned into 15 minutes max. Also, I've had one top to tell me my ass was so "warm, moist, and silky smooth" after he recovered from busting a nut deep in my guts.

Less time preppin' means more time fuckin'!

Edited by jizzpig
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I was planning to go to a health-foods store for chia seeds, but I came across them by accident in a supermarket. $9.99 for a pound of Bob's Red Mill brand. Many supermarkets have the brand's entire line of grains in a display case, and I've tried some of the products before but never looked for chia.

It's true that the seeds have many nutrients, but I am reading that their bioavailability is disputed. I am trying the seeds for the other effects that I learned about here, not for nutrition. I have a digestive disease, so I ran it by two doctors of different specialties for their opinions; their only concern was about the roughage aggravating any intestinal ulcers I may have, but I since the shells are soft and burst on contact with water, I should be ok. But I want to share one tip that I once learned from a medical seminar: any substance that binds matter in the intestines will also bind nutrients and medication. Therefore, I am taking the chia some hours after eating a balanced meal or taking prescribed pills.

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I'm definitely checking out Whole Foods and Trader Joe's this weekend to find this stuff. Sounds perfect. I'm always way too self-concious about being properly clean when I bottom, so this is going to ease my mind a bit.

I am going to have to check this out as well on my next trip to the market. Like joethomas, I too feel self-concious about being properly cleaned out. I'll let you all know results once I get some and been using em for a while.

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So I posted before in this thread that I'll try chia seeds, and I finally got some! I just gotta say there's definitely a difference ;) What I did was I mixed a heaping tablespoon into a large glass of home-made lemonade (plenty of water), let them sit and stirred for a bit. After I'd say maybe half an hour they were pretty swollen, but it was very tasty and easy to drink (if you typically like pulp). I'd say the effects are worth it for such a simple recipe.

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Been mixing chia seeds w/ green juice for the past 3 days -- last night "clean-up" was the easiest its been since I was a teenager -- and with a few drops of coconut oil as lube I bottomed (mostly) for the majority of 3 hours. Go chia!

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I began to "chia" 5 days ago because I was going to a sex party this past weekend. I noticed that my bowel movements were more solid, but also odorless. By the time the party rolled around, I needed very little prep time and for the first time in years didn't need to take Immodium to stop the traffic. Was fucked for several hours with no problems. The chia seeds also have many other benefits. Just ask our friend Google.

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I did a little reasearch and Chia seeds can increase prostate cancer. There is one that doesnt...by WebMD suggests that if were at risk for prostate cancer to avoid the Chia Seed. Most the guys in my family have had prostate cancer...so I need to be careful.

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