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Poz Guys - Do You Like Being Poz?  

896 members have voted

  1. 1. Poz Guys - Do You Like Being Poz?

    • I LOVE Being Poz
    • Yeah, Sorta - but there are some negatives
    • Not Really - the negatives outweigh the positives
    • I HATE Being Poz

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I won't say that I like it that is for sure. It has been three years since I was diagnosed and I find it makes it very hard on the dating scene. Mostly due to the ignorance and stigmatism that is still very rampant out there. I am getting tired of chatting with guys and then revealing my status only to be told " Thank-you for your honesty, but I am going to pass".  I think I am finally at a point where I am more comfortable with my status and just now I finally posted a face pic on my BBRT profile.


I am definitely looking for LTR I am very tired of hook ups and I am looking for someone to share my life with, and being positive just makes it that much harder. What shocks me the most is, Montreal is a very gay and open city but is is incredible how most guys still know very little about being HIV +  and what undetectable means.


Sorry for the rant lol just had to get that off my chest.

Guest EDGYfantasy

I've been poz for about a year and a half. I didn't actively look for it but based on my constant and reckless bareback fucking I knew it might happen. Last year I was going through a rough patch and the way for me to cope with it and keep fucntioning was fuck as much as I could. I would get drunk (or at least tipsy enough) to loose my inhibitions and went straight to bareback parties such as Cummunion (it used to be a crowd of hot guys, then the trolls started to ruin it, anyway...) and even though I always asked them to pull out, at least 2 guys stealth-breed me because I felt the cum leaking down my leg. I got tested few months after and there it was. When I hear the news I was numb, if this would had happened few years ago I would had lost my shit.

Pros: Sexual freedom and also start to try drugs, is just a whole another world. It's pure hedonism and I LOVE IT. I'm glad this happened to me at this age when I'm mature enough to take desicions and decide when is time to leave the party. If I would had started younger I might had developed an addiction. Something that I've been getting into lately is poz talk while having sex, turns me on.

Cons: Romantic life and social stigma. The only friends that knows my status are those who are poz, outside of that nobody else know and I prefer to keep it that way. Also, facing rejection in the first months after being diagnosed and going to dates with neg guys was tough. Right now I'm not actively dating but if I do, I would prefer to be another poz guy unless he really wants to be with me regardless of my status.

Going back to neg? Right now there's not a cure but there's some in the future. Will I take it? Yes. Because then I will have the experience and insight of being a poz guy and I would not discriminate a potential boyfriend because his status. Time will tell what will happen, in the meantime, just enjoy this sexual freedom!


I won't say that I like it that is for sure. It has been three years since I was diagnosed and I find it makes it very hard on the dating scene. Mostly due to the ignorance and stigmatism that is still very rampant out there. I am getting tired of chatting with guys and then revealing my status only to be told " Thank-you for your honesty, but I am going to pass".  I think I am finally at a point where I am more comfortable with my status and just now I finally posted a face pic on my BBRT profile.


I am definitely looking for LTR I am very tired of hook ups and I am looking for someone to share my life with, and being positive just makes it that much harder. What shocks me the most is, Montreal is a very gay and open city but is is incredible how most guys still know very little about being HIV +  and what undetectable means.


Sorry for the rant lol just had to get that off my chest.

I can say that i would not choose to be poz.....i was stealth pozzed  last february when i brought a guy home and he offered to have me join him in slamming t..i never slammed before that...and I was always safe...but when i was slammed ..i coughed for a few minutes then i felt like i wanted to fuck like a pig..i started to stroke my cock and with in minutes we were fucking and I was geting fucked bb fr the first time....he just said come on try it ..bb with me..i did not ask him what his status was but deep down i knew it was a danger....after he fucked me he oferd me another slam and as soon as I was in extasy ..he said ..u just got a poz load in you...and u are more than likely gonna be poz ..he said his viral load was over one million..he had jsut serio converted himself...as carzy as it sounds ..because I was on T it truned me on being told i was jsut pozzed..my cock actuly got stiff as hell.and we fucked bb several times that night...3 weeks later i got the fuck flu and he was comng back every week end and we fucked alot bb.i figured what thehell...but now looking back ..i would not do it again..the meds are expensive even the co -pay and as you sid "I am definitely looking for LTR I am very tired of hook ups and I am looking for someone to share my life with, and being positive just makes it that much harder"..i agree and as yiou said it makes it hard on the dating scene..as a result i do thngs like I dd last night ..i psted how i wnt to a gusy house and ended up getting banged bb all nght and today by 5 guys wh i never met before..i ave as a result really gotten very promiscuous..which I was not untill i got high by slamming t and fucing bb..one moment of plesure ..chnged my life and kinda turned me into a slutty promiscuous whore.....


When I'm naked and sweaty with another poz pig . . . when I've got my tongue deep down his throat and my cock deep up his ass . . . when he's pinning me down and knocking me up . . . yeah, I FUKKIN LOVE being poz.


I think it's unreasonable to expect HIV- people to be educated on HIV and be free of stigma. No matter how "safe" an undetectable guy is, the HIV virus is still in their body and no HIV+ person should expect total acceptance. Being HIV+ makes life more challenging and many people may not want an LTR and complicate their own life.      

Posted (edited)

"no HIV+ person should expect total acceptance"


For reasons like this and more, I've answered NO.


It isn't fun, it's sad, it isn't freeing I have felt more limited since my diagnosis a few months ago. It's worsened my depression, made me distrusting of people, and think about death way too much. I can't think of much good it's brought, except that I know I take better care of what I eat and I exercise more, however too much of that makes me angry too. I understand the fantasy and hate to be a downer but I just can't see this as a good thing. 

Edited by Bottomhole
  • Upvote 2
  • 1 month later...

I answered "Yeah, Sorta - but there are some negatives."

I was diagnosed almost 5 years ago and it was earth-shattering. I'd (almost) always been safe and HIV was one of my biggest fears. It led to the break-down of the relationship I was in and I then made the decision to move back to the UK (I'd been living in San Francisco for many years). In the first few months, I was fortunate to be surrounded by friends, love and acceptance and spoke with a lot of poz guys about their experience of living with HIV and found a 12-step meeting for folks living with HIV, too (I'd been sober a long time already). And I told all my family, who were all totally cool. I just knew that for me, carrying around secrets doesn't work. I also attended a weekend seminar type affair organised by the SF Stop AIDS peeps, which was awesome.

5 years on and I'm at peace with being poz. I have no shame about it (I'm upfront about my status on dating/hook up sites), and no guilt. I'm fortunate that I've not had serious health problems, and have excellent and free care/treatment here in the UK (which was a big influence on my decision to return here). It's not been an easy ride, and I've gone through some dark times, but today I'm happy. I wouldn't go back and change things. It's taught me that the worst thing imaginable happened and I survived.

And of course, I'd be lying if I said my sex life hasn't improved...I rarely topped, as condoms kill my hard-on and I feel jack shit with one on. Early in diagnosis I discovered my love for taking loads...but then when I tried topping bare....man...it's the best thing ever, especially when I get to dump my load inside some pig's hungry fuckhole at the end of a long pounding. 

Bottomhole - I hope it gets better for you. It can take time to adjust, so hold on.


  • Like 1
  • Upvote 8
  • 3 months later...
Guest plowmeraw

I voted "not really." I have to admit sometimes I do get an odd sexual charge out of being poz, but that does not make up for the other ways in which HIV is a real mindfuck (stigma, etc) and potential long-term consequences even when you're on meds (greater risk for heart disease and cancer, although today's news suggests early treatment could make a huge difference there). Add in there expensive meds, although I'm lucky that I have fantastic health insurance and a great doctor. There a host of other things you can still get other than HIV. Getting another STD can up your viral load, and from what I understand getting Hep C when you have HIV is really tough. That being said, actually being poz is not nearly as scary as it was being negative and worrying about becoming poz. Would I have done anything differently now that I'm poz? Hard to say--a lifetime of latex sounds kind of dull to me. 


For myself personally, asking the question "do you like being poz", is like asking "do you like having brown eyes" or "do you like being gay".  I'm not saying I was born poz - I wasn't - I'm saying that it's a part of me & not something I can change, so I don't see much point in spending time & energy thinking about something that, at this point, I have no control over & no hope of changing.  Having been poz for 16 years now, being poz has had a significant influence on some of the major life choices I have made & I wouldn't be the person I am today if I wasn't poz.  In a way, the real question being asked of poz participants is, "are you happy?".


I am basically happy in my life, at least happy enough that I wouldn't want to give up the life & happiness I have today on the possibility that I "might" have a better life if I was neg.  If  this question was being asked by a person considering intentionally contracting HIV, I would advise they not seek out HIV infection.  The meds are much better today & getting better every day, but they are still a pain & extremely expensive.  Some of the meds that were given fast-track approval at the height of the AIDS crisis turned out to have some nasty & permanent side effects.  I took Zerit (D4T) for a few years before it was discovered that long term use caused lipodystrophy (loss of fat, especially on the face, & uneven distribution of the remaining body fat, often resulting in developing a hump on one's back) & nerve damage.  My doctor took me off the drug, but it was already too late, so I have to get synthetic collagen injections in my fact ever 1-2 years, & the neuropathy in my feet & legs sometimes makes it necessary to use a cane (at one time I was in a wheelchair because even the lightest touch on my feet felt like they were being pounded with hammers).  Some of the meds still in use cause high cholesterol, resulting in my having a series of heart attacks & needing angioplasty surgery at the age of 49.  And there is still a lot of fear, ignorance & prejudice.  In some states you can be sentenced to prison based solely on the accusation by an ex that you didn't disclose your HIV status even if you used a condom.


There are advantages - no longer going through the stress of taking an HIV test every year, being able to have bareback sex when fucking with other poz guys, and so forth.  But it's also cost me some good boyfriends because they were neg & couldn't get over the fear that they might get infected.


Yes, there are a lot of disadvantages to being poz, but we all face adversity in out lives regardless of our HIV status.  I'm not moping around saying "poor thing me", but it's not something I would actively seek out.


  • Upvote 1
  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...


 new here, divorced my wife when knew wouldn't stop taking bare cock, think more cum I had in me less hard I got for pussy until I stopped. maybe it was bodies way of saying don't fuck her since you been bred so many times. not worth risk to her.so far been very lucky, but luck does run out. the need/desire/ want/ and love of bare cock will always win over.

  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...

I was bb'd for the first time in years in a club and going to be tested tomorrow. I live in fear of what the result would be. When you say meds how difficult are the meds? I already take one tablet per day for a skin condition and it just becomes part of my routine.


I was bb'd for the first time in years in a club and going to be tested tomorrow. I live in fear of what the result would be. When you say meds how difficult are the meds? I already take one tablet per day for a skin condition and it just becomes part of my routine.

Depends on the regimen you get put on. My partner and I are on one pill a day. They do a viral dna test to see what medicine you're most compatible with. Most people can handle the one a day pill, but if the virus starts mutating or your body reacts negatively to the medicine, then it changes. 


The first 3 days are like tripping balls. Almost a lot like doing shrooms or LSA. I got visuals when I went on Atripla in 2008 (been diagnosed since 2003, and on the same meds since then). After the first few days, you get used to it, and just like you said for your other medicine, you get used to it and it becomes part of your routine.


For some reason, though, it does cause a heat flash in me and my partner about 30 mins after we take it. 

  • 1 month later...
Guest tommy1973

I find that sex now is hotter, i stay horny constantly. So id have to say yes i love it. Always let every guy breed me and always will.


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