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first cock of 2009

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This was originally posted on my BB Buds blog by askmeimight (askmeimight@gmail.com) who said the following about himself:

so, i've been reading and enjoying many blogs about sexual escapades and considering writing my own and have decided to just do it. for now, i am not going to go back in time, but may if i find the time as i have some great stories. as the title suggests, i'm a big guy - 5'6" 330 white and hairy. this blog is going to be about sexual adventures but i am going to take just a moment to be political. i believe that prejudice toward the overweight is still one of the most vicious and accepted prejudices in our society. some of us are naturally large and don't wish to starve ourselves to maintain your ideal. i have always been large, am very active, healthy, and don't overeat. that said, i still want to be as big a slut as any of you. i also live in a fairly rural part of new york so i think i do pretty well considering... so, my first two of 2009 are coming next.

the following occurred on Tuesday, January 6, 2009

so, i have to say that since i don't like the bars and i don't live where there are any gay hangouts anyway, that i absolutely love craigslist. i get way more now than i did in the days of hanging out at rest areas, ...

anyway, my first of this year. so, i was home with family for two weeks until Sunday so no sex at all so when i got back to my house i posted on craigslist looking for some cock - i love catchy titles and i used "cum in my mouth and not in your hands" for this one. i received a response just after 11 that evening


I'm 20 very tall and straight. Very muscular and really need a release. Was wondering if you were still up and still wanting some play. I would love to do it tonight, but tomorrow will also work. Discretion is a complete must, send me your number or address and I'll email you back or call to confirm."

i had also seen an ad that read as such "tall straight guy, muscular with a couple extra pounds looking for some extremely discreet action with a clean bottom. looking for oral, will recip, and some anal play. prefer younger guys, but will consider all. you must host. pics are a must for a response." so i figured it's the same guy and it was.

he was a little late but he showed and was exactly as he described. a tall drink of man!! we went right to the bedroom where he shucked his shoes and pants and laid down. now, laying down is not my favorite position as i do better work kneeling but it is what guys seem to prefer so c'est la vie. he was nice and clean and HARD AS A ROCK in no time. i went down on his cock, i'd say a little over seven inches and thicker as you went down and worked on him for a few minutes when he asked to touch mine. i don't usually get hard while sucking, making out is what makes me HARD, so i headed north. kissed his navel, the sexiest part of a guy, and moved up his chest to his nipples. licked them a bit and headed for his neck... every cocksucker knows when you've gone too far and i knew immediately so i went back down and licked his balls. i asked him what he wanted to do and he said "i like everything but kissing" so I just went down on him again. i noted how hard he was and he said that he had been home on break a couple of weeks and hadn't gotten any. so, not likely to be a regular but still hot. he also put forth some great pre-cum which i love so i went back to sucking him. did some good work and got him there. a nice load to swallow. i kept working on him to see if he wanted to go for seconds and he didn't stop me, some guys can be too sensitive. i then asked if he wanted to and he said probably not but keep going some more if you want. a good cocksucker can also tell if someone feels guilty or bad right away as they rush to get out the door and, thankfully, this wasn't the case this time. he didn't dawdle but no rush either.

a very nice night and beginning to 2009

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