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Fisting Help


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On 5/24/2019 at 12:15 AM, HardaddyMA said:

I always jokingly tell a prospective bottom that I never fist on the first date! In my experience,  a successful fisting experience is NEVER about force, or pushing, or least of all about PAIN. When I am playing with a sub who wants to know the joys of fisting, I start him off with serious enema-training: lots of enemas, larger and larger amounts of fluids held for longer and longer and longer periods of time. The goal is to train a set of muscles that we are culturally, emotionally and psychologically trained, FROM BIRTH to keep locked tight and control at ANY costs and for the greater part of our existences are taught to ignore.

I ALWAYS use lots of toys, dildos, vibrators, gallons of lube and even games of relaxation/tightening to get my boi RE-CONNECTED with how his hole works. For me, as the DOM, I take my time, enjoy developing the subtle, often un-spoken signals and 'communications' that will give me as the MAN with the fist the clearest idea of what my boi is feeling, thinking, needing and wanting just by tiny body motions and subtle clues.  I have had the pleasure of fucking 100's of men in my long horny life- but the most powerfully intimate and psychologically connected experiences I have had the privilege of sharing with another man is to feel the pounding of HIS heartbeat on the muscles of MY forearm- and if getting to that moment takes hours of play and training and just embracing the 'play' over trying to 'get it done'- I will take my time every time!

Hey agreed, its ultimately a journey and one that the bottom needs to take lots of initial responsibility for.  First get used to playing with your own hole and opening it up as often as possible, certainly every day, getting used to feeling fingers and hands exploring and opening up, it helps to create that all important connection between your hole and your head / brain.  Then and very important make sure that you are properly cleaned out and and deep cleaned too.  Its often the sensation of or worry your not clean that creates barriers..... If the top reassures you that you are clean, then that helps the journey.

I get really pissed off with guys who say they are tight and expect me to fist them, but they have never done anything to create a welcoming bucket of a loose hole to welcome a fister.....

Get working guys, that's what I did and started as a teenager, because i felt the need to take big cocks...sort of a duty I guess as a young guy......another story 

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