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Homeless sex

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Guest dirtyarky

Ok so, I know I'm a disgusting piece of shit, but, I'm so horny to have sex with a homeless guy! I go down where they hang out. The guys turn me on so much, I have to be careful and not let anyone see my hard-on! The rougher and dirtier, the better!!!


From my own experience, it is truly AMAZING!!! Have done this in Atlanta, Cleveland Ohio, and Canton Ohio. Never felt dirty once, only felt that I was truly helping these Men out.

Posted (edited)

Being  a disgusting piece of shit is only going to appeal to a very small percentage homeless guys. Instead, consider the advice Dale Carnegie offers in his book 'How to Win Friends & Influence People' under  "Hooking-Up With The Homeless":  A sincere invitation  to share a 6-pack, a  bag of dope, a simple meal or a hotel room for the night is the surest way for a total stranger to become a new friend.  AKA 'You'll be up to your tits in Hobo Dick'

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  • 1 year later...

I have had some experience..  


Sometimes all ya need is just be nice to them.  Give a compliment,  be blatant - say "hey dude,  you seem like you're a nice guy,  like you're down on your luck,  & I'd like to help you out.  I think you're hot,  & I'd love to suck your dick,  get fucked,  fuck them,  get a b/j, etc.."  


Yeah,  it's not politicallly correct,  but let's face it,  sometimes ya gotta be bold,  or go home.  


If they ask for $$$, well,  you have some clear interest.   


I've actually dealt with many guys like this - the last guy actually went out of his way to shake my hand & thank me for the compliment.  ( I offered to suck him off,  & he didn't ask for $$.  )


I find that guys like those are eit her religious or just not into guys - but they are respectful.  Mind you,  I have for a number of years in self defense,  so I suppose I don't fear being bashed unless the guy is giving off a dangerous vibe.  Above all,  trust your instincts. If he seems mean,  hostile,  etc,  best to simply recognise you might not be able to handle him..


However,  it has been my experience that in some situations,  you can often turn a potentially mean / hostile guy to talking to you..  Talking to him,  asking how he's doing, being nice.  Being a shoulder to lean on verbal - wise.  


I've had a few instances of chatting an angry guy up once or twice,  saying that I was on my way to a liquor store, buying some booze after a hard day -  & offering to share or buy him his favourite. Alcohol really does loosen situations.  On the way to the store,  dropping that compliment ( as mentioned above ) to him along the way.  


Important note:  Some guys are openly homophobic,  & some respond to gay guys badly.  I've often lied & said I was bi.. ( I'm a platinum star masc. gay guy,  never bothered with cunt in my life - but can pass as str8 due to being masculine. ) Sometimes ya gotta lie through your teeth,  say that the g/f is pissing you off & sometimes you crave dick.  Sometimes,  some rough trade just likes to know that they are dealing with a fellow "str8" guy so that their sensibilities aren't offended due to toxic patriarchy..  Use your best judgement. 


As for where to hook up - a bath-house or a hotel is a good idea,  if you expect a pump n' dump situation.  Maybe you like the lug,  maybe you want to really blow his mind,  among other body parts.. Best advice in that case is to play it cool.  You need to guage trust.  


If you are looking to hook up with him more than once,  hook up with him outside of your home a few times,  guage what he wants from you. Prepare your home as mentioned below.  ( That way,  you are prepared,  & if you do bring him home,  you don't need to keep as close an eye on him if you didn't hide your things. )   


If you know you are bringing rough trade home,   best to prepare ahead of time & hide your shit.  Play it off as a bare bones furnishing.  Treat him with respect & dignity.  I know that it's somewhat funny to say that after you pick up a vulnerable guy off the street,  but that extra bit of respect can do wonders..  If he thinks he was set up or treated badly,  he could get angry,  & cause problems. Show some interest in him - offer the use of your shower - you can get a free show if you ask nicely.  Offer a massage,  ( in the shower, etc, )   & with your own place,  you can give him the privacy to indulge his MSM urges without him feeling like his heterosexuality is being threatened.  Some str8 guys whom are potentially interested in MSM activities are often more cautious about their reputations than a puritanical evangelical virgin clutching a sheet.  Sometimes a combination of liberal amounts of compliments,  booze,  & clarification that nobody will find out is enough.


Of course,  this is without being said - if you play with rough trade that you aren't 100% comfortable with - you must guage whether it is safe,  & whether you think it's worth the risk.  I myself have met guys that I could have sworn were bad news,  & they turned out to be harmless.  And vice versa.

Best safety related strategy to do is to have a buddy or friend that you send a message to regarding a bare minimum amount of detail pertaining to what you are doing - who, what,  when,  where,  how & why,  etc.  And when the guy leaves,  if you are hosting at home.. 


That way,  if something untoward does happen,  say if you are hurt by the rough trade in question - we're hoping not - we're in the CYA ( cover your ass ) stage at this point in the plot, & you can then have some closure knowing that you will have some justice done.  The worst that can happen is that your buddy knows beforehand to mention to the police that you seen a guy you thought was hot,  gave him a compliment,  & you were attacked for being a good samaritan of sorts...  Let's face it, though.. By th at point,  you are not gonna care if the guy slanders you,  it will likely be a bad potential situation for you in terms of safety if your buddy needs to be involved with the police..  Finally, it'd end up being your word against the word of the rough trade.. 


The whole point of the buddy system is to make sure your ass is covered. This sort of above bad situation can,  & does happen  -  you must be prepared to realize that you run the risk of this scenario,  or different situations - every time that you hook up with rough trade.  That said,  there is nothing inherently wrong with approaching rough trade for sexual activities - you are simply being aware that not all guys will show the same respect to you, that you show them.  If you cannot tolerate this level of awareness & understanding,  then rough trade is not for you. 


Hard drugs can really help to smooth things out .  If you don't partake - that can be an issue..  Although,  again,  it comes down to your comfort level,  where you're hooking up,  etc.  Use your best judgement. 


So,  I think that about covers what needs to be said in a bad situation...  


Talk to the guy like the unique person that he is.  Be confident,  polite,  respectful,  & give him compliments. Be bold. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. If he shakes your hand & thanks you while declining,  f uck,  that is a good sign.  He appreciates your attention,  & who knows..  Maybe if he sees you around,  he might point you out to a buddy or two of his that might appreciate your attention.  


If he turns you down,  or declines in a rude manner,  just remember,  you have gone out of your way to be nice,  play it off as such. I'll be real with you - will likely face rejection.  Some guys just can't handle compliments. That's their baggage - not yours.  Brush his offense off & be real in the fact that you are just giving the guy a compliment,  & he apparently couldn't take a nice gesture.  Be the typical polite Canadian,  don't take no shit,  but be the bigger man.  Tell 'em to have a good night,  or day,  etc. Then move on.    Most guys down on their luck won't bother with getting involved in a potential confrontation - they usually have enough problems already.  Who knows,  maybe they might see you again down the road,  remember your kindness & apologise,  ( if they were having an exceptionally bad day ) & they might ask if the offer is still valid. 


The key to rough trade hookups is to be calm,  easy-going,  & easy to talk to.  You are not better than them,  you are just a fellow regular guy offering to show 'em a good time.    

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