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Tell Me Your Thoughts On Hookup Sites/Apps & Finding Sex

Questions About Hookup Sites  

1,032 members have voted

  1. 1. Overall, Is It Easier Or Harder To Find Sex On Hookup Websites?

    • Harder than it was a few years ago
    • About the same as it was a few years ago
    • Even easier than it was a few years ago
  2. 2. Is It Easier or Harder To Find Sex On BarebackRT?

    • Harder than it was a few years ago
    • About the same as it was a few years ago
    • Even easier than it was a few years ago
  3. 3. Is It Easier Or Harder To Find Sex On Hookup Aps (on your phone)?

    • Harder than it was a few years ago
    • About the same as it was a few years ago
    • Even easier than it was a few years ago

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Posted (edited)

Used Grindr last year and it seemed to work for a while as for the people that you meat on there that's a hole different story some are great some are out there for sure.   

Edited by analbart

BBRT deactivated my account due to inactivity. When trying to register again, I constantly get the dreaded VPN/TOR/proxy warning over and over. I've tried all kinds of things but nothing works. That was my favorite hookup site too!

  • 4 weeks later...

Over the last 20 years that I have been using various sites I haven’t noticed a real change overall.  Some site have fallen out of favour while others have become more popular, but overall guys are out there looking to hook up.

Posted (edited)

I use several hook-up sites, each has it's own merits as well as faults.

Adam4adam - dated, terrible mobile app but desktop site not bad. I use it primarily to keep in touch with my regular buds to make plans. Not many scammers and the ones that are there are easy to spot. Between me and my buds we have decent luck finding young bottoms to seed. Good party listing feature.

Squirt - lot of DL married guys who are begging for hosts. Always the same guys, rarely any fresh profiles. Cruising site info is good and guys can post when they'll be at a certain spot. I rarely get any action on Squirt, guys talk a good game but never follow through.

Fetlife - not really a hookup site and therefore not many fakes and scammers, and again the fake profiles are easy to spot. Great for finding serious people with similar interests and making plans. Tons of amateur vids and special interest forums.

Asspig - not a lot of experience with AP, some locals but not a lot. Jury is out.

Sniffies - good for making connections and hooking up but it's lousy with scammers. I've been catfished more times on Sniffies than I have on Grindr, and that's saying something. Never, ever give your number or face pic to a guy on Sniffies that you don't recognise as a long-term player from another site. I had one lame extortion attempt on Sniffies after sending my burner number. Lots of young dudes looking for older.

Grinder - I have just enough success on Grindr to keep me coming back to it. Better for traveling that for locals, and also better for right now/today than for planning ahead. Swarming with fakes/bots.

Scruff - see Grindr, although not as many bots as Grindr or Sniffies. 

BBRT - decent success with bbrt, guys are dtf and pretty up front about what they want, plus I don't have to wrangle about why I want to play raw. The interface is dated but overall I have good success especially when traveling. Travel feature is good.

NKP - I just created an account on nastykinkpigs and the jury is still out. Very few active locals so far.

Silverdaddies - so-so success, better for traveling especially if you're traveling overseas. Incredibly dated desktop interface. I don't think I've ever encountered a fake profile on SD but plenty of the usuall all-talk-no-action guys. Mostly older looking for younger, not as many young guys looking for my demographic. 

Men4sexnow - just created an account, a lot of the same faces as A4A. Features kind of meh, probably won't stick around.

Sites/apps I've tried and dropped include Hornet, Jack'd, DaddyHunt, Growler. All pretty lame in my experience.


Edited by Upfourall
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Men4sexnow is full of dormant profiles cause no one uses that site really anymore.

NKP is pretty good especially for kink, party friendly guys


At least in my geographic area these are my feelings on both computer and phone apps:

Barebackrt.com - still my "go - to" site, especially on weekends after 11:00.  No problems with playing raw, if they are online after 1 am they have been on the hunt  and hungry and the "travelers" area has worked out well for me since I live in a vacation area.   Daytime members are consistently the same, I sign in to check messages but when I want to play I check on weekends and late at night.

Adam4Adam.com - Really has changed in this area.  Prior to 2017 I lived on that site and found maybe 90 percent of my hookups.  Upon moving to a bigger geographic area the guys got  younger and some have motives that were not always sexual.  I have had encounters with guys who are basically homeless, and looking for a couch to sleep on.  At least two I initially met when I moved here were still on parole and had been out of jail for less than a year.  I don't advertise that I am  party friendly as some members will zone in on guys who post an interest in that subject.  I had to turn off my location indicator because I was having trouble with guys getting a good idea as to where I live and verifying my identity.  I deleted my account there.

Sniffies - okay, there is alot of interest and activity during the day and week on this site.  Many guys looking for you to host.   Age range varies, in this area they tend to be younger.  There are some guys that are virtually "passing through" the area, some have maybe one pic or even no pics.  This geographic area is experiencing an increased amount of "Sextortion" cases as was reported on the local news and is being investigated by the local sheriff.  Cases have doubled since this time last year.   It's best to keep your face off this site if I were you.  I can't say Sniffies is the cause, I haven't had bad experiences personally but people have pointed to Sniffies as the source of some catfishing issues.

Grindr/Scruff - okay, pet peeve here but so many guys create an account, then delete and reappear as someone new when it fact it is the same guy you messaged two weeks ago.  Considering the amount of money they want I found it wasn't worth the aggravation and time searching out someone new.  Like A4A I don't use either any longer.

Doublelist - okay this has been a pleasant surprise.  Like Craigslist, there are guys on this site that don't appear anywhere else.   Many are married to women or in relationships, want you to host, and are very direct in what they are looking for.  One good thing is that I had to create an account with an email address so you have some point of reference if you meet someone and it goes badly.   I use it and it has produced some really hot men who I wouldn't find on some of the more "conventional" sites.

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Manhunt worked for me, more than once. BBRT a few times. But all in all, CL was on a whole different level. Once that died, and especially now after COVID, apps are all just pretty much useless. 

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PART ONE: So, here we go. This will have to be-a multi post, because for the past three years this has been my primary focus––and there's a lot I want to share and desperately seek feedback. So since Nov of 2020 I've been hell bent on creating a better mousetrap (gay app) with the specific disadvantage of NOT having any coding knowledge. I've applied to y-combinator 3 times and have started building with a no-code builder called Siberian CMS (which is still too steep of a learning curve to do what i need this app to do). So with this in mind my opinion that the basic function of every hookup app is critical to the embetterment of our individual lives as well as the depth of contribution we are able to make towards a greater cause. Just the act of fucking is a radical statement, and act of self ownership and defiance of the an agenda that seeks manifest its own dogmatic distortion of human rights. With that said the social benefit of every last gay app has expired, even if you just wanna suck dick. And the reason for that is three fold: 1) exclusive hypersexuaization: sex sex sex and more sex yes please, but when it's the only option there is going to be deviating anomalies among users that divert for the original intent of the app (i was kicked off BBRT for posting love song lyrics) 2.) These diverted anomalies themselves then become weaponized scammers, sexploitation, stalking, misrepresentation, etc (2002 was the Summer of proud boys posing as queers on BBRT) 3.) Hypersexualization itself is becoming weaponized––which is both fuel for right wing radicals and a continent on one's right tserio fully participate in an open and free society. Example: No limits–––seriously what the means to you is going to mean something very different, and very dangerous to someone else–––if for the simple reason it 'makes no sense as an ideology of any sort (which it is become). If one cannot limit themselves is this not a limitation?  We've got to "get back to where we once belonged" and fast. [think before following links] https://markezra.design 


[continued] 2020 [not 2002]––the summer of proud boys on BBRTS––what freakshow literally––very chilling interactions with those guys, and the whole experience was way out in the netherzone. I would say, conservatively, I interacted with at least three men who dropped a rather hard reveal late in the game that their presence on BBRTS shared no common purpose whatsoever with me or any other gay man doing what gay men do. And definitely as many  whose purpose was more than just a wee bit more blurred than that. And then that beautiful fucked-up guy  I hooked-up with 3 times (method acting I’m sure) who wouldn’t reveal the name of the conservative blog he wrote for––but did let me suck his dick [big, thick and corn fed]. Plus earlier that year and continuing throughout 2021 a team of Nigerian entrepreneurs (I later tracked to seventeen profiles on NKP, scammed me for $200 on two occasions and never slowed down their requests (demands) for more, this packaged with my absolute disdain for Zuckerberg’s re-branding hardline committee rule as community standards launched me square into ‘someone has got to do something’ mode. It had been a year since the time I had exchanges with various gay.app webmasters, contacted as many LGBTQ on-line resources I could find, solicited every friend with any technical prowess whatsoever and practically EVERY dude on every gay.app site I frequented and while there was great support and enthusiasm for the idea of something better among gay.app users most webmasters were helpful but not moved by my thesis, which is... [to be continued]


Never failed finding someone to shag me both as for sex work or just a regular hookup, I started with Craigslist and Manhunt in my early teenage years, and then switched to Grindr & locanto. 


Apps are great if I got  a 9+. if you got an 8, still ok, u got a 7, good luck, u got... don't even bother, you ll never pass the "big dick?" "Huge dick?" "Hung?" roadblock

I remember bars, cruising men, not cocks

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In my early years I hooked up a lot with craigs list.  Then it wa some phone call site where i found a lot of guys, dont remember the name.  Now most this site, NKP or BBRT. Cumunion is good too


I am only on  the 2 sites you mentioned  never been to cumunion, Just looking on here  Love to find a serious  top or a group  when I travel south  next 

Posted (edited)

PART TWO: Thesis ––Just like when the most obvious is the most difficult to see, so is the simplest (remedy) when applied correctly to the right ginormous (problem). Once this idea is secured, here's a more practical summary....

Edited by PaganzofLA

...IF the overall negative impact of social media in general could be mitigated (gay.apps being both social networking and social media) what would that look like?  Add to that a requirement of an overall positive NET social gain––and begin to  reverse engineer. Now, keeping ALL this in mind, ask what measures of change would be observed widest spread and most identifiable?  Anyone? 

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