rede4it Posted September 9, 2017 Report Posted September 9, 2017 I was on my way home from work yesterday when Jony called. Although I do not get to see him a lot, he is one hot fucking top. I met him before I started chasing, but we did not fuck until he was sure I was chasing. He is drop dead gorgeous, in my book. A native of the Caribbean, he has that mixed race skin tone that was born during sex between the French and African workers. He is also blessed with a great cock...8 inches, big in diameter, but not too big. The real bonus is that it has that perfect curve that will ensure a prostrate will be well massaged by the time he blasts his load. He is also one of those guys who seems to "improve" after using T.....he has fucked me for well over an hour--only stopping for arranging a new position. He knows how to use his long, lean frame to gain great leverage. Bottom line, he is a great fucker. Still, he lives some distance and we have some age difference, so we just don't get together often enough. When I heard that beautiful accent on the phone, my ass started throbbing. He was in my general area, with a cousin. The cousin was stranded due to the Hurricane, so they came to Asheville for a weekend of fun. Henri, the cousin, had been in the US for a couple weeks and had been enjoying the opportunity to fuck some white ass. But, they were out of weed and need some. My heart kind of dropped, they were gonna play, but looked like I was just a connection. Oh well, WTF. I told them to come on over. I had just picked up some really nice local stuff. Certainly not the most potent, but really nice smoke. Good, chilling' relaxin' smoke. An hour later they were at my door. Damn! Jony was looking so fucking fine. I know I often talk of any cock any time....looks and crap do not matter. But shit, he is just SOOOO good looking. Henri was not slouch. Not as tall, not as buff, but a beautiful almost black skin tone, hair in dreds and some great tats. I got the weed and handed them a pretty good baggieful. Henri suggest perhaps we sample it. I was not asking for cash, so that was a sign he wanted to hang a bit...I thought. I got out my biggest bong...freshly cleaned and sparkling. They both lit up with they saw is a great instrument for getting high quickly. I let Jony do the honors of packing a bowl and Henri took that first puff. A strong session of repeated puff puff pass quickly started. With very little talk, we just enjoyed that gentle dragon relax us. A couple bowls later, we slowed a bit and drifted into conversation. No doubt, Irma was the biggest topic. Although it looks like Henri's home was spared, transportation was not available. We talked about being queer in our respective cultures. Bashed Trump with glee. After another bowl or two, Henri asked for a pipe. I got him one but he waved it away. Then I saw why. He had an 8-ball of T in his hand and was ready to make some clouds. Hmmmm....maybe there would be some Island dick in my ass after all. I went to the other room and got my T supplies, proper pipe(s) a good torch and some points and all the other trappings of dancing with Lady T. With experienced hands, Henri fired off the first round of that dreamy white smoke. After we passed the pipe a second time, it was clear we were all "getting there". In fact, almost as if commanded to do so, we all stripped our shirts off, the warmth of that good lady starting to make itself known. Hell, I was ready for anything and offered to set up some points. Hearing no objections, I measured out three .4 and started to dissolve the crystals. This was some decent stuff, nice crystals, smelled right, tasted right.....if it was cut, was not cut much. I filled the point (a fresh one) and put it on the try. I figured one of them would pick it up and find the mark. Never one to turn down a needle, Jony quickly was depressing the plunger. It is so hot watching someone do that--and then watching them move into the T-zone. A couple small coughs told me that Jony was THERE. I repeated the prep and handed the rig to Henri. He was just as accomplished with the syringe as he was with the pipe. He easily raised a vein, got the red signal that all was good and soon had a dose coursing in his veins. The heat was obvious, his black skin was glistening almost as soon as he laid the rig back on the tray. I followed suit as quickly as possible and my own cough announced we were all flying on T. Like so many times, a little T turns lips loose. The conversation was animated and wide ranging. But very soon it turned to fucking. Again, without any real discussion we were all nude and my visitors were both sporting amazing hard-ons. I knew what the expect from Jony. It was a real pleasure to see Henri was swinging some great meat as well. Longer, thinner and no curve to speak of, it still had a massive head, decorated with a single 0 Prince Albert. A PLUS sign tattoo at it's based, confirmed what I expected, Henri was POZ like his cousin. I sucked both of those brown beauties for a while, and both went to hardened steel status with little encouragement. The Tina was making my ass throb. I needed FUCKED and fucked hard. I backed put to Henri and he worked a bit to get his tip in the right spot. But once he got settled, he drove that long pole balls deep in one smooth thrust. It was just painful enough to enjoy, knowing I had a great cock starting to pound my ass. Not to be left out, Jony offered that curved dick to my still hungry lips. With a little work, we were soon in a great rhythm---with me getting spit-roasted between two BBC. I am not sure it can get much better than that: great cock, great guys, great T, good weed. I lost track of time as we fucked, sucked, changed positions and fucked some more. It was almost an hour after that first prick of a needle, that I noticed the time. I had had one of those rods in my ass nearly that whole time. I figured we were getting close to pay off. I wanted their cum and I wanted it in my ass. I told them as much and it was clear they agreed. Within a half hour, both of them had delivered a great load. A three way is always great...especially if I am getting all the dick. This one was quite amazing. I got up from the bed and inserted an ass plug to preserve the POZ pleasure in my ass. We collapsed on the bed and continued talking. Now, a bit more quiet, but just good conversation. Three POZ queers, sharing drugs, cock and cum, we were all content in the moment. Jony and I know the circumstance of each other's POZZING. I was a chaser, he was a sex worker in Miami for a number of year. We compared notes about our "conquests" as tops. I had just confirmed my number 4, Jony knows of several, but quite likely there are more. Jony urged Henri to tell his story. Reluctant at first, another round of needle pricks loosened him up. He did not start queering until he was in the military. He was raped, but realized it was great sex. Soon, he was a confirmed homo. Sill he was a bit restricted due to his duties as a military policeman. In 2012, he was sent to Cuba as an Embassy guard. His deployment was for 12 months and he learned to enjoy what Havana had to offer during that time. Although he was a native French speaker, he had learned Spanish as well. His color, features and Spanish skills allowed him to frequent the largely underground gay world of Cuba. It was only during a physical exam as he was separating from the military, that he learned that one of those Cuban cocks had infected his ass. He had a lifetime souvenir from his golden days on that island. He then got quiet and much more serious. He indicated that he was ok with being POZ and recognized it was a "by-product" of his sexual desires. But just as he was fully accepting his status, he got hit with another bombshell. He had been infected with the CRF19 strain that was something of an issue. Hard to treat, short time (3-5 years) from infection to full blown AIDS, Henri was carrying one of the most lethal bugs. He nearly whispered as he stated that while he was on medication, it was largely ineffective. Not only was he "detectable" but his CD4 number was now in the low 30's---he had progressed to AIDS. SON-OF-A-FUCKING-MOTHER FUCKING-BITCH. I know had that deadly cum in my ass. My rational brain keep trying to tell me that getting a second infection is rare. But, my active brain was starting to go ape-shit. But, the more we talked, the more I started processing it. I was almost shocked when I heard what must have been my voice asking for more. I sucked him back to life, Jony pulled out my plug and Henri went back to work. A half hour or so later, my ass plug was holding in my second exposure to CRF19. By the time they left this morning, I had one more. Jony deposited his brand of toxicity again as well. I do not believe I would have consented, had I known up front. But after the fact, that was one erotic fuck session. When I was begging for that second load, once I knew what it contained, I begged and pleaded like I never have before. Something in my very soul was driving me to accept that fucked up cum and bug into my ass. What the hell would you have done? 16 18 6
SuccessfulChaser Posted September 10, 2017 Report Posted September 10, 2017 Love reading about chasing the hot ass strain, CRF19. I have tried hard to get a co-infection, but have had zero success. But, having one of those guys hammer your ass is hot.
workmyhole Posted September 10, 2017 Report Posted September 10, 2017 That was fucking hoT -- like blowing clouds
shinelover Posted September 14, 2017 Report Posted September 14, 2017 Fuck, my heart was pounding reading this post. Something about that strain that gets me so fucking horny!!
rede4it Posted September 14, 2017 Author Report Posted September 14, 2017 Less than a week after my first exposure to CRF19, I once again heard my own voice begging Henri for more of his highly toxic and likely deadly jizz. For the prior 4 days, it was all I could think of. My mind switching rapidly from fear of what happened to a desire for more. Still stranded due to the damage on St. Martin, Henri was more than willing to oblige. Absent the potent bug he packed into his semen, he was still a fabulous fuck. Caramel color skin, great skill and a very nice BBC, I would have let him fuck me as much as he wanted. But, my newly unleashed desire to experience the thrill of having more of that super-virus injected into my ass turned me into an aggressor. I wanted that cock and I wanted it badly. I ached to feel him go rigid and buck while sending his life ending cream deep into my guts. When I started chasing about a year ago, I though getting knocked up would be the thrill of a life time. When I tested POZ last January, I was thrilled to be part of the universe of POZ faggots, living and dead, who have accepted HIV as part of their gay experience. But now, those were long gone, unfulfilling thoughts. All I could think of was Henri and his potent, diseased dick. When I called Henri at his hotel, he seemed pleased to hear from me. I got right to the point and asked him if he would give me some more of his special sauce. He laughed as he said, if I wanted it to come and get it. So last night, after work, I headed to Asheville to meet him at his hotel. But, before going, I ran by my place to clean up, change clothes and get ready for some great cock. But I did one other thing. I had kept the bottle brush that was used to prepare my ass for my initial pozzing. I had felt that brush for the first time last New Year's eve, the night I likely got knocked up. With only the though of obtaining a second infection, I worked my ass to a state where I would be receptive to that Caribbean bug. Even scraping my guts in preparation for getting fucked seemed pre-destined. On one had I know that it is unlikely that I can get a dual infection. On the other hand, I seem compelled to do all I can to expose myself to CRF19. While some aspects make it difficult to get my head "around" the thought of having that aggressive strain in my body, I also am clearly aware that success will mean the clock is ticking faster towards my AIDS-related death. Henri was nude and had already made some T clouds when I arrived at his hotel. He offered me the pipe and torch. I quickly stripped and took a few hits of that amazing smoke. Once you feel Lady T creep into your body, relaxing you , exciting you, preparing you for a great fuck, you know that first tasted has started the ball rolling. Once I felt that jolt of T, once I coughed that little meth-induced cough, I hit my knees and took that deadly diseased dick into my mouth and started taking him deep into my throat. His first few drops of precious pre-cum were savored. I licked his slit, carefully ensuring the each drop of that fluid was collected on my tongue. But, as the T high continued to develop, my asshole reminded me of my real desire. Twitching and throbbing from the lust for this beautiful man, from the desire for his tainting jizz, from the T induced erotic desires, my oft-fucked hole needed stuffed. Very soon, I stopped sucking him and got on my knees. Henri lost no time in mounting my faggot ass. Soon we were rocking in that ass-fucking rhythm that horny homos have perfected. Henri's cock felt just as good as it did the past Saturday. He has good top man skills. No doubt, he has been a practicing cocks-man for a long time. But, as I gasped my desire for his cum, he accelerated to an entirely new level of passion. Equally, the more I demanded his cum, the more animalistic my own movements became. And, very shortly, my bloodied hole was drenched with a large dose of cum that few other men might welcome. As we cuddled, waiting on that dark meat to recharge, we talked softly about what it was like for him to learn he was POZ, that he had been infected with CRF19. And, in almost a whisper, he described the feeling of knowing that he was technically an AIDS-Bone. Fuck....that was news. He had already progressed to the stage of very low CD4 numbers and had been diagnosed as having progressed to AIDS. That was a fucking reality check. I had just had my very very raw ass fucked by an unmedicated AIDS-bone and flooded once again with CRF-19 laden creamy goodness. Hearing he as full on AIDS had an immediate affect on me. Soon, I was working hard to get that cock hard and inserted in my ass. This time, I was on my back, legs up. I wanted to see his brown face, his dreads, his expression as he repeated the action of trying to infect my queer ass. It may not seem possible, but that second round was more intense and erotic than the first. He was really verbal and keep asking if I wanted his dick of death to explode in my ass. After he asked a half dozen times, I panted out that yes I wanted it. And it was then that I told him about using the brush earlier. He acted surprised, but soon stated that showed I deserved his strain. A few more minutes of enthusiastic bucking and fucking resulted in a second flood of CRF19 cum was being smeared up and down my compromised guts. Five times now I have enjoyed that sensation. Five times, I have willingly taken that beautiful dark meat. And three of those times, I have willingly accepted his fucked up DNA. I have no idea if I will become infected with this life-ending affliction. I am not sure I would choose that, but I am powerless it seems to refuse it. 9 17 3
shinelover Posted September 15, 2017 Report Posted September 15, 2017 I know that I would feel the same way -it is addictive, and you can't help but just want more. Get it while you can and enjoy the ride
Pozfetish Posted September 15, 2017 Report Posted September 15, 2017 Beautiful experience. Thanks for sharing.
dckinkguy Posted September 17, 2017 Report Posted September 17, 2017 hot fucking story; kinda reminds me of my chasing days in DC and attending monthly bb parties held in private homes, before attending one of these parties I spent a good amount of time with my electric toothbrush brushing the insides of my hot hole, I remember feeling every load I took that evening and hoping that each one would do the job
rede4it Posted September 18, 2017 Author Report Posted September 18, 2017 Henri refused to say good bye as he left yesterday. We both fully understood that it is highly unlikely that we would ever see each other again. Not only does he live in St. Martin, he has been living with CRF19 strain of HIV for nearly 3 years. He already has progressed so far that he has been told he is at that final stage--full blown AIDS. For the past 9 days we had been sharing our bodies as he shared his virus laden cum and blood with me. Although the likely-hood of me contracting a co-infection is rare, be were both savoring the possibility that we would forever be connected via that super-strain. He drove a load deep into my ass just minutes before Jony arrived. Jony agreed to drive Henri to Atlanta. From there he could get a direct flight home--once the airport was open again. Neither of us wanted to think of that. We just wanted to be together one more time. Henri had been staying at my place for the past 3 days. No doubt, that time had been filled with as much fucking as possible. It had been amazing to go from a random fuck to full on making love in just a week. And all of that was smeared with as much highly tainted jizz as that caramel cock could produce. Our last fuck was amazing. It started out to be something of a quickie. We knew Jony would soon arrive, so we just got to it. Yeah, he brushed my hole first, did not want to loose the opportunity to make that pathway for transmission easier. We started off hot and heavy. Henri knew how to pound hard and started out drilling my hole like the powerful jackhammer he could be. I like getting fucked hard and he was great. I love have a man know how to push that limit....right between this feels so fucking amazing and stop, you are tearing my ass open. I expected him to cum fairly quickly, but he showed no signs of giving up a load yet. Then, suddenly and without any words spoken, he slowed down. His strokes became slower and with less force. But at the same time, they became more intimate and personal. Then he said something amazing. He wanted to give me this final dose of his disease laden cream not in power nor pain, but in love. He continued that he wanted me to remember him, not just for that possibility we would share this deadly strain, but he wanted me to recall, the care and effort he put into servicing my queer ass. For nearly an hour that black cock probed my raw ass. So many positions, so much leverage, so much arousal for my prostrate. My own cock was rigid and drooling precum like I have never experienced before. Henri recognized that I was ready to explode in passion. He slowly withdrew his massive meat and proceeded to worship my cock and the toxic precum I was spewing. It was only a few moments later that I blew my own strain against the back of Henri's throat. Then, in a deep and sensual kiss, he transferred my own cum into my mouth, which I swallowed with great enthusiasm. Then, without speaking, he rolled me over, got me ass up and resumed pounding my ass. My hole was gaping a bit and offered little resistance as he plunged his cock deep on the first thrust. He was soon back to his jackhammer ways. He was pounding me hard and fast. After a week of practice, we synced up in that staccato rhythm and became on body intertwined in an amazing fuck. But, his own body could only withstand that intense fuck rate for a short while. All to damned soon, I felt him go rigid. I heard his breathing deepening. He bellowed quietly while he jammed one more load into me. Once again, I was exposed to that amazing and deadly strain. I just had my 21st exposure to CRF19. Seventeen times that beautiful man had used his amazing cock to ram his creamy, cummy delight deep into my hole. Twelve of those times, my hole was well prepared. The bottle brush that was used the night I most likely got knocked up once again, prepared my hole. The other 4 exposures came at the point of a needle. The most recent was last Friday. We had both just taken our first dose of Lady T for the night. Some may not think that blood slams are as erotic as a good fuck. But man, that night it was amazing. I had gone first and had done about a .5.....not huge, but enough to get to the zone nicely. Just as the first beads of Tina scented sweat were appearing on my body, I watched as he pulled back on the plunger and filled the syringe with 3ccs of his death inducing blood. I extend my arm as he withdrew the needed from his vein. As a small bit of blood emerged from the needle-prick wound, Henri took a finger and wiped the blood away. Then he pressed his bloodied finger.....his finger bloodied with a fatal version of blood....against my lips. He whispered for me to lick it clean.....if I did, he would give me the syringe. I greedily took his dripping red finger into my mouth and devoured it as if I was a starving man. He smiled in appreciation, pulled back his hand and resumed his duties. He quickly raised a vein, I felt that pin prick and he got the needle set into place. Once again he asked me if I wanted to take the essence of his life, which could become the essence of my death. I hissed a nearly silent yes. Before the entire word was uttered, he started pushing the plunger. My cock was springing to life as I watched the red fluid, filled with thousands of replicas of the CRF19 strain of HIV disappeared into my own body. As quickly as he could pull the rig from my arm, I was begging for his black cock. I needed fucked. I wanted a white exposure to go with that red exposure. He fully agreed and soon had buried his cock balls deep. It is kind of weird to consider that a series of somewhat random events....hurricane, him ending up in Asheville, him being related to one of my fuck buds......all aligned to result in a week of near constant exposure to a strain of the virus that few would chase. No doubt, Henri will have to face the culmination of his disease in the coming months or years. For all I know, this past week may have changed my own life expectancy. I have not been on meds since I got knocked up around the first of this past year. A recent HEP C diagnosis reminded me that my body has a variety of internal attacks to deal with. Perhaps I will not know for sometime, perhaps will never know if Henri shared his toxic treat with me. But I do know this. Sharing rigs and cum with Henri made the past week an incredibly erotic and thrill inducing time. His personality, skill and willingness to share would have been a great fuck experience regardless. Knowing that he was spewing CRF19 laden cum, knowing that he willing injected CRF19 laden blood.....made the time with him off the charts. I thought it felt great to start chasing and taking POZ cum. I thought it felt great when I first felt a brush ream my hole. I thought it felt great to finally be POZ. But, manning up and taking 21 exposures to CRF19 (over the past 9 days) has been a thrill I will never forget. For whatever fates caused Irma to "blow" Henri into my life, I am appreciative. What the storm, and Henri left behind will never be forgotten. 6 11 2 1
shinelover Posted September 19, 2017 Report Posted September 19, 2017 Fuck, such a powerful story. I don't think I would be able to let Henri go!
pozcubsf Posted October 15, 2017 Report Posted October 15, 2017 Hot story. I'm with you on the incredible hotness of sharing blood slams!
GeorgiaBoy Posted October 15, 2017 Report Posted October 15, 2017 I had missed this complete story since it is in the Chem-Sex section, but wow, it sounds like a fantastic nine days of sex and knowing the outcome, it certainly is life changing. I know I would have done exactly the same---I am attracted to a a good looking smooth youngish guy with a hot cock and would eagerly let him infect me with anything he had. That written, being a true chaser--I would have done the same thing even knowing the outcome. 1
dckinkguy Posted October 15, 2017 Report Posted October 15, 2017 fuck, what a story; love the part of sharing rigs.....nothing like that feeling when you know you're receiving the gift directly from your top
Guest alwaysready Posted March 26, 2018 Report Posted March 26, 2018 amazing story. made me hard. it only took a few minutes to get me off. the thought of that strain makes me hot as hell.
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