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How do all the cum dumps in here deal with STD’s?

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I'm a cumwhore but I rarely get STDs these days. I have no way of knowing for sure but I think it's because I have a circle of about 20 regulars who I trust and I generally avoid big sex parties with lots of unknown partners. I do 1 on 1 sessions and smaller, private groups. The last time I had an STD was February. And I get tested once a month, which may seem overkill/paranoid but I like having the confidence of knowing I haven't picked anything up recently.

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I am also a cum whore. I go to sex parties when possible but this happens not so often. I have my regulars plus some hook-ups from Grindr and other dating sites. I test regularly every 3 months and stick with prep. I got two stds in two years. It is not nice when you have to worn other people to have themselves checked but the circle of buddies I have are also aware that shit can happen to anyone and they still like to come and fuck me, trusting my ass more than any other anon hook-up they can find online (plus the fact that I am super discrete about their private life..).

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On 11/24/2018 at 3:00 PM, PhatWhiteButt said:

I’m often a CUM DUMP and get tested about once every two or three months. I wasn’t just wondering how all of the Cum dumps in here delt with their sexual health? 



I must just be more susceptible to them. I am undetected, and BARELY bare backed when I was diagnosed.  Now I BB all the time and seems to catch something twice a year. Sucks, but I guess that’s the price you pay for total sexual freedom. 

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Guest BBBoyfromTN

Total pig here. If I think I’ve picked something up I go into the county health clinic to get tested because it’s anonymous and confidential. I don’t want my health insurance to get wind that I’ve got an STD. I make enough I can pay cash for the meds to treat it and make sure it gets treated. I try and keep it off the books as much as I can. Last one I got was from my weekend in Houston/Galveston for Halloween. Shit happens and you deal with it.

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Guest Porthos

The worst part is dealing with the health department....They know everything about you. They know your medical history, whether your poz and all of your STD's. Last time I caught something I was traveling when my results came back. They had my land line number and my address. When I got home I had a message on my answering machine and a letter in my mailbox to contact them. They were relatively discreet and polite but thorough, but you really have no privacy.

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19 hours ago, BBBoyfromTN said:

Total pig here. If I think I’ve picked something up I go into the county health clinic to get tested because it’s anonymous and confidential. I don’t want my health insurance to get wind that I’ve got an STD. I make enough I can pay cash for the meds to treat it and make sure it gets treated. I try and keep it off the books as much as I can. Last one I got was from my weekend in Houston/Galveston for Halloween. Shit happens and you deal with it.

Why do you hide it from insurance? Do your rates go up? How does that work? Maybe I should be doing that. Hmm. 

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Lol I find it funny you are concerned about the health deparment calling you. As that's actually what I do as a job. We collect data to reduce spread of communicable disease. We also make sure you were treated correctly, as some healthcare providers don't follow guidelines. We also provide counselling in case your healthcare provider is sex negative. As annoying as it may be, we do much more good than the harm from your lack of privacy. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love anonymous sex and random hook-ups, sauna fucks and whoring myself out at cruise bars, so obviously I'm no stranger to STIs. I guess on average I've had an STI about twice a year since 2012 - gono, chlamydia and LGV several times each. 

I'm fairly regularly tested, two or three times a year, which is less than they recommend, and much less than someone with my sexual habits should, but there it is.

Luckily, here in the UK, with free healthcare, STIs are treated as medical issue, rather than a financial one or a matter for your insurance company, so it's fairly easy to turn up at the GUM clinics, get tested and free treatment for any STI you've picked up. Usually done in under 2 weeks, a bit longer for LGV.

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Yes, LGV took me 21 days to get rid of (2 antibiotic pills per day). Gono and regular clamydia take 7 days of antibiotics and no sex. Syphilis, as I recall, took 7-14 days with antibiotics. A big nuisance but part of the territory when you engage in bb sex!

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I get tested every 2 months. I like to know as soon as possible and get it treated, both by my regular doctor and at the clinic.  Occasionally, I'll get something and then get it treated.  It is a risk when you take anonymous loads like I like to.  I always let me partners know (if I know who they are).  I get something maybe twice a year, so it's not too bad.  I think with a lot of people on prep, they're getting tested regularly and treated quickly.

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