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Tony's birthday was coming up.
The boys all decided to celebrate at yet an another fuck-fest at DEIMOS.
Everything was prepared once again.
A guy only 18+ gay party.
A pig's heaven!
Tony, Aaron, Rick, Danny, Sam and Duke crashed at the bar.
They ordered beers, danced a bit, drank more beers, danced again, drank more beers, lauged and drank again.

The batroom stalls were full of gloryhole sluts - eager to drink any cum or piss availabe, the rooms were full of guys that wanted a little privacy, the showers were full of guys that needed no privacy.
The hornyness spreaded across the dancefloor, hot sweaty bodies touching and grinding against each other.

"Let's start the party!" said Tony as he whipped out his cock.
"Kev, give me an empty beerglass!"
Kev gave it to him.
Tony stood up, put his cock inside and let out so much hot piss, that he filled the glass entirely.
Sam spun around.
"Hey guys, we have a fresh pint of hot piss here! Right from the poz 10-inch monster of our birthday boy!"

Almost immediately, four guys came to them, wanting to drink it all.
Tony smirked.
"You want this? Then you gotta make me cum first!"
he said as he took two chugs of his own warm piss.
All of them dropped to their knees and started sucking and licking his cock and balls.
He looked around, while feeling four hot mouths around his monster.

All the eyes were on them. Most of the guys that were watching were already touching their bodies and gripping their crotches.
He looked at his friends.
Duke was already sitting on Sam, grinding on his cock through his leather pants.
Aaron was massaging his cock through the jockstrap he was wearing.
Rick and Danny were making out, touching their bodies eagerly.

Tony put his head back, kissed the bartender, then Aaron and took an another chug of his own hot piss.
He snorted like a pig once again with four sluts worshipping his cock.

"You want this?" he asked, holding the glass full of his piss in the air.
The four sluts, sucking his cock nodded and whimpered.
"Here, have it." he stood up, gave them the glass and watched them eagerly drink it down.

He walked to one of the guys watching the scene.
He was massaging his smaller 5-inch cock, watching Tony get sucked.
Tony grabbed him by the balls, bent him over the next table and started fucking him sensless.
He heard encouragements from all the others as he was plowing the moaning guy's hole.
He didn't last long.
He slapped his ass a few times. Grabbed his throat, pulled him back and pumped his hole full of toxic cum.
He popped his cock out with a pig's snort.

"Who's next?"
An another guy came in and bent over the table.
Tony stretched his ass out with his cock, leaving his hot charged up load inside.
He slapped his ass, as more guys came to fuck the stretched-out cunt.

The real fuck-fest has started. Six guys were bent over the tables, Duke of course one of them, getting their mancunts stretched out by all the cocks.
The others in line couldn't wait, so they started doing each other!
Tony's cock was hard again.
He walked back to the bar.

"Kev?" he started.
"Yeah? Tony?" the bartender answered.
"You like this job?"
"Fuck yeah! My cock is hard all the time in here!"
"But don't you wanna join the fun sometimes?"
"Of course I do!"
Tony smiled.
"One more question. Are you poz or neg?"
"Neg... but not for long hopefully."
"Oh... So you're chasing?"
"Yeah. You could say so!"
"And would you like my poz load deep in your ass torn by my pierced monster cock?"
"FUCK YEAH!" Kevin aswered without a shadow of doubt.
"Come get it then, stud."


Kev climbed over the bar table.
He was only wearing leather boots and a jockstrap.
Kev bent over on one of the bar stools.
Tony slapped his cock on Kevin's asscheek.
"You want this meat?"
"Yeah! I fucking want that toxic monstercock!"
Tony rammed his cock inside at full speed - all the way to the root, tearing Kevin's ass apart.
Kevin roared.

Tony started fucking him, hoping that he made Kev's cunt bleed from the inside - making it easier for the virus to get into his bloodstream.
He pulled his cock halfway out, and when he saw blood on it, he started fucking like an animal until he felt his orgasm building up.
"I'm gonna knock your ass up with my poz cum! You really want it?"

"HERE IT COMES!" Tony roared, rammed his cock inside one more time and started planting his toxic seed inside Kev's cunt.
He slapped his ass and let out his piggish snort.

The rest of the night was as usual - full of cum, piss and sweat.
Tony fucked many more guys that night, although he demanded that Kevin's cunt was his only for the night.
He fucked the bartender three more times until the night was over.
He fucked and fucked and fucked until his balls were empty.

The other guys got their fair share of fun as well.
Duke got fucked at least 30 times until the night was over - bent over one of the tables - leaving his stretched out cunt dripping loads of cum.

Sam spent the whole night in the showers - pissing on everyone who came close - he was so horny, that at one point he came up to two guys making out - bodies squished together in the corner of the showers and started pissing gallons of hot piss on them. They ended up not minding - as all three ended up fucking in three - Sam in the middle!

Ray spent the night in one of the rooms - teaching a pair of young, unexperienced 20-year olds the art of fisting!

Aaron, Rick and Danny ended up in the sauna room - taking and giving their poz cocks and cunts to anyone who came close.
This was the best fuck-fest DEIMOS has ever had!
Tony's 19th birthday was his best yet!

It was next friday. Tony came down to the bar - just to check things out.
He looked behind the bar table.
Kev wasn't there. Instead there was Manny - the other bartender, who refused to work during the fuck-fests and was usually working on regular weekends.
But tonight Kev was supposed to work.

"Hey Manny!"
"Hey boss! What's the deal?"
"Uhm... where's Kev? I thought it was his shift tonight!"
"Oh yeah! Ray called me here last-minute! He said Kev called him. Apparently he got really SICK this afternoon."

What dou you think???

Let me know???

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Luv? this story Bbpig...Oink!!? And yup, would luv 2 see if young Chase is now a l'il Poz☣️☣️ boy...knockin up his barely legas high school buddies...??


"What can I help you with?"
Aaron asked the brand new customers in the shop on a Saturday evening.
Two of them came into the parlor about ten minutes ago and seemed... kind of clueless.

The first one - (as Aaron later found out) was 43 years old, about 6.1, white and really hairy - which was visible since he was wearing a T-Shirt, which revealed how hairy his arms were.
The second one was 36, about 6.2 and the most memorable thing was his hair - which was balding, but still kept unshaved - which seemed... weird.

"I... I wanted to get a tattoo - my first one. I recently got divorced from my wife and I... I need a change you could say." said the hairy one.
Aaron threw them a surprised look.
"Uhmmm... is something wrong?"
"Sorry It's just that not many straight guys come here!" laughed Aaron and added: "come with me then! I'm Aaron and I'll be doing your tattoo."
"Thanks! I'm Louis and this is Eric - he's a friend - here just to support."
They walked into the tattoo parlor.
Ray had already had his hands full with tattooing someone else.

"So... what design would you like? Do you want a catalogue or..."
"Uhmm... I was thinking of having this tatted on my shoulder.
Louis showed Aaron a nice design of a scorpion with a skull instead of it's head.
"Sure! It's nice! I'm just curious - why this design?"
"Uhmmm... I just think it looks kinda.... hot, plus it's my zodiac sign or whatever so it seems appropriate."
"Oh ok! Let's get to it!"

After a few hours - the tattoo was completed - on Louis' now shaved right shoulder, there was now a big black scorpion tattoo - with a red skull instead of it's head.
Aaron gave Louis a few tips on how to take care of it, while it's still fresh and sensitive.

"Oh... I heard there's a bar downstairs as well!" said the other guy - Eric.
"Yeah there is, but I don't know if it's the right one for you - it's actually a gay bar - you know, I said that we don't get many straight customers."
"Doesn't matter! We're friendly. And we just want to crash somewhere and get drunk." laughed Louis.
"Ok! Then come with me! It's Saturday and it's half past nine, so the parlor is closing in a few minutes anyway.
I can go with you for a drink - that means a discount!" said Aaron with a charming smile.
"Yeah! Sure! We need someone to bitch to anyway!" laughed Louis with his deep voice.

They walked down to the bar.
Tony was there talking to Kev by the bar.
"This is Tony! He's my boyfriend and co-owner of this place! Tony this is Louis and Eric!"
They greeted.

"Kev, bring us a few beers please!"
"You got it!" smirked Kev - only wearing leather boots and a jockstrap - above which poked a part of his biohazard tat, he now wore with pride.

They talked for the next two hours. Aaron and Tony got to know all about Louis and Eric.
They got to know all about how Louis' wife ran away with an another guy and then divorced Louis about three months ago.
They got to know that Eric also got problems at home - he knocked up his highschool girlfriend at 17, then married her at 18 - before their kid was born and after a few years, all the love just disappeared.
Now all they do is argue. She even made him wear hair extentions to cover up his bald spots.

"Fuck that sucks!" said Tony.
They already had a lot of beers and were getting kinda drunk.
"Why the fuck would she not leave you to do what you want with your hair!"
"Yeah... I know. I wanted to shave it off but..."
"You should go for it. I for one think you's look really hot with your head shaved!"
"Uhm... thanks. I thought of doing it anyway... even if she doesn't like it!"
"You definitely should do it! We have a shaving machine upstairs if you want - we use it to shave bodyhair if we need to - but don't worry, it's clean!"
"Uhmmm... I'm really tempted actually! Since all that brings me joy nowadays is going to gym with Louis or just hanging out with my buddy in general and my son... well I wanted to get revenge on her actually. I would divorce, but.... I don't think I have the balls.

"Well... If neither of you aren't happy anymore, you should break up. You're son is big already isn't he? He can handle it."
"Well... yeah. He's 18, but... still."
"Oh fuck off with this shit Eric. My Lenny handled our divorce, which pretty much came out of nowhere.
Blake can handle yours! It's been coming and coming for years!" said Louis.
"I... I..."

"Well... doesn't matter. I hope one day you'll find the courage!"
"Yeah I hope I do. And I've made up my mind! I'm gonna shave it off." Eric said pointing at his hair.
"Now?" asked Tony.
"Let's go then!"

They left Aaron and Louis alone by the bar.
They went upstairs, back into the now empty, dark tattoo parlor.
Tony opened one of the drawers and took out some shaving cream, clippers and a razor. Then he led Eric to the bathroom.

They stood in front of a mirror, above the wash-basin.
"Why are you so nice and helpful?" asked Eric out of the sudden.
Tony laughed: "You both seem nice, plus I'd lie if I said you weren't hot. And you just seem in need of help. You know... to break free you could say. Now are you ready for the "upgrade"?"
"Yeah, let's do it."

Eric took off his shirt - revealing his nice physique, hairy chest, and a thick treasure trail, connecting his chest hair and pubes.
Tony took off Eric's extension, to reveal, that the top of his head was almost devoid of any hair - just a little bit in the middle, separating his bald spot - connected to his forehead and his other bald spot - in the back of his head.

He turned the clippers on and started shaving his hair.
Once his hair was cropped really short - leaving only a stubble, he took out the shaving cream, razor and shaved it off completely.
He then washed Eric's head.
Then dryed it, revealing Eric's now completely bald, shiny scalp.
"You look fucking hot!" Tony exclaimed.
"I guess I do! I look fucking hot! Thank you Tony!" said Eric, smiling at himself in the mirror.

"Now let's get back! Show your new look!" Tony laughed.
"Yeah." Eric said, turned around, revealing a clearly visible bulge in his pants.
"Wow! You're really enjoying your "transformation" aren't you?" Tony grinned.
Eric realised, how visible his bulge was and went really red with shame.
"Uhmm.... yeah... sorry 'bout that." he laughed nervously.
"Don't worry 'bout it! You look fucking hot! You have the right to get hard from it! If you weren't straight, I'd totally try to fuck you with your new look!"
Eric went red again.
"Fuck! You look good bud!" exclaimed Louis as soon as he saw Eric's new look.
Eric looked like he thought so as well, because his bulge was still heavily pronounced in his pants.
They drank again, laughing and joking.
Louis and Eric told Tony and Eric about their sons - Lenny, Louis' 19-year old, and Eric's 18 year old son Blake.
As the time (and beers) went by, the conversation turned to sex out of the sudden.

"I always wondered how it worked with you... you know... gay sex." Louis said and added: "You know... who is the giver and the reciever... do you switch or what? I'm just really curious."
"Well... depends on the people who fuck together. The one fucking is called a top and the one getting fucked is called a bottom. But it ain't that simple. For example: me and Tony are both what's called versatile, meaning we like fucking and getting fucked. Tony ends up on top more times than me though." Aaron was happy to explain.
"Got it! But why does Tony end up on top more times than you tho?"
"Well... he's got the bigger cock out of the two of us and a lot of times... I just think it's too good of a cock to waste." Aaron laughed.

Kev came around with an another round of beers.
"Hey... bartender!" said Eric a little drunkenly.
"Yeah?" Kev turned around.
"First of all..." Eric laughed like a drunk teen: "nice ass! And second of all: What's that tattoo peaking above your jockstrap?"
"You wanna see it?" asked Kev, eager to show it off.
"Uhm... yeah if you'd show it." Eric said.
With that, Kevin dropped his jockstrap to his knees, exposing his soft cock and his biohazard tattoo, which now rested right above his cock - where his now shaved pubes would be - the top "horns" poking above the jockstrap.
"Haha... you guys really don't shy around!" Eric laughed, looking at Kev's cock and continued: "Why that tattoo anyway?"
"Oh, that's a biohazard symbol." Tony explained.
"It means the guy who has it has HIV - he's poz."
"Oh... really? Did you get it by accident, or... willingly?"
Louis asked.
"Well... we all got it willingly... that's called bug chasing! I actually pozzed both of these studs!" Tony smirked.
"Really? Why?"
Tony explained, what was so sexy about the virus... at least for him. And then Aaron and Kev both added their versions.
"Fuck! Now that you explained it... I must admit it sounds... kinda hot!" Louis confessed.
"Oh does it? I wasn't expecting a pair of straight guys to get it!" Tony smiled.
"I was actually fantasizing about it ever since my wife left me... you know... gay sex." Louis confessed.
"Oh... really?"

"Yeah. You know... I don't get much sex nowadays and I'm just... just so horny! My cock is all hard for the fourth time just this evening! The first time was when I was gettimg my tattoo, the second one was when Eric showed up looking all hot with his shiny, bald head, the tgird time when the bartender showed us... well all of it and now that you've told your stories about the bug or whatever!"

"Well... why fantasize about it? You could try it right now! You're in a gay bar for fuck's sake!" Tony laughed.
"You're hot as fuck! For example I wouldn't be on offense if you asked me to fuck you!"
"You wouldn't?"
"No, not at all."
"Ok! Let's do it then!"
"Wait! What?" Eric looked Luois' way.
"Oh come on! Fuck it! I'm single now! After 12 years! I'm free to do whatever I want! Plus you got me really horned up with your look."
Louis said, as he put his hand on the back of Eric' shiny bald head and stroked it.
He took a breath and pulled his friend closer, into a deep kiss.
The kiss ended.
Eric looked deep into his friend's hungry eyes and said: "Ok. I'll propably just watch."
Tony and Aaron both smirked at each other.
This was gonna be a lot of fun.

"Kev? What time is it?"
"Half past two."
"Ok. Let's close up! We have some more work to do."
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