Administrators rawTOP Posted August 26, 2008 Administrators Report Posted August 26, 2008 The sound of deep, comfortable breathing whispered through Kyle Riverton's bedroom as he slept. Under his blankets, Kyle's pretty 6 inch penis throbbed softly in full erection. Every so often, a low, satisfied moan could be heard, bypassing Kyle's closed mouth and escaping through his nostrils. Kyle was having a dream. The dream was Kyle's favorite. In his mind, Kyle was rhythmically making love to his girlfriend of the past few months, Trina. He felt the same wonderful combination of pleasure and love which he always felt when he and Trina had sex in real life, only much amplified. But the dream suddenly began to change, unlike previous versions. Trina started pushing Kyle away, and he felt confused and sad. Kyle hesitantly rose and pulled up Trina, who walked away and then passed through a closed door, as if by magic. When she reappeared a moment later, a fantastic and bizarre matamorphisis had occured. A long, extremely thick erection bounced in front of her as Trina walked towards him. The cock looked exactly like Matt's, but with no accompanying testicles. Stirring in his sleep more restlessly than before, Kyle was both disturbed and excited by the images inside his head. The dream quickly shifted to a new scene. Trina was pounding Kyle's ass, expertly thrusting the large penis at her crotch into his rear. Kyle experienced no pain, only the wonderful feeling of being full and having his prostate massaged. Trina's long hair brushed lightly against Kyle's back as she plunged into him doggie style, and he pushed back to greet her. Kyle thought maybe he was in heaven until he felt Trina withdrawing. Annoyed, Kyle turned his head and looked behind himself and realized Trina wasn't withdrawing at all. She was being pulled back and up by Matt, who had a mean look on his face. His crotch, though not gory, was devoid of the mighty weapon that he was so proud of. Only two gigantic, hairy testicles were on display there. "Mmmm, mmm, uuuhh," Kyle muttered in his sleep, his body reacting to a rush of fear induced adrenaline. It wasn't enough. Kyle remained asleep, and helplessly watched as Matt somehow removed the phallus from Trina and attached it to the empty space between his loins. Trina didn't struggle and seemed to be in no pain as it happened. Restored, Matt lay on his back, looking straight at Kyle. With a crooked smile, he pointed his erection obscenely in Kyle's direction. As if some force were controlling his body, Kyle found himself walking towards Matt against his will. He straddled Matt's waist and slowly lowered himself onto Matt's reclaimed manhood. This time, there was pain. Trina's dark eyes glittered with rage as she watched Kyle rapidly fuck himself on Matt's engorged prick. Kyle looked at her helplessly as he squatted up and down in increasing rapidity. By the time she turned to leave, the real Kyle was tossing and turning in his sleep. Still he did not awaken. A great roar of laughter burst from Matt's mouth when she was gone, and finally the spell was broken. Pulling himself free, Kyle sprinted after Trina. But when he reached the door, all he saw was whiteness. The outside world was empty. Kyle, enraged, turned to face Matt and then issued a terrified, silent scream that hurt his entire body. Matt had been transformed, or maybe replaced. Looking dumbly into Kyle's eyes was the single most horrifying thing he had ever seen. The thing stood about nine feet tall and its massive bulk was covered in coarse, shaggy hair. It looked like some kind of profane human hybrid, but Kyle couldn't say with what other species. He saw features that reminded him of cattle, goats, felines, and wolves all at once. Kyle couldn't decide if it looked like something out of a Greek myth or the beast in Disney's 'Beauty and the Beast'. Most of all the thing looked demonic. Skin was visible through the dense hair only around the gnarled muscles of its chest and stomach. The skin was a sickeningly vivid shade of red, like a babboons ass. Long hairs grew more sparsely on the creature's ruddy face. Kyle could not look away from the small, golden eyes that peered at him with an expression of infinite stupidity. Below them was a huge, cowlike nose with flaring nostrils. From above, thick, gangly eyebrows partially obstructed the beast's view. Protruding from the creature's forehead were two thick, short horns the color of black shoe polish. The only attractive feature on the monster was its lips. They were thick, crimson, and sensuous. Suddenly the lips parted, and a surprisingly normal voice issued from them. "Now, Kyle," the creature said calmly, and looked down below it's rippled belly. From the thick fur at the beast's crotch, Kyle watched in apallation as an unearthly erection began to emerge. It crept upward and grew with alarming speed. When it had completed its ascent, Kyle shook like an epileptic. He desparately wanted to run, but his feet seemed paralyzed. The cock was impossibly huge, perhaps a foot and a half long. Glowing red, the cockhead was comparatively small, about the size of a large lemon. The grotesque phallus rapidly thickened from there, until it reached the circumferance of a litre bottle of cola for the last 10 inches. Covered in giant, non-oozing warts, the red monstrosity of a cock curved upwards like a scimitar. A stream of thick, greenish semen dangled from its tip. Still unable to move, Kyle could only watch in rising anxiety as the abberation seemed to glide towards him, despite its bulk. Kyle screamed, both in his dream and in reality, as the beast's yellow, pointed nails touched his naked hip and he felt hot, rotten breath on his back. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Jolted back into concsiousness, Kyle lay his hand over his chest. His heart thumped madly, and his sheets were soaked with perspiration. Unwilling to risk a repeat of the sickening nightmare, Kyle switched on his lamp and retrieved a book. He had no intention of sleeping ever again. ------------------------------------------------------- Kyle had experienced many nightmares over the past year. They had started shortly after his two forced sexual encounters with Matt. Usually the dreams were a replay of those rapes, except that there was always an observer watching in the nightmares. Sometimes the witness was a girl Kyle was attracted to, sometimes one of his buddies. The worst nightmare of all had been of Kyle's father watching with a cruel smile as Matt held him down and violated his ass. The nightmares had tapered off by the time Kyle started his first year at college, probably because he had other things on his mind. Josiah Riverton, Kyle's father, had chosen the college Kyle was to attend years before the boy graduated from high school. The school was moderately prestigious, but also somewhat obscure. Most of Kyle's friends had never heard of the place, and none of them had applied for entrance there. Consequently, Kyle found himself without a social life during his first semester of college. Quiet and shy, Kyle did not make friends easily, and he didn't get involved with extra curricular activities. Although Kyle enjoyed watching sports, he didn't have the competative instinct required for active participation. Thus, he didn't have many prospects for improving his lonely existence. Kyle's best and only friend during that time was his penis. When not attending classes or studying, Kyle mostly sat in his dorm room alone, watching TV or masturbating. He loved pleasuring himself, and spent hours jerking his cock and playing with his ass. Nightmares hadn't been the only result of Matt's rapes. Kyle had been shocked after the second violation when his cock had grown hard as he cleaned his dripping hole. Face pink with shame, Kyle had explored his gaping anus with two fingers, gasping lightly each time he touched his own prostate gland. Then, summoning all of his willpower, Kyle had removed the fingers and turned his mind away from sex. To his great relief, his erection soon wilted. Unfortunately, during Kyle's usual wank session the next evening, he had felt an unmistakable tingling deep inside of his butt. Kyle managed to resist the temptation to finger it that evening, but after a week of similar experiences, Kyle gave in. Thereafter, he frequently fingered himself as he masturbated, and his orgasms were always more intense when he did so. At college, Kyle had a lot more privacy than formerly, and so was able to masturbate with much greater frequency. One night while jerking his cock and working a finger up his chute, an idea sprouted in Kyle's mind. He had lately grown a little bored with his one handed, one fingered sex life. Getting up, he began a frantic search through his tiny, messy dorm room. Then, pausing, Kyle turned and opened his closet door. There, below his hanging shirts, was a box full of odds and ends that his mother had packed. Rumaging wildy through the junk, Kyle found what his was looking for near the bottom. Triumphantly pulling out a white candle, Kyle looked at it for a moment and then took it with him back to his bed. The candle was double the width of Kyle's index finger, and much longer. Wiping it with his own saliva, Kyle raised his legs and pushed the utilitarian object into his rectum. He loved the feel of it inside him, and began to work the candle in and out of his hole as he stroked his cock. Disembodied images of large breasts and furry vaginas danced through his head as he manipulated himself to a powerful climax. From that day on, the candle became a regular part of Kyle's sex life. He began using hand lotion to lubricate the thing, and that made it even nicer. Kyle always had intense ejaculations when the candle was working inside him, although he never came without touching himself as he did when Matt had taken him the second time. Content to pleasure himself with his waxen toy, Kyle never entertained the notion of getting fucked again by a real, fleshy penis and never thought about men as he played with himself. He soon became comfortable in his mind with the fact that he enjoyed being penetrated, and it didn't cause him undo stress. It became a daily ritual. Anothe daily routine was spending a few hours each evening studying at the campus library. Although on his own and without roomates, Kyle found that he was less susceptible to a certain type of distraction when he studied in public. Usually, Kyle read in the main study room, but on this particular night he was pouring over some dusty old psychology volumes on the less frequented fourth floor. After an hour and a half of deep concentration, Kyle's became aware of an increasing pressure in his stomach. He left his books on the old wooden mini desk and went in search of the facilities. He eventually found a door labelled 'Men' and entered into a small, rather squalid restroom. Kyle rushed to the nearest stall of two, quickly pulled down his pants, and let nature take its coarse. Midway through his bowel movement, Kyle noticed that there was a hole the size of a pepsi can bored into the wall dividing the two stalls. Looking more closely, Kyle noticed writing on the dingy walls of the cubicle. Some notes were scribbled in shaky ball point pen, others scratched into the hard plastic. He also noticed faint and broken lines where other writing had been mostly eliminated. After he had cleaned up, Kyle leaned over and read some of the notes. One message said, 'Big, uncut cock needs servicing, lunch hour.' Another read, 'Talented sucker, 3-6 tuesdays. Tap 3 times if you want excellent head. Stick it thru if you hear 2 taps in response.' But the message that really turned Kyle on was, 'love to plow a hot ass, 7 pm, try again if no luck.' Near to this last scribble was a remarkably good drawing in pencil of a huge erection in the act of exaggerated ejaculation. Kyle was growing increasingly horny, but a sense of fear also swept through him. He quickly buttoned up and exited the john. Forsaking his studies, Kyle instead rushed home and furiously jerked his cock while pummeling his anus with his trusty candle. But, try as he might, Kyle could not forget about the dirty restroom. The idea of having his ass fucked by some anonymous stranger whom he would never have to look at seemed too perfect for Kyle to dismiss. The following evening, nervous and needy, Kyle had returned to the graffiti covered stall. He sat for a few minutes with his pants up re-examining the scrawled words. Around 7:15, Kyle began to feel bored and was about to make his exit when he heard the mensroom door squeek open. His heart pounded in his chest as heavy footsteps came nearer and nearer. By the time the door to the neighboring stall had been pulled open, Kyle thought he might have a heart attack. Nothing happened for a couple of minutes, and Kyle's heartbeat slowed down to a more normal rate. Kyle assumed that the other person had only come to take a shit, but his heart jumped again in his chest when he heard 3 distinctive taps. Although almost paralyzed with fear, Kyle tapped twice in response. He wasn't sure it was the correct code, but Kyle was curious to see what would happen. There was some noise from the other side of the wall, some movement there. Kyle stood and moved closer to the waist level hole. Again, he heard 3 taps, and again Kyle tapped twice. This procedure was repeated once more before Kyle heard the distinctive noise of a belt being unbuckled. Unable to move, his eyes glued to the hole, Kyle waited. A moment later a pink, circumsized erection was pushed partially through the smooth opening. It looked to be 6 inches long, and was much thicker than Kyle's precious candle. Kyle wondered why the man didn't push his cock all the way through, but he figured it must be some strange bathroom sex etiquette. A powerful lust spurred Kyle into immediate, though inexperienced, action. He spit into his hand and then wrapped it around the pulsating member. The cock was silky smooth and hot to the touch. After a few lubricating strokes, Kyle began to undo his trousers and almost tripped over them when they were pooled around his ankles. Shuffling clumsily, Kyle turned sideways in the stall and bent over. He placed the palms of his hands against the opposite wall for support. Then he maneuvered his legs backward until he felt the anonymous erection poke against his left asscheek. Again, Kyle spit into his hand and worked the saliva up his tight hole. He adjusted his position slightly, pulled his buttcheeks apart, and began to back onto the iron hard prick. "Uhhhhh", Kyle moaned as his anal walls slid over the stranger's dick until his asscheeks were flattened against the cold partition. He knew he had to be quiet, but he couldn't help groaning at the painful stretching. The guy on the other side remained still as Kyle's insides adjusted to the intruder, and Kyle was grateful. After a few moments, he began to move back and forth along the shaft, masturbating his stiff penis slowly to avoid a premature ejaculation. The stranger responded immediately when he felt Kyle's movement. Although the position was awkward, the man began vigorously thrusting his cock into Kyle's warm passage. Kyle grunted as his prostate was stimulated to a degree beyond the power of his magic candle. Unable to stop himself, Kyle began jacking his cock wildly, knowing that he wouldn't last long and not caring. The cock inside him pistoned through his sphincter, sending shivers of pleasure through the middle part of Kyle's body. "Grrrrraaaahhhh", Kyle heard from the other side of the partition 3 minutes later and realized the guy must be coming. Kyle slammed his ass all the way back onto the exposed part of the ejaculating cock, and unleashed his own load onto the grimy linoleum below. The other man yanked his cock out midway into Kyle's ejaculation with a violence that increased the intensity of Kyle's orgasm. Seconds after the last shot had been discharged, Kyle grabbed some toilet paper and wiped off his ass and cock. He quickly stuffed his still hard penis into his briefs and pulled up his pants. Kyle was anxious to be out of there, but he wanted to be sure he wouldn't be seen by the other guy. Leaning down, Kyle was disappointed to see two brown boots below levi covered legs spread in front of the toilet. Unsure of what to do, Kyle sat down and waited, hoping to hear the stranger leave. Kyle assumed the guy was another horny college student, but he really didn't want to know. His only interest had been in the pink erection that had so recently fucked his ass. Kyle leaned down again, and saw that the man was still in the same position. Reasoning that the dude was probably taking a dump, Kyle gathered his courage and pushed open the stall door. At that instant, the neighboring door flew open, and Kyle stood face to face with the man that had just ridden his ass. Blood rushed to Kyle's head and he thought he might pass out from mortification. Kyle understood instantly why the man hadn't pushed his cock all the way through the hole. It hadn't been possible. "Oh dear Jesus, I just got fucked by Santa Claus," was the first rational thought that popped into Kyle's mind. The man in front of him indeed bore a striking resemblance to old Saint Nick, despite having a distinctly un-Clauslike deep tan. He was perhaps an inch shorter than Kyle, but much, much wider. His belly preceded him by well over a foot, bulging over his more narrow waist. Though not quite as bushy, the man's beard, mustache, and eyebrows were white and pure Santa. Otherwise, he appeared to be quite robust, with big muscular arms and a barrel chest. Gasping for air, Kyle ran like a madman from the restroom after noticing Santa's shrewd blue eyes roaming over his body. Thoughts of suicide soon entered the dangerous mix of emotions in Kyle's head, and they didn't disappear when he got back to his dorm. Hyperventilating, Kyle threw himself onto his bed and allowed his tears to fall. His body shook with each deep sob. Ten minutes later, a calmer Kyle sat up on his bed and wiped the wetness from his cheeks. "Oh my god, I got porked by fucking Santa!" Kyle said loudly, then burst into laughter. It was the only way his mind could cope. Back at the library, only outside of it this time, William Rollins licked his lips in rememberance as he studied the herbiage growing in the library's courtyard. Old Rolly, as his friends called him (those that didn't call him Santa behind his back), wasn't showing his usual concentation over the plants. His mind kept wandering back to the adorable brown haired boy that he had screwed less than half an hour before. He licked his pudgy lips in remembrance of the terrified, doe-like brown eyes and the round, retreating ass. Strangers might have paused with concern at the sight of the odd, rotund man inspecting the campus plants, but most people at the college knew and liked Rolly. He was the head groundskeeper on campus, and the beauty all around testified to Rolly's competence. Not as a groundskeeper, Rolly rarely lifted a finger nowadays, but as someone that was good at giving orders. The real work was done by Rolly's underlings, almost all of whom were handsome young men. Ocassionally, Rolly hired a young woman, but he only did so as an act of self preservation. Ironically, it was the young women that lasted the longest in old Rolly's employ, because he mostly left them alone. The young men had a much rougher time, having their work minutely inspected and constantly criticized by the portly man. Rolly enjoyed nothing better than barking commands at frightened looking young men, and watching them scurry off to obey. A couple of librarians had thought it odd that Rolly should ocassionally visit the library, especially at night. But they were never unduly concerned. After all, Rolly was about the jolliest, most friendly man they had ever met, and he had been with the college a very long time. Only certain athletic male employees were not deceived by Rolly's seemingly constant good humor. Easily surviving a couple of rather nasty student complaints in years past, Rolly pretty much had free reign of the campus. Nearly a month had passed before Rolly spotted the gorgeous brunette kid again. He had kept his eyes peeled for the boy, but wasn't too surprised that the kid didn't return to the library restroom. So when Rolly spotted Kyle walking in his direction one evening near the campus square, he had no intention of missing his opportunity. Kyle turned quickly when he noticed Santa walking his way across the bricks of the campus square, and picked up his pace. "Hey kid, wait up," came the man's hearty voice. It was merry, and surprisingly melodious. Kyle stopped a moment with indecision, and that's all it took for the deceptively spry Rolly to overtake him. Kyle looked at his shoes as Rolly spoke to him. "Where ya been lately, kid?" he asked in a good natured voice, "I was kinda hoping to run into you again." "Uh, been busy lately, schoolwork," replied Kyle, his voice muted. "Well, looks like you're done now." "Uh, yeah." "Why don't we go hang out at your place for a while. You live on campus?" "Yeah, um, no." "Which one, kid?" "I live on campus, but I don't want to hang out." Rolly turned his head right and then left, checking to see if anyone was around. He saw no one else. "Look kid, I'm gonna make this simple," he started, in his mind working up a huge line of bull shit to feed to the kid, "you must be new here because you don't seem to know who I am. I'm gonna tell ya. I am Bill Rollins, head of campus security. I happen to have in my posession a certain videotape filmed from a surveilance camera in a certain stall in a certain restroom in the library. Seems that some illegal activities have been happening there. I've had to call the cops a couple of times. Are you getting my meaning?" Kyle looked at the man uncertainly for a moment before responding, "I don't believe you." Santa whipped out his wallet, and displayed a faked campus identication, watching as Kyle's eyes widened. He had persuaded Ms. Mills in admissions to make it as part of a faculty practical joke years ago, and Rolly had always suspected that the ID might be of further use. "Bbbut, Wouldn't the tape show you too?" asked Kyle, faltering. "Course not, there are two cameras, one for each stall. Neither of em catches anything from the next stall." "Uh no, that can't be legal," responded Kyle, but not really sure. Sick of waiting, the mask of Rolly's false good humor evaporated instantly. "Look, punk," he growled, menacingly, "you're fucked one way or the other." He grabbed Kyle's arm and gave a painful squeeze, then began dragging Kyle along with him. "Where do you live, fuckwad?" said Rolly. Terrified, Kyle spat out involuntarily, "Larsen Hall." Kyle, unsure of what to do, followed the domineering man to his dorm, enormously relieved to find the communal passageways deserted. Trembling, he unlocked and opened his door, then fell as Rolly pushed him inside. "Get naked and get on your knees, fag!" Rolly barked after the door slammed shut. Tears sprang from Kyle's eyes. A part of him knew that Rolly was full of shit, but another part of him was still scared. The nasty, hateful look in the man's cold blue eyes spurred Kyle into a sort of helpless submission. He knew Rolly could and would make his life on campus a living hell if Kyle didn't do as he was told. Smiling, Rolly drank in the sight of the naked and shivering teen. Kyle's beauty filled him with both envy and lust. He quickly pulled off his own clothes, and was angered by the obvious look of disgust in Kyle's eyes. "I said on your knees, piss ant!" screamed Rolly. Kyle dropped to his knees immediately and looked at Rolly's naked form. In contrast to his deeply tanned face and arms, Rolly's hefty torso was as white as a frog's belly. Only a few hairs grew on his well developed chest, and they were as white as his beard. Peaking below the protruding belly, Kyle noticed that the trim pubic bush was also snowy white. The patch of hair looked ridiculously small below the immensity of Rolly's middle. "Hands on the ground, kid, and stick out your tongue!" Rolly demanded. When Kyle complied, Rolly turned around and spread his large ass. Kyle gagged in revulsion as his face was covered by the fat but also muscular cheeks. "Lick my hole, kid," came Rolly's voice, now husky but no less commanding. Kyle stuck out his tongue and repressed his rising gorge. His face was surrounded by flesh, and the stagnant, musky smell was awful. Somehow, Kyle's tongue found the tiny hole in the center of the man's big ass and he began licking it. Rolly grunted in pleasure as Kyle poked his tongue into the clammy anus. Tears poured down Kyle's pink cheeks. After a couple of minutes, Santa pulled his butt off of Kyle's face and positioned his pink erection at Kyle's hole. The cock looked much larger than it had peeking through the gloryhole, as Rolly's belly had prevented its full length from emerging. Kyle yelped as Rolly rammed the spit soaked erection into his puckered anus in one brutal shove. Unlike the previous encounter, Rolly didn't give Kyle a chance to adjust to his size. He proceeded to fuck Kyle's ass like a crazed rabbit, his big gut casting a shadow over much of Kyle's muscled back. Rolly's fingers dug painfully into Kyle's narrow hips, holding the young man still for the pounding fuck. Kyle felt an overwhelming sense of self disgust as his cock hardened. The frenzied pace of the thrusts over his prostate was too much, and Kyle's penis inevitably responded to the stimulation. He knew that stroking his cock would take his mind off of the pain, and 30 seconds after he began his penis fired powerful blasts of semen onto the carpet as Rolly's dick drilled almost mechanically into his anus. A minute later, Rolly pressed his great belly against Kyle's back and wrapped his beefy arms around Kyle's chest. "Oh, OH, OHH, OHHHHHH SHIT!" Rolly bellowed as his seed spewed deep into Kyle's now sloppy hole. After Rolly had withdrawn his wilted penis, Kyle began to stand. "Stay on your knees, faggot!" Rolly roared, and Kyle dropped back down. He remained that way as old Rolly dressed, and didn't get up until the Santa look alike had departed. An unbearable depression overcame Kyle after Rolly had gone, and he truly felt his life was no longer worth living. Although he had pondered suicide briefly after his first encounter with Rolly, Kyle now began making real plans. Never previously interested in the subject, Kyle wanted to find the easiest and most pain free method of killing himself. He didn't want to experience any more suffering than necessary. Kyle had even gone so far as to write a suicide note, and he meant to perfect it until he found just the right words. But the epitaph was second on Kyle's list to finding the right method. Skipping classes the next day, Kyle went straight to the library after he had gotten up and began to research. Along with psychology books, the 4th floor of the library also contained medical texts. Uncomfortable being so near to where he'd first met Rolly, Kyle was a little nervous as he searched the shelves for the book that he thought might help him. Finding the right row, Kyle scanned the numbers on each label and felt a sense of panic rising within himself when he realized the book was missing. "Where IS IT?" he asked aloud, his voice growing more hysterical with each word. "Can I help you find something?" a kind, gentle voice answered. Kyle, on edge to begin with, nearly jumped out of his skin when he realized he wasn't alone. He was on the verge of tears when he turned to face the source of the voice. "Uh, uh, I'm sorry, didn't know anyone else was here," Kyle said with embarrassment. Like a dumbstruck idiot, Kyle stared at the young woman on the other end of the small aisle. She was one of the most beautiful girls he had ever seen, and Kyle almost immediately felt a renewed interest in life. "Sorry if I startled you," giggled the girl, "I have a bad habit of sneaking up on people." "It's totally cool," replied Kyle, too eagerly. "Which book were you looking for?" asked the girl, "I do work here, you know." "Uh, um, I can't remember," Kyle responded lamely, still staring. The young woman laughed again, and she seemed even more vital and pretty. Kyle couldn't take his eyes off of her hair, a great mane of auburn curls, startling in contrast to her flawless porcelain skin. "Are you alright? You seem sort of out of it." "Uh, yeah, I'm fine. It's just that, oh, I'm really sorry," said Kyle, finally getting ahold of himself. "Don't be sorry," answered the girl, in a friendly tone. "I'm Trina." A long, thin hand was extended to Kyle. It was as white and graceful as a dove. A chill passed through him as Kyle shook it, and he was again struck speechless. He held her hand for just a moment too long, and Trina pulled it back. "Well, if I can help you, let me know," she said abruptly, feeling slightly uncomfortable. "Wwwait!" Kyle spluttered, "would, I mean, can I take you to dinner sometime? I know I'm doing this all wrong, but.....well, would you consider it?" Trina looked into Kyle's warm brown eyes for a moment. They were filled with earnesty and desire. Although the boy clearly lacked social skills, he seemed sweet and he was definitely cute. "Well, I guess that would be alright," said Trina, making a decision, "where will we go?" "Um, I am not sure yet," responded Kyle ineptly, "but I will find somewhere great. Can I get your phone number, or would you prefer to call me?" "I would feel better if I were the one to call," said Trina, "but I definitely will call. What time is good?" "Any time!" said Kyle, excitedly, "I mean, I'm home after classes at 4. Here, I'll write down my number. Do you have a pencil?" "Duh," laughed Trina, and retrieved the one buried in the thick curls above her ear. Kyle laughed sheepishly, his cheeks growing pink. Trina was becoming more attracted to him by the second, and she knew she would actually call the young man. In fact, she called him later that same evening and Kyle did indeed find a wonderful little cafe, with excellent food. They had a natural rapport from the beginning, and their relationship developed rapidly. After two weeks, they spent just about every free hour together and decided to not see other people. Although Trina was concerned about Kyle's seeming isolation, she understood how it had happened, and sympathized. Kyle grew more confident and outgoing after meeting Trina, and his sex life became better because it was now shared. He did still sometimes feel that strange itch inside of his ass, but with Trina he could ignore it. About a month after Trina and Kyle began dating, they passed Rolly while strolling hand in hand across the campus. Rolly was surprised and angered to see the change that had taken place in Kyle. He stared hard at the young man as he passed, but Kyle seemed to look right through him, as if he couldn't be bothered. Trina, who Rolly recognized from the library, waved at him cheerily. The older man turned and watched them after they had passed, and was pleased to see Kyle turn back and look at him as his girlfriend continued to chatter. Santa's eyes narrowed into angry, malignant slits as Kyle popped his middle finger at him and then jabbed it into the air. Then he turned his handsome head back to his girlfriend, and resumed listening to her words. After that, Kyle forgot all about Santa Claus. He also forgot about suicide, and, for a while, Matt.
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